Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 195: big light bulb

  Chapter 195 Big Light Bulb

   After about two or three minutes, the two seemed to have enjoyed the kiss, and the four lips parted.

Jian Heng then turned his attention to the steak. He stretched out his hand to try it out, and found that the steak had already thawed, and he couldn't feel any hard ice bumps when pinching it with his hands. The butter melted and started to fry.

In less than three minutes, Jian Heng's two steaks came out of the pot, and the two side dishes also came out of the pot while the steaks were frying. The presentation of the steak is quite good.

Steadily put all the dishes on the plate with great care. In order to pursue a better effect, Jian Heng also wrote the name of barley on the blank space of the white plate with steak juice. Of course, it is impossible Write the full name, her full name must be listed, and a bottle of steak juice is estimated to use up less than half of the bottle.

Putting the steak on the table, placing flowers in the middle of the table, sobering up the wine, and pouring it into two goblets, Jian Heng found that there was still an important prop that was not prepared, which was candles. Jian Heng, a big man, did not I don't care, but I know that sometimes women care about this kind of situation. Anyway, I have already done it now, so why skip this link, so I naturally carried Barley to the dining room, and then turned around and went to the storage room.

  Jian Heng entered the house and searched for a while before he found the scented candles that the two sisters, Barley and Wheat, had given him when they moved to a new house, and hurriedly ran back to the small restaurant with a trot.

   "Okay!" Jian Heng said excitedly, his face changed suddenly after he finished speaking, because there was an unexpected guest in the restaurant. A super big light bulb: wheat!

   "Why haven't you gone back to sleep"

  Jian Heng asked, sitting on his seat, who was currently cutting his plate of steak with a knife and fork.

  Wheat said lightly: "There is steak to eat, and I happen to be hungry too, why should I go back to sleep, wouldn't it be better to go back to sleep after eating?"

While talking, he picked up a piece of steak and put it into his mouth, so his mouth was still annoying, and he began to judge the steak: "The steak is a bit overcooked, not tender enough, and it looks a little dry! Also, the seasoning of the sauce is not good enough, the taste is too strong, covering some of the aroma of beef..."

   Speaking of this, he reached out to pick up the wine at hand, took a sip and said, "The wine is not bad, it's an authentic Napa Valley wine in California."

   "I made the steak for myself, not for you. If it doesn't taste good, put it there and I'll eat it myself!" Jian Heng doesn't know what to say to this guy now.

   Seeing her sitting in his seat, Jian Heng was not angry, but just thought her appearance was a bit funny, like an angry child, vomiting with the adults.

Da Mai did not say a word, sitting quietly opposite Mai Mai, smiling at his sister, while elegantly cutting the steak, chewing it in his mouth a few times, taking a sip of the red wine at hand, Going back and forth like this seems to be enjoying a drama.

  After letting go of his wine, he continued to eat steak while listening to his new boyfriend Jian Heng talking to his sister.

   "Do you want to eat?" Mai Mai forked a piece of steak and gestured to Jian Heng.

   Before waiting for Jian Heng to speak, Mai Mai yelled at the steak! Pooh! Sprayed a few mouthfuls of saliva, although Jian Heng knew that most of the girl's spitting on the steak was air, but it was still quite disgusting, even if it was a beauty who was spitting.

   "I didn't say eat, you are a big girl, and you still play this kind of child's tricks! Okay, you eat, can I be a waiter for you here?"

  Speaking, Jian Heng smiled and shook his head, turned around and lit the two scented candles in his hand, placed them in the middle of the table, and finally turned off the lights in the dining room.

  In order to behave more like a waiter, Jian Heng also took a towel and put it on his hand, just stood at the door of the restaurant with a smile and watched Barley and Wheat eating steak.

Mai Mai originally wanted to quarrel with Jian Heng, but when she saw Jian Heng smiling, she really stood by the door in a dignified manner and waited for a response. She felt that her fist seemed to have hit Cotton Cotton. superior.

  However, wheat is not a fuel-efficient lamp. When I rolled my eyes, I immediately had a new idea.

   "Wait, pour me wine!" Mai Mai snapped his fingers at Jian Heng, and stretched out his finger to the wine glass in front of him.

  Jian Heng can be regarded as returning to his old career now. Although the clothes on his body are a bit out of the ordinary, the expressions on his face and the movements of his hands are all first-class.

  Walking to Mai Mai's side with a smile on his face, he bowed and folded the towel in his hands into a square to support the decanter, and poured the wheat flour wine to the appropriate position very skillfully.

  Wheat is ready to serve, Jian Heng bowed to Barley again: "Dear Madam, would you like some red wine?"

   "Thank you!" Barley is also very cooperative.

   Filling up the wine in front of Barley, Jian Heng bowed slightly: "Please use it slowly!"

   After speaking, he turned around and prepared to walk back to his original position, which was by the door.

   "Wait!" Damai stopped Jian Heng, beckoning him to come to his side.

  Jian Heng asked with a smile: "Madam, what else do you want?"

  Seeing Jian Heng approaching, Damai reached out and grabbed Jian Heng's collar, pulled Jian Heng to his side, and gave Jian Heng a kiss: "This is my tip."

   "Not enough!" Seeing Damai let go of himself, Jian Heng stretched out his hand to lift her chin, put her lips together again, and kissed lightly: "This time it's not too bad!"

  After the kiss, Jian Heng stood at the door of the restaurant with a smile on his face again, waiting for students with eleven standards.

  Many Americans, including many rich second-generation children, have worked as waiting students. It can be said that waiting for students is the first job for a large number of Americans in their lives. This job in the United States is not like the work of serving people, which seems to be of low status to domestic people.

  For many Americans, the education they receive is that there is no occupation, and many people have done it, so they don't feel that they are inferior to others.

  Of course education belongs to education. In fact, there are still high and low professions. You have to admit that the life of a president is far better than that of a teacher.

  If this matter were put in China, then Jian Heng's performance now must be a bit self-deprecating, but here in the United States, it's all about demeanor and fun.

Originally, Mai Mai came here just to provoke Jian Heng into anger, or there was a sense of rivalry with her sister in her heart, which is more specific, Mai Mai couldn't figure it out at the moment, she just felt unhappy, her displeasure It's a bit strange to be happy, it's not because of the jealousy caused by this person's closeness with his sister.

  Ri suddenly felt that something was missing in his heart, a little empty, and suddenly felt that he was so lonely now.

   It is impossible for her to express her dissatisfaction on her sister, so she pointed her finger at Jian Heng, trying to figure out a way to deal with it.

  But Jian Heng's performance made her feel a little bit like a rat, unable to speak. Of course, this metaphor is a bit inappropriate, but in fact it is almost this state.

   "Come here, I can also pay the tip with a kiss!" Seeing the tiredness of the two, Mai Mai coaxed and said.

  Jian Heng walked up to her and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, ma'am, this lady can do it, but you can't!"

   "Why?" Mai Mai looked at Jian Heng and asked.

   "You are so ugly! If you want to kiss me, you have to pay extra!" Jian Heng Ding Qu said solemnly: "Please pay US dollars!"

  Barley almost spit out the wine from his mouth when he heard it, and Wheat was also very angry. Although the identical twins, Jian Heng, said one was ugly! This made Mai Mai's teeth itch.

   "You say I'm ugly?" Mai Mai asked while staring at Jian Heng.

   "I'm sorry, I shouldn't say you are ugly, but not beautiful!" Jian Heng said nonsense seriously.

  Mai Mai pointed at Jian Heng and said, "Just like you, you still want to earn tips. I want to complain and call your boss!"


  Hearing what she said, Jian Heng instantly turned into a boss.

   "Ma'am, I am the boss here. May I help you?" Jian Heng said flatteringly.

  Wheat was teased by Jian Heng: "You are a **** boss!"

   Originally, I planned to complain, but now the boss and the buddy are alone, so there is no complaint here.

   "Ma'am, the **** boss is also the boss!" Jian Heng said with a straight face.

   "Okay, stop making trouble!" Damai couldn't stand it any longer: "Finish your meal quickly, go back to bed! There's still class tomorrow morning."

   Pointing at Jian Heng with a middle finger, Xiaomai ate two more steaks, then got up and waited for Damai to finish eating.

  I didn't eat much barley, and only ate more than half of it. However, the two women didn't have the habit of wasting food. They directly put the steak on the plate back in a bag, and knew without asking that they were going to give it to Denver.

  As soon as the two women left, Pooh came out from an unknown corner, sniffing the smell of steak in the air, humming unceasingly, it seemed that the glutton in his stomach was hooked out by the smell.

   Naturally, it is impossible for Jian Heng to fry steaks for it now, since he didn't even get one for himself, so it's his turn.

Fortunately, there was still a lot of steak juice on the plate on the table, Jian Heng carried Pooh onto the table, watched him lick the plate clean, then washed the plate, turned around and went back to the room to sleep .

It seems that the sexual emotions that had been buried in his heart for a long time were released at once. As soon as Jian Heng lay on the bed, he was holding hands with Damai in his sleep, and galloping happily on his pasture, but from time to time, Mai would Come out and mess around. But later, Jian Heng was a bit indescribable. When he was making out with Damai, Damai who was kissing suddenly showed a weird smile.

   Wheat! Jian Heng was shocked!

  (end of this chapter)

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