Chapter 138 Riding

  Jian Heng looked at the things on his horse and opened his mouth and said, "Pharmaceutical bag!"

   "Cheek!" Jim looked at the list in his hand, and then opened his mouth to say something.

   "A spare thong!"

   "Cheek!" Jim replied simply.

   The two checked everything on the list in Jian Heng's hand, which meant that the four of them had brought everything they should bring for this trip.

   "Okay, let's get on the horses, go there early, and you can help out" Jian Heng saw that everything was not missing, and then said to He Ye, Jim, and He Ye's wooden bodyguard.

After speaking, without waiting for their answer, he turned on the horse's back, and after sitting firmly, he picked up the rein and said to Zhao Changshan: "Brother Changshan, I will go out for a few days, and I will leave the family affairs to you. is you".

   "Don't worry, nothing will happen!" Zhao Changshan's chubby face was full of smiles.

   "Okay, let's go!" Jian Heng waved at Zhao Changshan, and then led the three of them towards the gate of the ranch.

  Farewell is quite simple. At this time, does anyone have time to come and hold a farewell party for Jian Heng?

Because Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong were inspecting the ranch, Zhao Wei and Feng Sanzhu were preparing lunch, and Barley and Wheat were leading the trainees to train, so the whole ranch was still operating at its daily pace when Jian Heng, the rancher, left. There is no awareness that the leader will leave.

Different from the tranquility of the Jianheng ranch, the old Walsh's house is full of liveliness. When you enter their ranch, you can hear the voices from inside, and from time to time you can hear the old Walsh's loud voice yelling.

   Wait for the four of Jian Heng to ride horses to the front of the house and take a look, good guy! Things were laid out, and Walsh Sr. was doing a final check with his youngest son, Remington.

  The old man seemed to think of something again, and immediately yelled at Remington. Remington scratched his head and replied, "I bought it!"

   "Then why can't I see it!" Old Walsh yelled, glaring at his son.

Without further ado, Remington ran to his pickup truck with Xiao ran, stretched his head to search in the back compartment, found nothing, then opened the door again, and finally found a small box the size of a palm under the chair .

   "Now go to the car and look for it again, look carefully!" Old Walsh was a little dissatisfied with his son's attitude of neglecting work, and insisted on asking Remington to turn over the pickup truck again.

   "Jean!" Seeing Jian Heng, Old Walsh said hello, and then looked at the watch on his wrist: "You arrived an hour earlier than the appointment."

   "I'm here to see if I can help." Jian Heng turned over and got off the horse.

Old Walsh also knew that now is not the time to be polite, and if things are done earlier, everyone will be able to leave earlier, so he opened his mouth and assigned tasks to Jian Heng: "Why don't you go and see and help Domi Nick and Colter round up the herd, I don't need manpower for things on my side"

   "Okay!" Jian Heng heard the words and was about to get on the horse.

When the old man saw Jian Heng's horse was carrying a big bag on its back, he opened his mouth and asked, "Except for the toiletries, put down everything else, and I'll tie some of it to the mule's back and save your horse some time." strength".

"Okay!" Jian Heng heard this, and immediately stretched out his hand to untie the leather strips from the back of the saddle. Except for some light things, other things like tents and sleeping bags were put on the ground, leaving only one on the horse's back. A small toilet bag, and a roll of blankets for his own use, all other things were left beside Old Walsh.

  Placing the three of Jim here would definitely not work, and it would probably make Old Walsh even more angry, so Jian Heng took them together to gather the cattle.

Old Walsh's family has quite a lot of cattle, about a thousand. Even with the help of a few cattle dogs, Dominique and Korco are a little bit burnt out now. Seeing Jian Heng coming to help, The face is full of joy.

   "Duh! Duh! Duh!"

  As an old cowboy driving cattle, Jian Heng naturally didn't need the two to assign tasks. He saw the gap left by the two at a glance, and then signaled Heidou to fill it up automatically.

  Cooperation between veterans is a pleasure. Jian Heng feels that although the three of them drive so many cattle, it is much more comfortable than last time. Everyone knows what they should do and what others should do.

Although the three of them are still struggling to catch up, they are better than the two before, not to mention that Jim and He Ye can help a little bit from time to time, just to stop the half-grown little one who is greedy for fun. Cattle.

  Jim played a few times, which seemed to be an addiction to playing. From time to time, he began to urge the horse to run back and forth, which was very happy.

"I advise you to slow down a bit, or you may not be able to close your legs until the afternoon's journey is over." Jian Heng saw that Jim was very happy, and he wanted to urge his horse to help Dominic get out of the pack. The playful calf, so he stopped him loudly.

  Transitioning is never a comfortable job. It takes a few days to drive the cattle. Although the cattle walk slowly, people and horses do not walk like this. Every day during the entire transition process will make you exhausted, and there will even be a dozen quick stops and starts every hour, which is equivalent to a barrel race every few minutes.

   This kind of test is not only a test of physical strength but also will. Every cowboy must first learn not how to drive cattle, but how to maintain his physical strength during the transition process. For someone like Jim, it doesn't take a day, and he can't bear it after half a day. So Jian Heng specially reminded him.

   "It's okay!" Jim thought it was just a little more activity.

Now Jim is flying a Western dream instilled in him by Hollywood. Seeing these cows, and seeing his standard cowboy attire, he even looks more like a cowboy than Jian Heng and others (others are baseball hats, only he, He Ye, and the bodyguards wear cowboy hats), and naturally felt that he was suddenly transformed into the protagonist in a western movie, the kind of protagonist who fights with a gun when he disagrees.

   Still the kind of protagonist who gallops thousands of miles and robs a money-carrying carriage.

   "Listen to me, if you still have such enthusiasm when you arrive at the campsite tonight, I will do whatever you want tomorrow!" Jian Heng said.

  He Ye also persuaded Jim at this time: "Let's listen to his arrangement."

  Jim nodded and said, "OK!"

Jim shrugged his shoulders, led the horse lightly, stood side by side with He Ye, and slowly followed the cows for a while, watching Jian Heng urging Heidou and Dominic, The three Coltons drove the cattle.

  There are aggressive shouts all over the place, and from time to time there is the sound of Huha urging the mount.

  He Ye focused on watching the movements of the three people in the field, and couldn't help saying: "This equestrian! Really, it's a few blocks away from the average equestrian coach in China!"

  Jim said: "Dump the equestrian coach? No way?"

   Seeing the suspicion on Jim's face, He Ye said: "I'm talking about the equestrian coaches in China, which is the same as the equestrian coaches you mentioned, they are completely different things."

One is talking about the level of equestrian coaches in China, and the other is talking about the level of American equestrian coaches. The two are really different. It’s not that He Ye worships foreigners, but that domestic equestrian sports are actually inferior to others. The old capitalist countries in China are well-developed, and this stuff is also played by others first.

   "Their riding skills are different from what we learned," He Ye said with a smile at Jim.

Jim said: "It's really different. The situation is different. We all learn English riding, and they ride cowboys! But now, they seem to ride more beautifully. Don't be afraid to fall off your horse!"

   "Well! I also think" He Ye is a person who likes to think, if he can't figure it out, he thinks to ask Jian Heng later.

  The three cowboys were busy with their work, while the three of them stood by and watched relaxedly, chatting about other people's equestrian skills.

  When the entire herd gathered at the gathering place, He Ye and the others urged the horses to come over and asked questions about riding skills, especially why they didn't lean over when the horse turned around.

  Jian Heng didn't think about it, and he didn't accept the British style of riding. How could he know the difference between the two, so he had to watch He Ye perform his own riding style temporarily.

  As soon as He Ye demonstrated, Colt and Dominic naturally came over. They all looked the same, holding the saddle with both hands, watching He Ye demonstrate his equestrian control in a small circle.

  Jian Heng looked around but didn't understand, then turned to Colt and Dominic and asked, "Do you understand?"

He Ye came back at this time and said: "Your body is straight on the back of the horse. Even if the horse sways from side to side, you will follow the horse. I am different. If I want to jump over the railing, I will lie on the horse's back..." .

Hearing what He Ye said, Jian Heng suddenly realized: "Oh, I see, it may be that the horse and the human are one on our side, and maintaining this sitting posture means that no matter what time the human and the horse have the same center of gravity. At that point, when the horse is turning, I will control the center of gravity, turn at the angle or something, if it wobbles, the horse itself does not know where the center of gravity is, how do you make the horse turn sharply?"

Dominique nodded and said: "You can try riding cattle like this in the afternoon. I dare say that your waist will not be able to bear it in two hours in one afternoon. Now it only takes a few days to change the field. In the past Back when there were no railways in the West, the longest journey for a cow to sell was one and a half months. With your riding method, a group of cowboys would have to be abolished in one trip, and it is too unsuitable for the daily life of a ranch.”

  Colt took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket at this time, knocked it out and signaled it, and Dominic took one.

With a snap, Colt picked up Dominique's words: "It's not that equestrianism is not suitable for pastures, but that European pastures are generally small, and the herds of cattle and sheep are naturally small, so this kind of riding method is suitable for European pastures. There is no problem at all. But four to five thousand acres here is not considered a large pasture. If a real large pasture is tens of thousands of acres, with several thousand or even tens of thousands of cattle, their method will not work.”

   While talking, Colt demonstrated the essentials of cowboy riding to the two.

  It's a pity that they have become a habit, and it's so easy to change it all at once.

   At this moment, Old Walsh came over and said straightforwardly: "Eat, let's go after eating!"

  (end of this chapter)

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