LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 144: Leng Yan Jian Soul 41

The Ling family was attacked in the middle of the night.

Everyone is caught off guard.

Because no one has ever dared to do such a thing in the heavily guarded Lingjia House.

The coming person seems to be holding the broken heart of the fish, and does not care about his life and death, even the body is tied with explosives.

When he fell in love for the first time, he did not hesitate and stayed.

Because she knows that once she keeps her hands, more people will be hurt.

But it is still a slow step.

The man with a mad face looked at her with a smile, and the fire surrounded the line of sight.

I am thinking that I will not die.

Frost and Sword is forged from the outer scorpion iron, and the world is just as strong as it is.

The power of the explosives may hurt her, but not to die.

But even more surprising is that she did not feel the pain.

There was a generous embrace that hugged her and wrapped her relatively slender figure tightly.


When I fell to the ground, my whole thoughts were delayed.

Until there was a messy footstep, the cries of worrying panic awakened her mind.

She hurriedly turned her head and a warm liquid fell on her face.

That is the blood of the man who is protecting her.

Suddenly, the whole person shook.

She opened her mouth and said to the man who was still calmly watching herself, shaking and shaking: "How are you so stupid?"

Ling Xiaoyu did not care to drop his eyes: "If you can't protect you at this time, what qualification do I have to say like you?"

Love and red eyes did not speak.

Then, soon there were all kinds of people running over, carefully lifting the people, and then checking the body for Ling Yuyu, began to stop bleeding, emergency treatment.

There are no scars on the body, and the little things that fly out of the explosion are not able to cause any harm on her body.

She stood quietly, watching the man's face white, his eyes seem to sleepy.

He clearly knows that he is not an ordinary person. The power of a bomb does not necessarily cause much harm to himself, but he can still rush to it.

Standing in love, it falls into the eyes of others but it looks like a lost soul.

Ling Shen looked at her like this, sighed and deliberately walked up to her: "Miss Frost, you don't have to be sad."

He looked at the three grandfather who was lying down and said: "Sanye has never been impulsive and will not regret it."

"Even if he comes again, he will probably make the same choice."

"And, the situation is not necessarily that bad."

I didn't know how to listen to his comfort. I just nodded lightly and still didn't speak.

Ling Shen sees her like this, and will not say more.

A few doctors over there are talking down and talking about something.

When I walked over, I quickly got the answer: Although the wounds on Ling Sanye seem serious, they are all traumatic. As long as they are well-fed, there is no problem.

Many people have a relaxed smile on their faces, only love does not speak.

She can detect that Ling Xiaoyu's state at this moment is very unstable. Those violent energy that was originally lurking in his body, only regular attacks, as if they were stimulated, suddenly broke out.

very dangerous.

This is the feeling that Ling Xiaoyu brings to this time.

She took a deep breath and went to Ling Shen to say a few words.

Ling Shen was shocked, and looked carefully at the eyes of Sanye, who seemed to be closing his eyes, and his face was dignified.


Sanye: I am injured and need to be treated by Miss Sister.

Love: [Suddenly blush! 】

On the last day of the week, I will ask for a ticket.

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