LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 200: Online game best animal 6

Of course, I don’t know the “terrible” of this group of people for the time being.

Obviously, four people are a fixed team.

I love you quietly on the shoulders of your stalls, watching them discuss where to go to the next copy, discuss what tasks to pick up later...

Occasionally, there are players passing by, and seeing the four-person group with such obvious appearance, they all changed their faces and rushed past.

Love: "..."

What kind of magic is it that allows players to be so vigilant in the online gaming world?

But soon, she seems to know a little.

Because the four people encountered a group of female players when they went to a copy of a valley.

I watched the IDs on the top of the beautiful girls, and they all had a very conspicuous prefix, "Tenderness."

Always quiet as a chicken, in addition to the system that no one knows, the system that conveys this tenderness is timely.

Like the wicked valley, tenderness is like water, and it is also considered to be a gang of "Tai Chi".

The reason is:

First, this gang only accepts girls.

Second, this gang only accepts beautiful girls.

No matter what your career is, how is your skill, even if it is the legendary leader, professional delivery, it does not matter.

It’s good to be beautiful.

The rumored soft-hearted helper is a big collective Miss Qianjin in real life, so it is very heroic.

All the girls in the gang are dressed in uniforms.

This dress is not a newbie, nor is it the appearance of equipment that everyone has, but it is real – fashion.

"Tai Chi" this game, the art is quite good.

The fashion inside, all beautiful and gorgeous, dazzling.

Of course, the price and shape are directly proportional.

Therefore, the whole tenderness is like water, and in many people's eyes, it is the soft sister coin.

For example, at this moment, the love was shocked by the gorgeous and beautiful gestures of the eight teams.

Keeping an eye on it is really eye-catching.

However, the four of them seem to be well-informed and there is no response to this.

On the contrary, the opposite girls, after seeing you have four people on the show, their faces have changed.

A sister stood up and was clearly the leader.

Love to see, her ID is Loulan.

Loulan whispered to you and said: "We are tender and ready to be the mission of Death Valley, is the wicked valley?"

You are holding up the sword in your arms, and it is still a cynical gesture: "Maybe, look at the mood."

Loulan: "..."

Eating melon rabbits loves that the face of the girl is somewhat indescribable.


Can't see it, she looked at your booth and looked at it. I didn't expect that this person was so polite to the beauty.

The atmosphere was once paralyzed.

There is no way for Loulan to take the wicked valley. There is no way to take the first ranger of Tai Chi in front of him.

Everyone knows that the four people in the Valley of the Vulgar are the most unreasonable and do not talk about feelings.

This style of work, logically speaking, is very easy to offend people in the game.

Ordinary people may be afraid, but these four are absolutely not afraid.

These four people, the strength is here, the first-class skills, not bad money.

They never take the initiative to provoke people, but their temper is more than a weird one. No one knows which place, perhaps just a word, has provoked them.

And the people who provoked the Valley of the Vulgar...

Loulan is not willing to think about their end.

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