LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 221: Online games best animal 27

Go back.

Tang Lu saw a small, female player.

Well, Yao Wang.

do not know.

He asked directly: "Who are you?"

Meng Meng Elf: "..."

She thinks that Tang Lu must be intentional!

I used to pretend not to know myself in real life. Now I am still in the online game!

If Tang Lu knows her thoughts, be sure to say that you don't want to think too much about your sister. You really have nothing to remember.

The cute little elf said that she was very angry and wanted to open her mouth directly, but she thought about the news she had known from Tang Tian before.

Meng Meng elf said in a very familiar tone: "I heard Tang Tian brother say your business, no matter what, the family is always a family, you are so old, how can you be so capricious?"

Love is on the shoulders of Tang Lu, quietly listening to the woman's words.

If it is not in the game, she has to abide by the rules, and she does not mind sending this woman to experience the thrill of death.

She doesn't know anything. Why is it here to pinpoint the lives of others?

Seems to feel the anger of his rabbit, Tang Lu sideways, reached out and touched her little head.

Then, look up and look at the woman in front of him.

Obviously his look was not very cold, but the cute elf suddenly stopped.

She subconsciously felt that the man in front of this smiling face was not very good.

Tang Lu arrived now and finally reacted to who this woman is.

It was the woman who was holding the Tang Tian’s arm at the playground that day.

Instead of managing the words of the cute elf, he asked: "Who are you in Tang Tian?"

Meng Meng elf chin slightly lifted: "I am your brother's fiancee, your future amnesty."

Tang Lu looked up and down the woman, and sighed: "I didn't expect it, Tang Tian's eyes are so bad."

Meng Meng Elf: "..."

Gas bombing!

She waited for Tang Lu: "What do you mean by this?"

Tang Lu put away a smile: "It is literally, your family should be good?"

The cute little elf stunned and only felt that he couldn’t keep up with the idea of ​​this person, but he still raised his head: "Of course!"

Tang Lu nodded, and I knew what it would look like: "This is understandable, why do you become Tang Tian's fiancee?"

The cute little elf reacted for a few seconds in his mind, only to react to each other and to change himself.

When her face changes, she will start to swear.

But Tang Lu moves faster than her.

With a long sword, a deep crack appeared in the love of the two, and also interrupted the words that the cute little elf was about to export.

Tang Lu looked at the cute little elf in front of him and said in a low voice: "To tell the truth, I am not interested in bullying a woman, but it really provokes me. I am not a good man who insists on not being a woman."

"How is your family, what is the relationship with Tang Tian, ​​whether you can become the hostess of the Tang family in the future, I am not interested in these things, and it has nothing to do with me."

He looked at Meng Meng's elf, his smile was cold: "You just have to remember, don't sway in front of me."

"For those who don't like to pollute my eyes, I never stop."

He hated the cute little elf at a glance: "Roll!"

"You!" Meng Meng elf seems to want to say something, but looking at Tang Lu's eyes, only feel the heart suddenly, panic followed.

"You wait, I won't give up!"

She eventually dropped a swearword and left in angrily.


Tang Lu: Today's mouth gun skills are still full.

This chapter is very late, sorry, just got out of the lock ==

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