Optimization, little by little optimization, Chu Yi watched his energy value decrease little by little.

There are too many cancer cells in Han Ying's body. Chu Yi thinks it's a miracle that she can live to the present.

This process lasted three hours.

Maybe Fang Ru wants to give Chu Yi and Han Ying time to be alone, so they never appear again, which also gives Chu Yi a quiet environment.

"It's finally optimized, but the effect doesn't seem to be very good." Chu Yi took a look, and his energy value was only 11 points.

All of a sudden, Chu Yi felt insecure. This kind of feeling is good. He only has 11 yuan left in his pocket, and he has to return to Dongji village from Beijing.

Moreover, the effect of optimization has not reached the expected effect of Chu Yi.

He started to optimize from the cancer cells in the brain. Normally, after three hours, people should wake up. But there is no sign at all.

"It seems that we need to carry out the second and the third optimization." Chu Yi said to himself, intending to absorb some energy.

Although there are several tunas in his dark water, he is not willing to convert them into energy.

Before leaving the ward, Chu Yi specially examined Han Ying's pulse.

"Eh, it's much more powerful than before. It seems that the effect is not bad, but it doesn't wake up as I imagined." Chu Yi said something unexpected, then stood up and left the ward.

Outside the ward, Chu Yi sees Han Ying's mother Fang Ru.

"Auntie, I'll go out and maybe come back later." After Chu Yi and Fang Ru said a word, they left the hospital.

When he came, he didn't bring silver needles, so he took this opportunity to buy some silver needles.

Now that we have said that we need to treat Han Ying, we must have a way of treating her. Today Fang Ru will let herself stay alone, but tomorrow is not necessarily.

After leaving the hospital, Chu Yi bought a set of silver needles in the traditional Chinese medicine store, and then inquired about the seafood trade market.

Only in the seafood market can there be enough seafood.

After hearing about it, Chu Yi went straight to the seafood market.

The seafood market has been busy, cars in and out, constantly moving seafood out, or moving to the car.

Chu Yi went around the seafood market, looking left and right, but he didn't touch the seafood.

After all, absorbing their energy after leaving the ocean will kill them.

Chu Yi can't sweep open to absorb energy, so it can only absorb a little bit.

Although this is a waste of time, it can reduce the loss of those vendors.

Chuyi stayed there until the next morning, not that he didn't want to stay, but that some people began to doubt him. After all, he has been walking around since yesterday, and he hasn't stopped in the middle of the night.

After such a long time, he naturally gained a lot. He earned 47 energy points in total. With the previous 11 points, he now has 58 energy points, which can make him feel a little relieved.

Chu Yi, who didn't sleep all night, took a taxi and went back to the hospital.

When Fang Ru saw Chu Yi again, she was a little surprised. She originally thought that Chu Yi just walked away and didn't even say hello.

"I'm sorry, auntie. I met an old friend when I went out yesterday, and talked about Han Ying's illness with him. After a night's discussion, I finally found a better way." Chu Yi explained a sentence, otherwise have no way to explain oneself this night all went where.

After all, he asked her to give Han Ying another three days and give her three days. But he disappeared for nearly a day, how can this be said in the past.

Fang Ru sees Chu Yi and talks about treating his daughter's illness. She takes a look at Chu Yi and says, "what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to use an acupuncture technique passed down by my family, but there are some risks. I hope I can get your approval." Chu Yi casually broke off a sentence, what family acupuncture, just used to hide people's ears and eyes.

"Anyway, it's all like this. What else can't we try. You just try, no matter the result, if, aunt will thank you. Yinger has been ill for such a long time, and no one has visited her in the past six months. It's the same when she's gone. " With that, Fang Ru began to cry again.

After comforting for a while, Chu Yi goes to Han Ying's bedside.

Fang Ru also stood aside, as if to see how Chu Yi treated her daughter.

"Offended." With that, Chu Yi takes a look at Fang Ru and unties the buttons of Han Ying's clothes.

Han Ying's body has not much meat, and a long time in bed also led to her muscle relaxation, feel only a layer of skin covering her skeleton, looks a bit terrible.

Chu Yi is not moved. He grabs the silver needle and stabs it at Han Ying.

He didn't just prick the needle, but in the process of pricking the needle, he played Haohui twelve style.

After each hit, Chu Yi stabbed Han Ying with a needle.

This kind of action seems strange to Fang Ru, but she doesn't dare to interrupt Chu Yi.

What if, what if it really works for your daughter?

After finishing the action he could play, Chu Yi put it away.

"All right?" Fang Ru takes a look at Chu Yi.


"Ma..." a weak voice suddenly spread to Fang Ru's ear.

"Yingying, you wake up, you really wake up?" Fang Ru bends down excitedly and pastes her palm on Han Ying's emaciated face.

"Mom, am I still alive?" Han Ying thought that she would never see her mother again. She did not expect that she could open her eyes again.

"Live, live well, it's Chu Yi, it's Chu Yi who wakes you up." Fang Ru excitedly holds Han Ying's hand and looks at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi?

Han Ying turns her head and looks at Chu Yi standing by the bed.

Memory, all of a sudden gushed out.

"You, how did you get here?" Han Ying can't believe that she can see Chu Yi again.

"It was only through a friend that I learned that when you were in Shanghai, his teacher was your attending doctor. I just didn't expect that when I got to Shanghai, you would come here. " Chu Yi explained a sentence, he didn't expect that Han Ying would wake up at this time.

Can't it be that the "energy" generated by Haohui's twelve movements can lead to Han Ying's body, and it really has a miraculous effect?

Before Chu Yi felt that Haohui's twelve movements contained mysterious power, which could make him energetic. He could have no rest for a few days, so he wanted to let Han Ying's body absorb some of that power.

I just didn't expect to wake her up.

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