Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 189: Teasing you

  Chapter 189 Tease you

   "Did you say anything to them?"

What kind of people are lawyers? As soon as they come in and see this posture, they know that this gang has nothing to gain, let alone nothing, even if they gain something, they have to do their best to exonerate Jian Heng, not to mention the great advantage now Ah, if they don't even know how to take advantage of the fire, then these people don't need to be lawyers, they can go home and nurse their children.

  Like this kind of embarrassment to the functional department, lawyers like to do it the most, because it can not only demonstrate their own justice, but also make a name for themselves.

  Fame can bring customers, and customers mean money!

   "I didn't say anything, I just said they broke my box!" Jian Heng said.

  The lawyer asked again: "Okay, tell me the details from when you met them! The more detailed the better!"

   It was not the first time that Jian Heng faced such a situation. He immediately told the lawyer all the details he could remember, and even heard him staring at the woman's **** all the way. Here in the United States, lawyers have nothing to do with justice. Once you choose a lawyer, your position is the lawyer's position, and he will maximize your interests.

  The two discussed for about a quarter of an hour, and then the lawyer asked all the things he needed, and took a picture of Jian Heng's messed up box.

   "Okay, what result do you hope to get in the end?" After listening to Jian Heng's narration, the lawyer had a bottom line in his mind and asked after making some suggestions.

   "I can't let me pay the lawyer's fees myself!"

Jian Heng felt that this time he was completely unreasonable, and he couldn't afford the legal fees by himself. It means that you, a lawyer, have to squeeze out your own fees from the customs. As for the rest, Jian Heng said I don't care.

   Clothes and suitcases are fake goods. Of course, the suitcases are what they look like, and the suitcases must be compensated. Although they are only worth tens of dollars, are tens of dollars not money?

   It’s good not to mention money to make people feel sick!

Compared to Jian Heng, a lawyer is even less like a good thing. How could the goal in his heart be to make his own money back so simple? Lawyers like clients like Jian Heng very much, so they can let go Ah, the requirements are so basic.

The two men with ulterior motives discussed their goals, and the lawyer who led Jian Heng out was naturally quite stubborn. He said that the smuggling had not been caught, so from the perspective of American law, there was no such thing at all, and Jian Heng was innocent. Can't be more innocent.

  So when the lawyer took Jian Heng away, his face was almost covered with ice, as if the U.S. Customs was a moth of the United States, a **** agency that specifically finds fault with American citizens.

In less than an hour, Jian Heng's trip to the customs was uneventful. Even Jian Heng felt a little boring, and he didn't try to force a confession. After leaving the door, Jian Heng actually felt a little Not beautiful anymore.

   But after exiting the customs, the lawyer threw Jian Heng on the side of the road, and drove away in his car.

  For a lawyer, he thinks that his job does not include the service of sending Jian Heng home. Of course, if Jian Heng is a regular customer, it is a different matter. Now he is just helping, so he will not send Jian Heng.

  So the lawyer didn't even greet Jian Heng politely. He shook hands, got into his car, and disappeared from Jian Heng's sight in a flash.

   If you just came from China, you will definitely not be used to this. Fortunately, Jian Heng has lived in the United States for several years, so he is not surprised, so he waved a taxi and stopped in front of Jian Heng.

  Just about to get in the car, Jian Heng turned his head and found that not far from the taxi, the woman who told him to enter the customs was sitting in the car, staring at him calmly.

   Waved at her, Jian Heng got into the taxi.

  Not long after the taxi drove, Jian Heng found that the woman had been following him, so he waited for the driver to drive him to the hotel. Jian Heng got off the station and looked at the woman in the car.

  The woman stretched out both hands and pointed to her eyes, then reached out and made a poking motion at Jian Heng, which meant obviously, I'm staring at you.

   Jian Heng looked at her and blinked, smiled at her, turned around and hail another taxi.

   Now Jian Heng directly stayed in a hotel near the Central Park. The hotel cost hundreds of dollars a night, which was not something she could afford as a civil servant, let alone reimbursed.

  Jian Heng's meaning is obvious, don't you want to wait for me to make a deal, then you can wait outside this hotel.

To be honest, Jian Heng didn't expect that there would be such a woman staring at him. Generally speaking, things like this, especially when there is no evidence, it can be said that this woman is very impulsive to do such a thing .

   What Jian Heng didn't expect was that Selina followed Jian Heng into the hotel in a daze. Not only did she enter the hotel, but she also opened a room next to Jian Heng's room.

It stands to reason that in such a situation, Jian Heng can notify his lawyer, and then apply for a restraining order to the judge, but Jian Heng is not afraid of her, anyway, just follow, Jian Heng still doesn't believe it, just because she is a woman can see die yourself?

   As the saying goes, hitting a child on a rainy day means that you are free when you are idle!

When he arrived at the hotel room, Jian Heng naturally had a good night's sleep. When he woke up the next day, he met with Xu Zhaobin and discussed the senator's weight loss. Slip that female police officer in New York.

   If you want to say that this person is also stubborn, as if he has fixed Jian Heng, like a maggot attached to the bone, he has been hanging about ten meters behind Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng finally chose a bar, sat down and drank while listening to the women in the bar sing.

  Before entering the bar, Jian Heng knew that there was only a solid wall between the bathroom of this bar and the locker of a nearby restaurant. And this restaurant is the handover point set by White this time. Although the two said that no one looked down on the other, they still had a considerable degree of trust during the transaction.

Usually such a point is changed every time. White finds the next store to do it once, at most twice, and then transfers the store out, and then changes to another store. Only White himself knows this location. Before the transaction, even Jian Heng I don't know. Only when Jian Heng found the information left by White did he know which store and where the address was for this transaction.

  How did Jian Heng know the trading point? Here I have to admit that the old guy White is treacherous!

He has several fixed points in the city, these points are all legitimate businesses, some sell clothes, some are real estate agencies, in the windows of these shops there are hidden information about joint points, except for his own clerks who don’t know the inside story, A clerk was a serious job, except that whatever was in the shop window was what White had ordered.

  White Ming's business is these shops.

For Jian Heng, when he saw the finger of the model in the clothes shop window, the glass said 9% off, that means Ninth Avenue, where houses are sold, a big red circle circled a The total price of one hundred and nine thousand dollars is written on the house, which is No. 19 Ninth Avenue, and the information obtained from the other room is the number of the cash drawer.

It is precisely because of this kind of cunning that White's smuggling business is quite covert. Of course, the smuggling is registered with the police, but the police have not yet figured out how he completed the transaction. How did he make a deal if he was caught? It was just to catch Ma Zi. How could the BOSS show up after his scene.

  Even Mathil doesn't know this kind of transaction method. Only the leader of their gang knows about this.

  In addition, each supplier's information obtained from the same store is different, so that if there is an error in one line, White will immediately know which supplier has an accident.

   After a few bottles of beer, Jian Heng took the opportunity to pee into the bathroom, stuffed the diamond into White's locker through the wall from the space, and then took back a bag of money in the locker into the space.

  Everything is done within a minute, and this transaction is considered complete. When Jian Heng went back to continue drinking, Jian Heng saw Selina slipping into the men's room from the corner of his eye.

   There is no need to guess, Jian Heng knows that this girl might have turned through all the toilet paper.

  But with a bad taste, Jian Heng still held the beer bottle and leaned against the door of the toilet, watching the woman rummage in the toilet.

   "Hey, looking for something to eat?"

   What Jian Heng said was quite disgusting, you must know that this is a toilet. Looking for food in the toilet? Isn't that satirizing Selina eating shit!

   "I lost something!" Who knew that Selina didn't feel embarrassed at all, and the toilets are only two, four or five bungalows, let alone searching, even looking at it.

   "Did you find it?" Jian Heng would never let her go.

   Selina said: "I didn't find it!"

   After finishing speaking, he shrugged.

  The transaction here has been completed, and it is naturally impossible for Jian Heng to stay in New York, so he said to Selina: "I'm going back to Montana soon, do you still want to follow me?"

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, Selina suddenly had a premonition that this person had already completed the transaction, but she didn't know how the transaction was completed.

  Selina knew that if Matil received the correct information, the transaction would cost close to a million dollars, such a large amount of money, and it was still circulating on the black market, so it shouldn't be so easy.

Although there is also a possibility that they decided to trade in Montana, but Selina feels that the man in front of her must have completed the transaction. Although she doesn't know how he completed it, Selina's sixth sense Tell her the deal is done.

  Selina looked at Jian Heng for a while, and then said seriously: "I will figure it out!"

"Can you do something serious? Don't harass me as a legal citizen. If you don't look at how good you are, I would have applied for a restraining order to the judge!" After speaking, Jian Heng threw the beer bottle in his hand into Celine In the wastebasket that Na just finished digging through.


   Jian Heng made a vomiting like: "It's really disgusting!"

   Finish speaking and walk away! Only Selina was left with itchy teeth in the back.

  (end of this chapter)

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