Chapter 141 Bonfire

  Whether it is Jim, He Ye or the bodyguards, it is obviously impossible to enjoy this kind of treatment from Old Walsh. When everyone has packed everything and sits around the campfire, waiting for dinner. Old Walsh opened a bottle of whiskey and without saying a word, poured wine one by one into the stainless steel cups with handles.

   If you say stop, old Walsh will move on to the next glass, or he will fill your tea mug, and he will not persuade you to drink if you don't want it.

  Only when it fell to Jian Heng and Dominic, the old Walsh picked his beard on his mouth. His action is equivalent to the hard work of us Chinese.

   This is how much he can express his gratitude, but Jian Heng knows that the old cowboys hold grudges and also remember gratitude, they are much more righteous than gangsters and bureaucrats who talk about benevolence all day long.

At this time, Dominic turned around and picked up the acoustic guitar from the side of his luggage, hugged it in his arms, and sat sideways on his saddle, gently plucked the strings a few times, and then slowly played and sang in Spanish.


Dominique's voice can't sing very high, and the obvious songs are slightly out of tune, but fortunately, the songs are easy to sing, so no one laughed at him, everyone just listened to him quietly Singing songs that no one can understand.

   While enjoying the fine wine, he was enjoying the melody that was not too touching.

Almost none of them know Spanish. When Colter and Remington were in school, their second foreign language was Spanish, but the most attractive vocabulary to them is probably hello girl, you are so beautiful, etc. of.

   It is impossible to understand what Dominic sings, but music is a language that everyone can understand. As long as you sing with your heart, you can always please others.

  In this dark wilderness, a group of people sat around the campfire, listening to not-so-moving music. At this moment, this kind of music seems to be able to stir the hearts of the audience, and each of them showed a look of fascination.

  Even the cattle dogs seemed to understand it, lying quietly beside the campfire, resting their heads on their front paws, or squinting their eyes, or sticking out their tongues.

  The singing is accompanied by the aroma of barbecue, and the sizzling sound of the noodle juice dripping on the plate, forming a wonderful picture scroll.


   Wiped the strings lightly, and then pressed all the strings with the palm of his hand. Dominique's singing stopped abruptly, but his echo seemed to be still echoing around.


  After Dominic sang, he reached out and handed the guitar to Old Walsh.

  Old Walsh took the guitar, plucked it lightly a few times, and said to everyone with a smile, "I haven't played him for many years. The old guy Anders was still there when he played last time!"

After finishing speaking, the old Walsh picked up the wine glass in his hand and pointed to the sky: "Old guy, the ranch is very good now! Gene is doing a great job. Although he doesn't make a living by raising cattle, he makes more money than you There's a lot of time. God! Thank you for closing your eyes, you know? There's still some Hollywood clowns coming to Gene's ranch, well, I guess you don't want to hear it, so I'll just say Well, fortunately, there is only one aspect, Gene can make a lot of money!"

  Old Walsh's words caused the people around him to burst into laughter.

Cowboys miss someone, usually like this, talk about interesting things that happened around the dead person, not in those sensational words, they are either teasing or flat, but you can feel his heart for the loss of a good friend The kind of faint sadness, and deep nostalgia.

   After talking about Old Walsh, he played and sang. Jian Heng didn't know the title of the song, but for Old Walsh's generation, this singer is very famous: johnny-cash.

   And Old Walsh sang his song "i-will-miss-you-when-you-go".

  If Jian Heng knew about this old country superstar, he would definitely be surprised by the old Walsh's singing, because the similarity between Walsh and the original singer at the same age was almost 80%.

  Even so, the old Wo’s singing skills still shocked the three of Jim.

   From their point of view, Old Walsh can sing and sing so well, just like seeing Zhang Fei can embroider. All of them opened their eyes wide and put on a look of meaninglessness.

  After singing a song, Old Walsh said very rarely: "Now my voice is a bit wrong, and I can't sing the free and easy and natural flavor of JOHNNY."

   "I didn't expect you to sing so well!" Jim immediately took the lead and clapped his hands.

  After a burst of sparse applause, Colter teased his father: "My dad formed a band when he was young, and he was quite famous in the neighborhood. I heard that there was no girl nearby that he couldn't date...".

   "Not only in the past, but also now!" Remington immediately added.

   After finishing speaking, he squeezed his eyebrows at everyone narrowly!

Remington was talking about the old Walsh dating a woman in a neighboring town. Jian Heng also knew that the woman was a high school teacher and was in good condition. She looked about ten years younger than her real age, and she was well-dressed. She is also fashionable, and most women at her age will not be as beautiful as her. It can be seen that when she was young, she must have been a famous flower nearby.

They are so old, and there is nothing to be hypocritical about the two of them. After seeing the right eyes, they rolled the sheets on the first day, and when they got up in the morning, they happened to let someone come over to do something, and Andrea from the Anderson Ranch bumped into her. , and then the Andrea woman's natural gossip got angry, and soon the whole town knew who Old Walsh had rolled with.

  Old Walsh picked his beard inadvertently, and then said: "I repeat, it's none of your business! God, you can't put a zipper on your mouth, it's better to make it a dead button!"

  As soon as I got mad, Remington and Colter both shut their mouths, but they closed their mouths, and the expressions of the two guys were a little funny, which made everyone laugh.

   The meal is cooked between talking and laughing. Old cowboys are very scientific in testing whether the food is cooked or not. Just insert a thermometer. As long as the meat is cooked and other things are not burnt, then the meal can be served.

   It’s nothing to be polite. Everyone directly holds a steel plate, which is almost as deep as a knuckle. Each person holds one in their hand, and then takes turns holding the tongs to put vegetables on their plates. After eating the meat, you can use this plate to drink some soup or something.

  Old Walsh picked up some meat and chopped it up, then mixed it with the dough pancakes, served with the dog food just poured out, and fed a few cattle dogs first.

  As long as you are hungry, everything is delicious, not to mention the cowboys like Jian Heng who almost never leave the horseback except for urinating, even the bodyguards brought by He Ye are now chomping on food.

  That guy! All of them seem to have escaped from Africa, and the food they eat is delicious.

There was no meat left, even the big bones were gnawed clean by a few cattle dogs back and forth, not to mention the meat, there was no gravy left in the bowl, everyone took pancake skins He dipped the gravy on his own plate, put it in his mouth, and started chewing voraciously.


  Kotter burped, then patted his stomach beautifully, and said directly: "I'm on the last shift, now I'm going to sleep!"

   Said that she patted her belly perfectly, and then looked at everyone.

   "You come first, Gene! I'm third from last." Old Walsh finished arranging for himself, and then said to Remington: "You are after me!"

It’s okay to resist a little more now. If you lie down for two or three hours and then get up again, you will feel very tired after a day of getting up. Let’s put it this way, you have to have a very strong strength to get up from the beautiful bed. Obviously, Old Walsh's arrangement was to take care of outsiders and leave the most difficult problems to his family.

   Such an approach is actually a common practice, because neither Jian Heng nor Dominic came here to help out of the sake of money.

   If it was a cowboy hired, Old Walsh didn’t have to think so much. Anyway, he was paid to work, no matter how he arranged it, it was an arrangement.

   "I'm fine! It's no problem to resist for three or four hours for two or three days!" Jian Heng said.

  At this time the bodyguard opened his mouth, his words were more precious than old Walsh, and he opened his mouth with a few words: "I don't sleep much!"

  Jim also nodded and said: "I can also be on duty at night, but I don't know what to do?"

As a city dweller, now for Jim, it’s when the chicks go out dressed up. At the beginning of the nightlife, after eating and drinking, this guy feels that his energy has recovered a little, and he can join the labor force. The army is coming.

  Old Walsh was not stupid enough to let Jim and the others stand alone at night, but it seemed that they were quite active, so he arranged for them to partner with Jian Heng, Dominique, and Remington.

  After the arrangements were made, the old Wos went back to the tent to sleep without needing to be on duty first. Counting from the moment they entered the tent, within three minutes, the snoring almost knocked over the tent.

   No matter what kind of restlessness or insomnia convulsions, as long as the work is done thoroughly, these probably will not exist. Just like the current Jim and He Ye, those who snore, it seems that they are the most tired people today.

  The bodyguard and Jian Heng were sitting face to face across the bonfire.

Jian Heng knew that the bodyguards were seldom talkative, besides, the bodyguards were not beauties, they could pass the time when they were bored, a big man, he was always a face-to-face, except for those with a problematic orientation, who would be happy Hurry up to tease him!

  The bodyguard didn't speak, neither did Jian Heng, the two of them treated each other as air, and picked up some firewood for the bonfire from time to time.

   Neither of them looked at each other. It was an embarrassing scene for a while! This made Jian Heng feel that he might as well stick to this hour alone.

  (end of this chapter)

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