LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 146: Leng Yan Jian Soul 43

Ling Xiaoyu felt that looking at the familiar figure in front of him, the uncontrollable incitement in his body seemed to be quiet.

He worked hard to open his eyes and wanted to see people clearly, but found that it was just futile.

"You shouldn't stay," he said coldly.

"I am like this now, it is best to stay away from me."

Love did not speak, just walked a little closer.

Ling Xiaoyu breathed again and rushed.

His physical instinct began to guard and wanted to attack this person who broke into his field.

But the little reason left is suppressing this instinct.

Then, a slightly soft, soft hand held his palm.

This feeling is very comfortable, he could not help but regain the past.

The hand seemed to be stiff, and then slowly softened, seeming to compromise his behavior.

The familiar cold energy is introduced into his body.

This feeling Ling Xiaoyu does not feel strange, because in the past every energy riot in the body, it is this energy, gentle into his body, leading the export of the violent energy smooth.

But this time...

Love frowned.

It is much more serious than before.

Her strength has just entered Ling Xiaoyu's body, and she will be shattered by the violent energy in her body.

There is no way to sort out the guidance.

Moreover, such a process is not a problem for those who love themselves, but for Ling Xiaoyu, it is tantamount to a big torture.

She frowned and retreated.

Ling Xiaoyu naturally felt it, and he whispered: "You can't do anything..."

This sentence has not been finished yet. He suddenly changed his mind and reached out and quickly pushed his heart.

At the same time, his other hand seemed to be out of control, and he slammed into the cabinet at the bedside.

Can't help it...

Want to destroy.

Want to destroy.

Everything in front of me.

Ling Yuyu bit his own tongue, and then he waved his hand and smashed it toward his head.

If he wants to become a person who can't even control himself, or even hurt those who like him, he would rather not live.

The speed at which the fist flies toward the key is not hesitant, with a reckless vigor -

But it was stopped by one hand halfway.

Ling Yuyu squinted.

He can't see clearly. There is only one blood red in the world before him, which stimulates his nerves and screams to destroy everything.

His remaining reason tells the person in front of him that he should cherish, but the limbs are attacked uncontrollably.

Then the attack was stopped.

The lips are coming up with a cool shower.

His movements froze like that.

He closed his eyes and let go of his hands and gently hugged his shoulders.

"I believe in you, Sanye, you won't hurt me." She said softly against his lips.

Ling Xiaoyu stood so straight, feeling the breath of the gentleman crossing the tip of his nose.

I don't know when it started, the instinct replaced everything.

His reason is still frenzied, but it seems to find another channel for venting.

Love was suppressed. It was on the half of the collapsed bed.

The movements of the person are very urgent, with the patience and the excitement of locking the prey.

Fortunately this bed is soft enough.

When she was confused, what she actually thought was this thing.


Cough, my mother is sitting next to me, it is a little nervous.

Please ask for the last ticket of this week. If you have the grain, remember to feed it. Don't waste it~

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