Chapter 146 Dou Ji

   Cautiously following Walsh about two meters behind, Jian Heng slowly moved forward, preparing to make up the gun when Walsh missed or made a mistake. Although the possibility of this is very small with Old Walsh's marksmanship, Jian Heng is still prepared for that eventuality.

The two people, one in front and one behind, were getting closer and closer to the huge brown bear, and their footsteps naturally became slower and lighter. When the brown bear entered the effective range of the rifle, Old Walsh stopped his body, Hold the gun in one hand and buckle the trigger with the other.

   Now we are at the downwind outlet, and the sound of rushing streams all around covers the movement of the two of them. The bear's hearing was not very good before, but now it is almost equivalent to deaf.

  I can see the shadow cast by the moonlight on the brown bear when the two of them approach.

   This big brown bear doesn't know that he has become the target of human beings.

  It didn’t know that it was a disaster from heaven. Someone said that his father needed a bearskin knee pad, and a grateful old cowboy was going to use his skin to express his gratitude.

  How could it think that it happened to lose its life because of a knee pad.


  Perhaps it was God's will, and he didn't want the brown bear to lose his life tonight and become a pair of knee pads. At this moment, there was a mooing sound from the cattle in the woods.

  Suddenly this moo broke the silence of the night sky!

   It was this cry that made the brown bear alert. It is impossible for a brown bear to grow to such a size in the forest by luck alone.

When it heard a cow bleating not far away, it immediately judged that there were people nearby, and after so many years of surviving in this area, the brown bear naturally understood what time it was now, and having a herd of cattle nearby meant that there were Cowboys with loaded guns are guarding the herd.

  So at such a moment, the brown bear turned its head, instinctively preparing to hide away from the humans at this time.

   That is, at the same time!


  Old Walsh pulled the trigger, and the bullets sprayed the bear's neck and flew over.

   Just because of the bear's head swaying, the bullet brought a coolness to the bear's chin, and opened the tree next to it.

Because the upper bullet was carved with cross lines by the old Walsh with a knife, it became a simple dum bullet, so this shot hit the tree pole, and the tree pole suddenly collapsed like a celestial maiden scattered flowers. Countless sawdust came out.

  The brown bear turned around and ran away without stopping for a moment, and it was as smart as it went straight into the woods instead of running along the open area by the stream.

   It seems that this is not the first time he has dodged bullets.

  By the time Old Walsh raised his gun to aim again, the huge brown bear **** had disappeared behind the woods.

  Put down the gun, Old Walsh sighed: "Oh! What a pity!"

"What's the pity, I don't believe I won't meet a bear if I run away from it." Jian Heng has no regrets about losing a bear. Anyway, there are quite a few brown bears and black bears here. From time to time, you can see pumas and so on. Yes, what kind of skin do you want, you can go hunting secretly by yourself, and it’s nothing if you run away with one or two.

   I don’t believe it, these wild animals can be transferred collectively!

   That's what Old Walsh said, the bear ran away, just like Jian Heng thought, there are a lot of bears here, not bad at one end and two ends.

  Then the old man put away his gun and Jian Heng returned to the camp, and everyone did their own work. After finishing their work, everyone sat around the bonfire and began to wait for dinner.

There was only such a little free time for everyone all day long. Before eating, Dominic played and sang a small English song by himself again, and then when he passed the guitar to Old Walsh, Old Walsh refused to sing any more. .

   "Let Gene sing a song, I've never heard him sing before." Coulter relieved Lao Tzu and called Jian Heng's name.

  Jian Heng quickly waved his hands and said, "Me? Let's forget it. I am a tone-deficient person. It is impossible for me to have anything to do with music in this life."

   Speaking of this, Jian Heng turned his head to look at Jim and He Ye: "Which one of you will know how to do it?"

As an old beauty, even if Jim can't sing well, he can still play guitar. As for forming a band, that's even more common. Therefore, Jim's guitar is still quite good, so he took over from Dominic. I picked up the guitar, and sang a song with a relatively soothing tune, Little Love Song, which sounded pretty good, even better than Dominic.

  Jim finished singing, and He Ye reached out to take the guitar: "Let me sing a Chinese song for you, the name is "The Waves of Honghu Lake".

  As soon as they heard about Chinese songs, everyone present became interested. They were tired of listening to English songs, so they wanted to change their taste. Now that someone wants to sing Chinese songs, they naturally found it interesting.


  He Ye plucked the string lightly, found a little feeling, and was just about to open his mouth.

   Aww! Ow!

  Wow! Wang! Wang!

  There was a furious bear roar not far away, and then all the cattle dogs in the entire camp barked. Not only the cattle dogs, but also all the horses became a little restless. Obviously, some wild beasts approached the cattle herd.

How could the people around the campfire have any interest in listening to the song now? All the cowboys turned over as fast as they could with a roar, and then each picked up their guns and ran towards the direction of the roaring bear. Load the bullet.

  Several people stood beside the herd of cattle, held guns in their hands and spread out, relying on each other and stood for a long time without seeing the shadow of the bear.

  The cattle dogs barked for a while and became quiet one after another.

   "Let's go, the bear didn't come!" Old Walsh didn't show a very happy expression on his face, because as an old cowboy, he understood that he had taken revenge on the bear he missed just now.

  Although the probability of this event is very small, it actually happened. Today, everyone met a bear who has an IQ and knows revenge.

   Everyone returned to the bonfire, and just sat down here, and the sound of the bear over there immediately came again. So there was another commotion in the camp, the cows were lowing and the horses were neighing.

This time the old Walsh said to Remington who was cooking: "You cook, we divided into two groups of four to see, Colt, you and Dominic, take a dog, Gene, you and Dominic My direction..."

  Old Walsh had just finished assigning the task, and the four of them split into two, each copying their own guy, and ran towards the predetermined direction.

Naturally, this time it was in vain again. The brown bear just approached the herd quickly, and then turned away from what it thought was a safe distance. pregnancy.

  Of course, if it feels that humans are slack in its actions, it doesn't mind rushing into the herd of cattle, killing a few bulls, or dragging out a fat calf for a tooth sacrifice or something.

This may be Xiong's own plan, but Old Walsh, as an old cowboy who has lived for decades, has never experienced such a scene where a bear challenges a person, but I have heard others say that he himself does not lack the wisdom to deal with such a situation. bear.

The advantage of bears is that they have a very sensitive sense of smell, but their sense of hearing and vision are much worse. That’s why they can only be approached by people who are in the wind, because the wind direction will take away people’s breath. As long as the smell doesn’t come to bears, bears will Almost like being blind.

  After going back and forth a few times, Old Walsh hung his horse's sweat pad under the lee of the cattle, and asked Jian Heng and others to do the same. They drove the cattle dogs that had been staying by the fire to the herd of cattle, so that everyone returned to the campfire and ate a meal in peace. No matter how the bear barked or roared, everyone ate in peace.

   I have to admit that even if Time Lives to live on a bear, the bear will be a little different from ordinary bears.

  After going back and forth a few times, the bear doubted his sense of smell a little bit, because as long as it got close, he could immediately feel the strong mixed smell of horses and people in the air, which made it afraid to move forward.

  But after a few times, every time I could smell this smell so close as soon as I approached, it was earlier than myself, which made it possible for the human being to not move. This result made it feel a little strange.

  Wild animals, even bears, tigers and lions, the biggest predators, are not brave, but careful! Because they understand that if they want to live, they don't have the right to take unnecessary risks with their own lives, and they won't fight trapped beasts when there is a way out.

   All wild animals understand a truth in their hearts. A good body, as complete as possible, is the best guarantee for their survival.

So soon the big bear began to hesitate, but because it was a little unwilling, it kept walking around the camp, outside its own psychological safety line, roaring, growling, and venting its anger with dissatisfaction.

   At this time, Old Walsh had slowly finished his meal.

   "After listening to the bear roar, it's quite special after eating a meal. It's such a special experience!" He Ye whispered to Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng smiled, lowered his voice and said, "This bear is a little anxious now."

   Judging from Jian Heng’s hearing, the bear is now circling in a fan-shaped area on the downwind side. It wants to rush over but dare not, and it’s a bit unwilling to leave.

"Let me go!" Old Walsh listened with his ears pricked up while eating, and he could naturally hear what Jian Heng heard based on his experience, but Jian Heng really relied on his hearing, while Old Walsh relied on his hearing. Experience plus your own judgment.

   "I'll go with you too" Jian Heng was afraid that the old man might make a mistake, because he must have mentioned this thing first, and he was afraid that the old man might make a mistake.

  Old Walsh waved his hand: "It's not good to have too many people. I'm going to go around to the downwind."

   After speaking, Old Walsh took the gun, and brought his favorite hound, rode on the horseback, and then galloped along the entrance road to the cattle driving road.

   (Dear readers, a new month has begun. In view of the fact that Shishi worked hard to update last month, please give a ticket. Shitou is here to greet everyone, and pray for more votes by the way!)

   Dear readers, a new month has begun. In view of the fact that Shishi worked hard to update last month, please give a ticket. Shitou is here to greet everyone, and pray for more votes by the way!



  (end of this chapter)

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