Chapter 127 Lively

After figuring out these two stupid thieves, Jian Heng's original excitement of catching the cattle thief immediately diminished. I really doubt the IQ of these two guys. It's on the same level as them.

   But then again, if I didn't have such a flawed intelligence, I wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

   What made Jian Heng a little more happy was that the Eagle Ranch in North Africa offered a bounty of 10,000 knives, which was considered a windfall from the sky.

Of course, Jian Heng didn't plan to ask for the bounty, so he made a statement in the police station that if the North African Eagle Ranch gave the money, he would donate the full amount to the police station, and it would be regarded as a way to improve the American people. Police office conditions.

   Just such a little **** thing, until it was dark, Jian Heng had to drive away from the police station, and drove back along the road that was still deserted.

  When I arrived at the small town, I found that the small town today seems to be different from before, and there is still a little noisy sound coming from it.

  So with the natural curiosity of human beings, Jian Heng did not turn directly into the path of his ranch, but drove along the main road for less than 400 meters, and stopped by the small bar in the small town.

"Good guy!" Jian Heng saw that the bar was a small bust tonight, so he didn't need to go in. There were only a few tables outside the bar, and a group of people were drinking and dancing, like a bonfire party .

   "Mr. Gene, Mr. Gene, come and have a drink, please!"

  Seeing Jian Heng get out of the car, a student immediately stood up unsteadily, and shouted loudly at Jian Heng.

   Seeing that he was already drunk, Jian Heng waved his hand at him first, and then said: "Thank you, I'll go in and take a look first, you guys are drinking here."

  Jian Heng smiled at them all at the table, and then walked towards the bar.

As soon as I entered, I was frightened by the people inside. Good guy, it looked like a loose bar at first, but now it’s full of people. Standing at the door, I can feel the air temperature inside is much higher than outside. .

   Not only were there a lot of people, but the jukebox also rang, ordering old Beatles songs that couldn't be older.

  The original chairs at the bar are almost half empty every time I come. Now the front of the bar is not only full of people sitting on the chairs, but there is no better place to stand.

  The small bar, which was originally quiet and peaceful, is now a bit like a nightclub. Not only are there many people, but it is also very noisy.

  Jian Heng had no choice but to go to the corner of the bar, reached out and knocked on the table, and raised his voice: "Salah! Have a bottle of beer!"

   "It's gone!" Sarah didn't look at anyone, and when she heard that she wanted beer, she went straight back.

   Now the proprietress Sara is busy and a little dizzy. It's just that it's different from sick dizziness, this is happiness dizziness.

In the past, the business of the small bar barely maintained her life, but now there are ten more customers every day, and the consumption power of each of them is obviously much stronger than that of the residents in the small town, so these days Sarah’s The flow of water in the tavern suddenly increased a bit.

Today, I didn't have much preparation at once, and suddenly a dozen or so people crowded in, each of them almost seemed to drink up the wine in her bar, calling for drinks non-stop, not only Sarah and Elizabeth Morey, the little waiter in the bar, are busy from time to time as cashiers and bartenders.

When Sarah finished her work, she raised her head subconsciously and looked in the direction where the voice came from just now. When she found that it was Jian Heng, she immediately walked to the opposite side of Jian Heng with a smile, took out a wine glass from under the table, and put it on the table. superior.

"I'll treat!"

   While talking, he added a few ice cubes to the glass, and quickly poured Jian Heng a glass of whiskey.

   "Business is good?" Jian Heng first thanked, and then said.

"From the moment you have customers at your ranch, the business in the bar has been pretty good. Many people who live in the Walsh Ranch and Anderson Ranch who are engaged in science almost always come to the bar to have a drink when they have time!" Sarah said When it was time to engage in science, I pointed my finger at my brain, which meant that these people were people with relatively smart brains.

  For Sara, Jian Heng is now like a God of Wealth. In the past, there were only two or three crows in the bar during the day, but at night, at the best time, there were only half of the crows. Where would it be like now, not only is the room full, but even a few tables are set up outside.

  Although it is a bit tiring, it is a happy tiredness. It is better to be happy than to be poor. Whoever does business does not want to welcome customers every day. So Sara naturally greeted Jian Heng with a smile.

   "Not even beer?"

Just as Jian Heng was about to say something here, he heard a familiar voice over there, and the person who was speaking was also standing by the bar at the moment, and he couldn't squeeze into the first row of the bar, so his face was naturally a little bit Son is not happy.

   Waiting for Jian Heng to turn his head to take a look, he found that the person who came was Old Lynch, the veterinarian in the town, so he stretched out his hand and said hello: "Lynch!"

Lynch saw Jian Heng calling himself, so he walked towards Jian Heng, and said as he walked, "Oh my God, there are too many people in the bar today, I just drank a bottle of beer, and I want a second beer." The bottle is gone!"

   As he spoke, Lynch pointed at Jian Heng the empty beer bottle in his hand.

   Jian Heng took a sip of the wine in the glass: "You still have beer, but I don't even have beer when I come."

   "Wait for a while, in a few minutes at most, the delivery car will arrive." Sarah explained to Lynch, and then gestured to him for the whiskey in her hand.

"Please!" Although Sarah's business is good, she doesn't want to disappoint the old customers. There is no beer now, so she can only top it with whiskey, but just like that, there is only less than one box of whiskey left. Well, if the car that delivered the wine was going to be late for another hour, it is estimated that there would be no whiskey in her bar.

   "Oh my god, these people can really drink!" Picking up his glass, Old Lynch looked around at the guests in the bar, and then asked Jian Heng, "Are these the guests of your ranch?"

   "Not all, half of it!" Jian Heng looked around and replied, half of them were the guests of the ranch, the other was the researcher of the foundation, and there were some helpers who did chores for them.

   Lynch didn't know what he thought of. After suddenly turning his head and nudging the crowd with his mouth, he said to Sarah at the bar: "Sara, do you remember the last time the bar in the town was so lively?"

Lynch's question made Sara fall into memories, and she thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid it was thirty years ago. At that time, I was only in my twenties and just reached the age of drinking. The first time I came here to drink was With Walsh, I remember ordering a beer and sitting there, and Walsh ordered a tequila...'.

"Yeah, since then, people have moved out of the town every year, until now there is only such a big place left." Lynch seemed to miss that time a little bit, when he said this, his expression was a little bit Son melancholy.

   "It used to be very prosperous here?" Jian Heng asked curiously.

Sara said: "Prosperity is far from enough. In the past, there were two logging camps and a few small oil wells, so the population of the town is about five times faster than that of Marion now. The population is large."

   "There are more than so many people!" Old Lynch finished talking, and then talked about the town with Jian Heng.

From what Lynch said, the town in the past seemed to be several times larger than the current population of Marion, and the area was naturally much larger. In the end, because the forest farm was closed and the oil wells were exhausted soon, so The prosperity of the town has become the memory of these people in their fifties and sixties when they were young.

  Urbanization seems to be a trend. In the United States, just like in China, children from rural families want to work in bustling cities instead of farming like their parents. It's just that rural children in the United States are not called migrant workers after entering the city like domestic rural children.

  In the United States, the rural children with land and pastures are generally in the same economic conditions as the middle class in the city, and more of them are big middle class or directly big capitalist families.

  So when they entered the city, they were not looked down upon by some people who had a sense of urban superiority like Chinese peasants entering the city.

   After drinking a glass of whiskey and listening to the story, Jian Heng reached out and patted the table: "Okay, you guys talk first, I'm going back to the ranch."

   "A few more drinks, please!" Sarah said.

  Jian Heng waved his hand: "Thank you, but no need, I still have something to do when I go back."

After saying goodbye to Sara and Lynch, he kept saying hello to his students along the way, and when he got back to the car, Jian Heng let out a sigh of relief: "Woohoo! This bar is amazing. I can't even breathe!"

  (end of this chapter)

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