LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 210: Online games best animal 16

Loved to look at a man in front of the hair, the other side's eyes wide and strangely presented a soft feeling.

She smiled and shouted at him: "Are you doing something?"

The first reaction to your stash is: You have to spread things up!

Immediately reacting to the other party is likely to call yourself.

and so……

He looked up and down the little white dress in front of the little loli, and there was a strange and shocking speculation in his heart: "Guanghan?"

The bell snorted and said yes.

It really is!

You have a thing to do: "..."

At this moment, he only felt that tens of thousands of alpacas and beasts whizzed past, and really felt that he was really doing something.

If he can go to the forum at the moment, then the style of painting will probably be like this:

#Shock! My online game **** beast actually came to real life! #

#我的神兽 not only saw my body slept, my bed became a person! #

But I don’t even have to think about it. You know what you are doing. If he really posts this post, the following reply is:

Wake up! The landlord should take medicine!

The brain hole is good, the landlord I am the editor of the Gardenia Literature Network, may you ask if you are interested in working with us, edit QQ: 123454321

The landlord is very heavy, actually playing the beast!


You put on something and only feel that it is very difficult to breathe now, and may be hypoxic, causing your brain to turn a little bit.

Then he saw the small eyes of the twilight eyes in front of him, but the action was very natural. He did it on the bed, swaying his legs. He smiled and looked at him: "You have a thing, I am Come to the world once, take me to play?"

You have a brow in your brow.

It is not because of the advice of the love, but her name.

His ID is just a handy one, and there are all kinds of strange names in the online games. It is not strange that he is shouted.

But in real life...

He was just a little bit, and said to the little Loli on the side: "I introduce myself, my name is Tang Lu. Tang of the Tang Dynasty, the land of the land."

When he said that he had reacted himself, he thought that he could not understand the details of the other party.

Then he was immediately beaten.

Because the little Lolita sitting on the edge of the bed stretched out his white tender and tender little hand: "My name is Guanghan, you know which two words."

You have stalled things, and now it should be called Tang Luwen’s words, and he reached out and took a small hand.

His first reaction, Emma is soft.

The soft touch of warmth made him unable to hold his hand and pinch it.

The affectionate look at him smiled, revealing a big white tooth: "I heard that in your world, sex. Sao. If you are underage, the consequences are very serious~"

Tang Lu: "..."

He subconsciously loosened his hand and looked at him with horror. He said how do you even know this?

I loved to smile with a pure face: "I don't know, this knowledge is automatically transmitted into my brain. Is this probably a gift?"

Tang Xuexun·Lu only felt that his knee was hurting. I said that I didn’t have such a skill. I wouldn’t have to die like this in the college entrance examination.

He loved his impatience and waved his hand and said, "When you go, wash it quickly, and get me to go shopping and eat delicious!"

Tang Lu went out very obediently.

Speaking of it, even he himself does not understand, obviously his temper is not very good, why is it a rabbit, wrong, now it is a little loli, so conniving?

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