Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 152: close to the truth

  Chapter 152 Close to the truth

He Ye put down the bones in his hands that had been gnawed clean by him, and when he picked up the towel at hand, he had already recovered a bit of his usual demeanor, wiped his hands away, walked over, and lightly touched Jian Heng's shoulder. Take a pat.


   Sighing, He Ye turned around and walked towards the room.

   "There is something wrong!" Jian Heng looked at He Ye's back and said.

  Jim sucked and put down the big bone in his hand at this time, took out another bone with meat from the big basin in front of him, sucked it twice, and shouted: "Denver!"

  At this time Denver had turned back from the side wall, saw Jim calling himself, looked up, and found a big bone in Jim's hand, so he jumped onto the wooden platform and stood in front of Jim.

  Jim shook the big bone in his hand at Denver, and then retracted the bone and put it in his mouth just before Denver came up to connect the bone.

   "If you want to eat, I'll give it to you by rolling on the ground." Jim flirted with Denver.

Denver didn't know if he understood. He looked at Jim with wide eyes and gnawed on the bones for a while, then sat down in front of him, just looked at Jim calmly with his eyes open, and wagged his tail from time to time. . It seemed that he wanted to shame Jim with his sincere eyes.

Just when Denver sat down, Xiong Zai'er had already turned back. It didn't seem to be intimidated by Denver. Seeing that Denver was already on the wooden platform, Xiong Zai'er also grabbed the edge of the wooden platform to take a shortcut Climbing up the wooden platform, it is a pity that its physique is too small, even if it stands up, it is only half the height of the wooden platform, let alone climbed up.

   Aww, aww!

  Little Xiong Cub was very anxious, scratching his head and stretching out his two front paws to reach the edge of the wooden platform. He never thought that as long as he walked a few meters away, he could go up to the wooden platform smoothly with one step.

  Jian Heng saw the appearance of the little bear cub, and sighed in his heart: What a silly bear!

  Little Xiong Cub couldn't climb up, but there was someone to help. After regaining his senses, Mai Mai quickly came over and stretched out his hand to hug Cub Cub onto the wooden platform.

Cub got on the wooden platform and wanted to get close to Denver. Before he was halfway there, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look in the direction of the corner where he came out, just staring at his two small eyes with a curious expression looking at.

   Soon the bear cub looked in the direction, and the two tigers appeared in a jump. It didn't drag anything according to its old habit today, and it was extremely rare to go home with an empty mouth.

Seeing the two tigers, Xiong Zai seemed to be even happier. He climbed down from the wooden platform again. The wooden platform was more than 50 centimeters. Rolled down with a bang.

   Looking at the wheat, he reached out to pick it up, but he was still a step too late.

Unlike Denver, the two tigers showed great enthusiasm when they saw the bear cub running over. They first sniffed the smell of the bear cub, and then opened their mouths three times. Licking, anyway, is to say hello to the bear cub.

  Xiong Cub responded enthusiastically to Erhu. He started to lick Erhu's forehead, then began to falsely nibble Erhu's two long ears, and finally got his hands on Erhu while biting and playing.

   Come and go like this, don't have too much fun with Xiong Zai'er and Erhu.

  Balley had already tied the horses of himself and his younger sister Xiaomai to the hitch stakes at this time, walked to Jian Heng's side, pulled a chair and sat down.

   "We thought you might not come back tomorrow, and we were going to find someone to take your place." Damai put his elbows on his knees, leaned forward and scratched Denver's head.

  Xiaomai is now squatting next to Erhu and Cub Xiong, watching the two little things that are about the same size playing.

   "Pooh likes the two tigers" Mai Mai laughed, not sure if she was talking to others or talking to herself.

   "How is it possible? If it wasn't for the heavy rain, I would have come back a day earlier. Don't worry, I forgot everything and I will never forget the promise to take you to the concert," Jian Heng said.

  Balley looked at Jian Heng with disdain, corrected him and said, "It's not that you take us there, but we need a driver! The tickets are all at our own money, not a gentleman at all!"

   "Oh!" Jian Hengchang sighed: "I am also a poor man, besides, do you kindly ask me to pay for it?"

"Okay, let's play, Sanzhu, please pack up your things later, I'll go back to sleep first, I've been running all day, I'm exhausted!" After speaking, he stood up and stretched his waist .

   "Ah! It's still comfortable at home, and the air smells sweet"

   Saying something out of nowhere, Jian Heng turned around and opened the door, and walked in.

   Entering the house, he happened to meet He Ye who was going out. Jian Heng glanced at him and asked, "Really go out to ride a horse at this time? After riding for a day, still riding?"

   "It's not riding, I'm going to go out for a walk by myself. After all, I just had a meal, and it's not good for digestion to go directly to bed." He Ye said as he walked away from Jian Heng and walked towards the door.

   After walking a few steps, when he was about to reach the door, He Ye stopped and called Jian Heng: "By the way, how about I buy a ranch near here?"

   "Near here?" Jian Heng asked in surprise.

   "Well! It's just around here, what's the matter? Is it not good here?" He Ye was a little surprised.

Jian Heng said: "What a ghost! This is the Rocky Mountains. If you want to buy a pasture, I suggest going to the plains. The pasture facilities there are good, and the cattle raised in the same acre are two to three times the size of an acre here. times".

"Do you think I have to live by raising cattle?" He Ye smiled at Jian Heng: "I live nearby so we can have a companion, and I don't want much land, just four or five hundred acres, the most important house It needs to be big and comfortable, I will not get used to it if I live for a long time like you."

When Jian Heng heard that he intended to be a neighbor, he didn't say anything more. Besides, it was only 500 acres of land, which was probably just a little drizzle for He Ye, just like a domestic rich man with a female star. , Most people think it's a sky-high price, but it's not much money at all for them.

"Then you have to search and ask. The small ranch is easy to find here. As long as the price is right, you may not be able to buy it. But the big house you mentioned is a bit difficult, because there are ranches with ready-made big houses, just like Aub The kind of Ryan's house, with two upper and lower floors, and a large house with about ten rooms on each floor, is not cheap!" Jian Heng said.

"Let's see, anyway, I'm not too anxious now. If it doesn't work, I can just buy a piece of land and build it myself. My main purpose here is to build a horse farm and raise some thoroughbred horses! The equestrian sports here are indeed more developed than in China. It's too much," He Ye said.

  Jian Heng listened, and raised his finger at him: "Money is prostitute!"

   "This is saying, the country is preparing to gradually open up horse racing, can't I play a good role here?" He Ye shrugged with a smile.

"what ever!"

   As for horse racing, Jian Heng knew that he could gamble money, but he didn't know anything else at all, so as soon as he finished speaking, Jian Heng asked He Ye again: "Is there anything else? I'll go back to sleep when I'm fine."

  He Ye shook his head, turned around and walked to the door without saying anything, stretched out his hand to push the door and went out.

  Jian Heng returned to his room, locked the door, and stepped into the space.

  As soon as he entered the space, he didn't care about anything else, and ran directly to the mat under the tree, and then couldn't wait to start flipping through the 'Space User Manual'

   Sure enough, when Jian Heng opened it again this time, he obviously felt that he could 'understand' more content.

Since this is the case, Jian Heng sat down quietly, and continued to turn over carefully from the beginning. There are ten kinds of animals in total, and now Jian Heng has found six kinds, namely the big cow, the lion Denver, the buck Qianlong, and the Winnie the Pooh. , Mianzi and two tigers, and the big rooster that He Ye jokingly called a high official.

  The thing that is not known so far is a dog, and the other one is a carp.

  About lithium fish, Jian Heng originally planned to use the wild fish here, but the last time he heard what Zhao Changshan said, he gave up the idea and prepared to get a real Chinese native carp when he was going back to China. Anyway, we can't wait for too long, and we must not let these Chinese carp take advantage of the loopholes, and we will also avoid the time when another hot-tempered guy like a rooster comes in and stays away all day.

   Seeing that more than half of it is understood, Jian Heng also understands what the existing things represent. Under each animal, there is a word called pictograph, which marks their characteristics.

  Jian Heng didn't know what these characters read, and even after glancing at them, he didn't know how to write the characters in a blink of an eye, but he could understand the meaning miraculously.

Take Daniu as an example, the characters in its book are very strange and seem to have no shape, but Jian Heng knows that the water spit out by the statue of Da Niu can improve the body functions, which seems to be explosive, and the statue of Lion Denver The water spit out can improve a kind of "constant power" through training in a certain period of time, which roughly means that you can run for an hour at 15 kilometers per hour, but after drinking this stuff, you can run A few hours, sort of like staying power or something.

   As for the others, it is easier to understand. The water spit out by the bear statue can train strength, and the water from the deer statue can improve the reaction speed. Rabbits and tigers are like gluttons, digesting whatever they eat.

   Up to now, there are only two points that Jian Heng has not figured out. What are chickens and dogs for? The remaining three seats, besides carp, what are the other two?

   Fortunately, Jian Heng already has a clue, so he didn't want to try all the animals in the world as before.

Just when Jian Heng was very absorbed in watching it, he suddenly felt that something had fallen off his head. He reached out to touch it and found it was sticky. Soak chicken shit.

  Running a few steps away and looking up, he found that the rooster official was standing on a tree branch and staring at himself.

  (end of this chapter)

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