LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 165: You are my devil 8

Xiao forget cloud once had a glimpse of the love, naturally know that she and her have no blood relationship.

So, is it true fate?

Thinking so, his eyes looked soft and softened.

Until the bell emotions should look at his eyes with some doubts.

Xiao forgets the cloud and coughs a little, and shifts the topic at the right time: "This magic weapon is called the Eight Yuans of the Yuanyuan. It is a very powerful defensive magic weapon. You can take it well and use it as a self-defense."

When you listen to him, you know that it is a good thing.

Is it not?

Can be said that it is a good thing by Xiao forget cloud, but still worse?

She hid the things and began to look at Xiao forget the clouds.

Xiao forgets that she is so watched by her. She only thinks that she and the white deer who often like to ask for things at the immortal peak are very similar. I can’t help but laugh: "What?"

I fell in love with my eyes: "When you see the Sovereign seeing me for the first time, I sent this to me..."

She did not continue to speak, but she looked at Xiao forget cloud with a gaze, and the meaning in the words is self-evident - what is your meeting?

Xiao forgets the cloud: "..."

He really didn't think about it.

Because of this world, love is the first person who has the courage to dare to meet himself.

In fact, love is not such a shallow eye.

If she changed her face in front of her, she wouldn’t really do something like a gift.

But Xiao forgets the cloud is different. She feels that this person is very close to her heart. She is so close that she can't help but be spoiled by him and want to be more intimate with him.

Is it because he is a man?

She didn't want to understand, but she didn't reject the idea that came out of her heart.

Xiao forgets that the cloud is so high, and good things are naturally quite a lot.

He was just about to find something out of his storage ring to give it to his heart, but he changed his mind and changed his mind.

"You have to wait for your meeting."

I loved my cheeks and didn't talk.

I don't know what it is. Since she came to this world, she has become more childish than her temper.

Is it affected by this body?

I was thinking about it while I was a little angry.

Xiao forgets that she looks funny when she looks at her face with an unhappy look.

He stared at her: "I am going to personally refine a magic weapon that suits you best. It takes time, you have to wait."

Was it like this?

The mood is changed from cloudy to sunny.

The next moment, she came to Xiao forget cloud, and grabbed his sleeve: "Thank you, Xiao forget cloud."

The name of love makes Xiao forget the cloud, and for many years it has not been heard that someone called it.

When others saw him, they were all respectful and respectful: Linxian Zhenjun.

He looked down at the little girl around him. The little girl said, "When you are outside, don't call my name."

I am a little upset: "Why?"

Xiao forgets the cloud and does not know how to explain to him. He can only say: "There will be many people who are not happy and do not like you."

I don’t want to say, "I don’t want to be happy with them. I don’t want them to like them. I just want you to be happy. You like me."

Very straightforward rate really words.

Xiao forgets that Yun has no choice but to point her forehead: "You."

He still has no control over her.

When Xiao forgets to leave, he can't help but laugh.

She originally wanted to test the depth of the tolerance of Xiao forget cloud to her. Now it seems that the other person's connivance for himself is probably more than she expected.

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