LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 140: Leng Yan Jian Soul 37

Ling Shen said, he called the doctor to come over, and began to carefully handle the wound on Ling Xiaoyu's arm.

Unlike the worry on Ling Shen, Ling Xiaoyu is expressionless, as if the wound on his arm did not bring him any pain at all.

"Nothing." In the face of Ling Shen's groaning, he frowned and interrupted.

Ling Shen knows that Sanye likes to be quiet, and most of the time he is abandoning himself and more nonsense.

But he is really worried.

"You can't always cut yourself a knife, is it..."

Ling Shen suddenly did not speak.

Previously, only Miss Frost had come to the study, and only Miss Frost, may have the strength to hurt Sanye.

Ling Xiaoyu's faint opening: "I am annoyed with her, this sword is not awkward."

Ling Shen: "..."

He carefully watched his three masters: "What have you done?"

Ling Xiaoyu gave him a look, Ling Shen thought that the three masters would not say, did not expect him to speak:

"I said that I like her, hugged her and kissed her."

His tone is plain, just like discussing what to eat for lunch.

Ling Shen: "..."

Suddenly I felt that Miss Frost only cut the three masters and one sword, which is quite gentle.

"Miss Frost is not happy?"

Ling Shen actually knew the answer in his heart.

If you are willing, can you give back to Sanye with a sword?

Ling Xiaoyu frowned. "She doesn't seem to like me."

Ling Shenxin raised it.

The thing he worried most about happened.

People like Sanye and Miss Frost, if they are not willing to do something, no one can force it.

Especially the feelings.

And once you have identified something, it is not easy to let them let go.

For example, Sanye.

After so many years, I was finally tempted by one person.

With Ling Shen’s understanding of Sanye, let him let go of it, impossible!

But a woman like Miss Frost...

If she really doesn't like Sanye, even if she is as beautiful as a god, even if she is powerful, even if she is rich, she can be enemies.

She still won't be with him.

Two of the same powerful people have come together. The most terrible situation is that there is no consensus.

Ling Shen only feels very good.

what should we do?

Ling Xiaoyu did not have such concerns at all.

"I won't give up," he said faintly.

When I heard the words of Sanye, Ling Shen suddenly settled down.

Also, what is the relationship between the two of them, he is an outsider, what is his heart?

The doctor walked in, and he retired and looked at the doctor to treat the wound.

"Sanye, this..." The doctor looked at Ling Xiaoyu with some embarrassment.

"There is something to say." Ling Xiaoyu whispered.

Probably the third grandfather was too heavy, and the doctor couldn't help but say a word, and said carefully: "You seem to have a problem with this wound. No medicine does not work at all, and blood can't stop. ”

Ling Xiaoyu was silent, and suddenly remembered the scene of the goddess with a superb sword hanging around the cold-eyed woman.

It’s like the swordsman in the rumor.

It’s quite...


He returned to God and said to the doctor: "I know, go on."

Ling Shen was in a hurry: "How can I let the doctor go?"

If the blood does not stop, even if the three masters are so strong, it is very dangerous.

Ling Xiaoyu glanced at him and succeeded in closing his mouth.

When the doctor left, Ling Shen suddenly blessed the soul: "I am going to ask Miss Frost to come over!"

The bell is replaced by a bell.

Ling Xiaoyu stood up and stood up: "No, I am going to find her."


It is quite tangled to write and change.

Can you still be together? ╭(╯^╰)╮

These two days of collection and recommendation tickets mad, what happened %>_<% crying

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