LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 154: Leng Yan Jian Soul 53

She sat up, soft, silky quilt falling from her body, and her nightgown was scattered because of a night's sleep, revealing a large piece of snowy white skin, a little cyan red.

The young couple who tasted the first taste. The young couple who want to taste each other are not tired of exploring each other's body, and they will not have a good sleep.

"Woke up?"

The man who opened the door wore a bib, which was very uncomfortable with his chilly temperament. People looked at it with a feeling of wanting to laugh.

However, Ling Xiaoyu's gaze began to soften at the moment he fell on his love.

"Go wash and change clothes, I will give you juice."

Love the juice alone, and Ling Xiaoyu will squeeze a cup for her after she gets up.

Loved and nodded, went into the bathroom.

She took off her robes and revealed a perfect body.

The ratio is perfect and the skin is white.

This is a very attractive female body.

But in the next moment, the right hand of the body, from the wrist to the shoulder, gradually began to appear bright and dense, such as the gossamer bright red blood.

No blood flows out, and it looks like the whole skin is broken.

Such scars, no matter who they look at, will feel quite painful.

But the love is like not seeing it, if you have nothing to do with the daily clothes.

At the moment she walked out of the bathroom, the wound on her arm was restored at the same time, and nothing was wrong.

There are already men waiting for her at the table.

Sitting down, the food is already ready to be considerate.

The man who looked at the man in front of him, thinking in his heart, probably the most beautiful day in the world.

There is a man like Ling Yuyu who loves her, spoils her, and unconditionally indulges her.

Ling Yuyu turned his index finger and gently knocked twice on the table: "Did, you have not had breakfast."

Although it was the tone of the command, but his eyes were full of smiles.

Recently, lovers have become more and more fond of staring at themselves. This kind of feeling of being obsessed by the heart, no one will dislike.

I loved to go back to God, took a sip of the juice at hand and said, "Would we go to Daxueshan tomorrow? I want to go with you to see the beauty of the snowy mountains."

Daxue Mountain is one of the most embarrassing places when you are still alive.

It is the most beautiful dream in her heart to enjoy the beauty of Cangshan's negative snow with her lover.

Ling Xiaoyu did not hesitate: "Okay."

As long as it is like Frost, he likes it.

Love smiled.

Ling Xiaoyu's ability to move quickly.

At noon on the second day, the two went to the top of the world's largest snowy mountain.

It may be what Ling Xiaoyu did, the famous snow mountain, except for two people who did not even have a visitor.

Love is standing on the top of a snow-covered mountain. The whole world is left with herself and the men around me.

"寰宇." She ran two steps forward and looked back at the man behind her.

Perhaps in the shadow of this snowy mountain, her face looks white and transparent.

Ling Xiaoyu looked at her gently.

"I really like you!"

He loved to make a trumpet by hand and shouted at him.

Ling Xiaoyu looked at her wife with some helplessness.

Since the honeymoon of marriage, her temper has completely changed. The cold and arrogant frost of the past seems to disappear.

Now she will be spoiled, angry, and will have a small temper.

Ling Xiaoyu feels very good. A woman is willing to show her all the way in front of you, only to show that she really puts you in the heart and loves it.

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