Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 144: Forced to send

  Chapter 144 Forced delivery

  Old Walsh followed Jian Heng's gaze, saw the little bear, and asked aloud, "Where did the little bear come from?"

An old Simon cowboy in the crowd turned his head when he heard this, looked at the cub tethered in the corner, and opened his mouth and said, "I killed a female bear last night, but I didn't expect it to have a cub with it. As soon as the bear died, the little thing ran out by itself, and was caught by everyone."

   "Mother bear?" Jian Heng looked at Simon.

Simon knew that Jian Heng was also a rancher, and that he took Anders' class. Although the center was surprised, it was not unusual for a foreigner not to give his family property to outsiders, and besides, it had nothing to do with him. What happened, so he was just curious in his heart.

   "The female bear tried to attack my calf, and then I shot it in the head..." Simon said lightly.

  At this time, none of the people asked Simon if he had a license to catch bears. These old cowboys don't care about these things. As long as there is something else that wants to hurt his cow, it is equivalent to stealing his money. Whether it is a man or a bear, they can beat it anyway.

  Old Walsh heard this, and asked in puzzlement, "The female bear attacked the cattle that were passing?"

At this time, Dylan Martinez opened his mouth and explained: "The female bear is old, and one of the two canine teeth is broken, and it seems that there is something wrong with the stomach! I don't know how old the female bear is. How did you get pregnant with a bear cub? We all found it strange when we saw it. It is almost equivalent to a 60-year-old woman giving birth to a child in human beings.”

  Jian Heng understood that the female bear was too old to catch animals in the natural world, so she set her sights on the cattle that had been transferred, but it was a pity that for a bear, this job was close to death.

  Even male bears in their prime will generally not do such stupid things. Don’t look at the stupid bears. If you really think that their brains are not enough, then you are underestimating them. Of course, there are too many things that male bears can eat in North America, and there is no need to compete with others for fun.

In general, the same sentence, generally speaking, large meat animals such as bears and wolves will not use their brains on cattle and sheep on pastures. Jaguars and foxes may do this kind of work. For those with a large body like them, or those who are active in groups, the goal is too obvious, and it is definitely not worthwhile to do it. Not to mention 100%, at least a half of the chance may be their own life.

  In order to feed herself and her cubs, the mother bear had to take the risk. She didn’t expect her fate to be bad, and she was discovered by the cowboy, and then she went to heaven with a gunshot.

  Listening to this story, it seems that people like Simon are cruel, but in fact, this is also the law of nature. Even without the cowboys like Simon, it is impossible for the mother bear and cubs to survive. Unless humans intervene, and someone is willing to feed the mother bear every day, the mother bear and the cub will likely survive.

   But feed the bears? This is not feeding people, and it is still a bear in a wild state. Except for animal protection groups, who is tired of doing such an unpleasant thing!

  Even if it is a sick bear, one palm can kill a person! Feeding wild animals is not a fairy tale. After you feed them a few times, you will be able to touch their fur and hug them. If you do this, you will most likely end up in the morgue.

Of course, there may be another way, that is, let it bite the bull, and then apply for damages from the government or the protection fund, but this will take time, and sometimes it will not only take time, but it may not be possible after the time is spent. get compensation.

The U.S. government is not a good guy who spit at one mouth and makes a hole. If you play tricks, you can do anything. It will drag you for a season or two. Take care of your own property and shoot directly.

If it involves special protected animals, such as bald eagles, those who are injured and will go to jail, many people may abide by the law, but some people will not care about these and other things. The world is big, and I have the most money. Shoot it to death, then throw it in the wild, and within a few days, there will be hair left. Does anyone know that this thing was killed by someone?

   "Didn't you leave the bear skin?"

Speaking of bears, Jian Heng remembered one thing. His father’s joints are a little arthritis. He suffered from hard work when he was young. It hurts in rainy and snowy weather. He heard that the sheath made of bear skin is useful. Jian Heng I was thinking of getting a pair here, but unfortunately, I have never had a chance, because I don’t have money, and it’s not easy to take this thing back.

   Now that there is a secret space, it is a different matter. If Jian Heng wants to, he can make a lot of money just by smuggling luxury goods from Europe and the United States to China, not to mention bringing two bearskin knee pads.

   "The bear's fur is bald, it's not worth peeling it off at all," Martinez said, shaking his head.

   "That's a pity, I still want to get a bear skin." Jian Heng sighed.

  Old Walsh said: "It's not easy for you to ask for bear skins. If we meet a suitable one along the way, we will beat you!"

   "That's right!" Jian Heng thought it was a good idea when he heard it. As for hurting Xiong in order to show filial piety, this is not what Jian Heng is willing to consider.

   "Then what are you going to do, little bear cub?" Old Wash asked.

  Simon said: "What can I do, send it directly to the shelter, and then send it to the zoo or the circus. It is impossible to raise it and release it."

  Human-raised bears generally cannot adapt to the wild environment if they are not specially trained, because it can no longer live alone in a natural state. It doesn't know how to heal itself when it's injured, or how to deal with danger. These are things that you have to learn from the female bear. It is impossible for ordinary animal shelters to have such a good animal behavior expert to help a bear return to nature, let alone Americans sometimes feel that there are too many bears in the wild.

  Old Walsh thought for a while, looked at Jian Heng and said, "Why don't you take this bear back and raise it?"

   "Why should I keep it if I have nothing to do?" Jian Heng understood.

  Old Walsh said: "Anyway, your family now has a lion, a bison, and a deer, and an extra bear is nothing."

   "It doesn't matter what you call it! You don't need money for food, and my money is not sent for nothing by God!" Jian Heng couldn't stand it anymore.

  When Simon heard this, he immediately asked Jian Heng: "Do you still have a lion?"

   "A white lion with snow-white fur all over its body. It looks beautiful but has a bad temper." Old Walsh glanced at his youngest son who was busy cooking, and then replied.

   "That's right, Mary! Bring that little bear to Mr. Jean!" Simon immediately said to his daughter in her twenties who was on the side.

  The girl in her twenties, with short hair like a boy, immediately untied the bear when she heard her father's words, and stuffed the rope and the bear into Jian Heng's hand.

It's really stuffy, Jian Heng pushed a few times here, and felt a sense of determination in the strength of the girl's arm. After a few pushes, the girl let go directly. There was no way to fear that the little bear would fall. Heng had no choice but to hold the little bear in his arms first.

  The family let go so quickly because they were afraid of trouble. Now when they heard that someone might take over, they immediately sent the bear out.

Because if they don't give it to the bear, they have to go to the city once again to send the bear to the shelter after they arrive at the winter pasture, and they have to fill in another form to explain the situation. Now Old Walsh's In a word, people have saved all these unnecessary efforts, and they would be fools if they didn't send them away.

   As for raising?

This family is just a family ranch. The whole family only has five or six hundred head of cattle. What do you use to raise bears? If you really raise bears, then the whole family will have to drink northwest wind. The appetite of seven or eight young men.

   "I'm hungry, let's feed some milk!" Old Walsh looked at the little bear and said to Jian Heng.

   "Then I'm going to get some milk?" Jian Heng had no choice but to cross the little bear with one hand, tucked it under his arm, and got up to get milk for the little bear.

  Poured a small pot of milk and put it on the ground, and put the little bear beside the basin. The little bear who smelled the milk immediately regained his spirits, and stretched out his head to quickly lick the milk in the basin. Judging by its appearance, I don't know that it hasn't eaten for a few days, and the milk it eats seems to have escaped from famine.

Jian Heng looked at Xiong, and found that the less milk in the basin, the more bulging bear's stomach was. When all the milk was eaten, Little Bear licked the basin again, and after confirming that there was no milk, he shook his head so hard that Jian Heng's Beside him, he directly hugged Jian Heng's leg, just staring at Jian Heng with two small round eyes.

  The little bear is thin and not big. If you don’t know the bear, many people may think it is a puppy, because it is at least seven or eight points similar to the puppy.

   Looking at Jian Heng in this state, he actually showed a special cuteness, like a plush toy. Of course, because its body is dirty now, it looks more like an old plush teddy bear.

   "It likes you!" Old Walsh said to Jian Heng after taking a look at Cub Cub.

   "If you feed it a piece of milk, it will also like you!" Jian Heng said to Old Walsh.

  Old Walsh said: "If you don't like it, you can send it to the shelter when you go back, even if you help raise it for two days."

   "Hey, then take it first!" Jian Heng has no choice but to take it first. Jian Heng didn't think about raising Denver, Daniel, and Qianlong at first, so there was no other way. He started to smuggle some wild animals and found a way to make a fortune, but in the end it all fell into his own hands. He had to go get it when he returned home. Dog, there are so many things to do, why raise a bear?

In the current situation, it is estimated that I am the only one who will take care of it temporarily, because it is obviously impossible for a labor force like the Simon family to leave within a week of settling down. If the cub dies during this period, it will be considered a good deed up.

   Jian Heng's attitude completely relieved the Simon family.

  (end of this chapter)

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