Chapter 198 Password

   Discussed with Zhao Changshan about next year's Ma Xiao, Jian Heng returned to his kitchen with the materials, such as making wontons for his girlfriend Barley and sister-in-law Wheat.

   Enthusiastically finished the wontons and served them on the table, something embarrassing for Jian Heng happened.

   "What is this?" Mai Mai took a mouthful, and then the expression on her face froze instantly, as if she had eaten something unpalatable.

   Looking at her, Jian Heng thinks the wonton has been cooked by himself?

So I quickly scooped one up and put it in my mouth. I chewed it a few times and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. The wonton wrapper was smooth and delicious, and the flavor of the stuffing was neither strong nor weak. , with some chopped leeks and coriander, this little taste is first-class.

  Jian Heng who eats feels that if he has no space, he might be able to live a happy life by setting up a wonton stand when he returns to China.

"It's really unpalatable, the taste of meat is almost unpalatable, the flour has no taste, and this dish is too weird." Wheat seems to have used a lot of strength to swallow the wonton in his mouth. As soon as he swallowed it, he didn't want to eat the second one, so he pushed the bowl back to the center of the table.

Jian Heng felt that the ingredients in her bowl had been put too much, and it was a bit unpalatable, so he stretched out a spoon and scooped out a bowl of wheat, tasted it and found it was not much, it was completely different from his It's just a taste.

   "How could it be? Is it unpalatable?" Jian Heng scooped up another one and put it in his mouth while talking. After a taste, it still tasted the same, authentic Chinese taste!

  Balley spat out the wontons in his mouth at this time: "It's not as good as dumplings!"

   "This is wonton!" Jian Heng emphasized it deliberately.

   "Meat, etc.?" Damai imitated Jian Heng's pronunciation.

   "Won... Forget it!" Jian Heng didn't bother to worry about her pronunciation anymore.

   After thinking about it for a while, Jian Heng almost understood the difference. In Jian Heng’s hometown, this is a small wonton, and there is little meat. This thing is not meat, but soup and flavor! In the south, there are big wontons with a lot of meat. The two girls have no problem eating dumplings, but they don't like small wontons, so eating big wontons may be fine in all likelihood.

   "Forget it, I get it, I'll give you stuffing stuffing in two days!" Jian Heng had no choice but to say.

Allowing the two women to sit at the table and eat the buns, Jian Heng gave up the ownership of the buns and got a bowl of wontons from the barley bowl. As for Pooh's buns, two of them were 'forced' by wheat Changed away.

   The excuse is that it took a long time to find Pooh yesterday, and Pooh forgot to inform the two sisters when he left.

   Fortunately, Pooh is honest, he doesn't care about wheat at all, and appreciates the face of Jian Heng, the master. Not only did he eat all the wontons, but he also drank up the soup, which is really a great way to save face.

   After eating, Jian Heng and Da Mai washed the dishes together, while Xiao Mai played with Pooh all over the room. Pooh is naturally hiding from the witch, wheat, everywhere.

Seeing that Mai Mai had disappeared, Jian Heng turned his head and said to Damai: "In order to distinguish the two of you from now on, I will give you a code now, when I say the last sentence, and you answer the next sentence, I will know it is you! "

  Balley thought it was interesting when he heard it, so he nodded in agreement.

   "I said, the king of heaven Gai Dihu, you said that the pagoda suppresses the river demon!" Jian Heng directly used the idea, and took out the plot of "Take the Tiger Mountain by Outsmarting".

   "Follow me, treasure... pagoda... town... river... monster!" Jian Heng taught each word one by one.

  Balley said: "Let him meet the flower demon!"

   "It's not about letting him see the flower demon, it's about pagoda town monster!" Jian Heng corrected her.

  Well, Damai nodded: "I'll let him see the flower demon!"

  Jian Heng thought for a moment, forget it, let him see the flower demon, let him meet the flower demon, so he repeated a few words with Tianmai, seeing that Damai had completely memorized it, it was an agreement between the two of them.

  After washing the bowls, Jian Heng waited for the old ink builder Ceresto to come to talk about building a sun room, while Barley and Wheat took a break and prepared to give lessons to the students.

Ceresto came quickly, the two discussed it, and Jian Heng drew a piece of land. After Ceresto asked about the situation, he began to roughly write down the length, width and height, and kept it Go back and calculate the quotation.

  In less than half an hour, Jian Heng drove Zhao Changshan's van, and Ceresto left the ranch one after the other. When they arrived at the small town, the two parted ways, one going east and the other going west.

  Jian Heng didn’t really want to go to the city. After walking for a while, he picked a side passage when there was no one there. After entering the side passage, he threw the car into the space, and entered the space with his own eyes.

   After entering the space and taking a closer look, Jian Heng discovered that there was a problem.

Because the number of horses in the space has expanded, the foals that were born outside until next spring are now all born under the influence of the space, not only born but also almost half grown. Strictly speaking, it can no longer be called a foal.

Not only the pony, but the eight dogs have also grown up, all of them are adult dogs, and they seem to have experienced the first estrus period of the dogs, and three of the female dogs seem to have stomachs, which means that they have to grow up. Puppies are born.

   "Damn, this is too fast!" Jian Heng scratched his head a little bit.

But think about it, a few days is a year, and this situation is not too strange now, since I put the four-eyed black dog into the space, it has not been more than five days, that is to say, one year and three months , the dog grows up to give birth to puppies, what's so strange about the foal growing up.

  Thinking about this, Jian Heng became happy again, walked over, and carefully inspected the newborn pony.

These horses are strictly bred by the ranch, and with the addition of space training, there are quite a lot of excellent foals, but there are also some that are not outstanding. It seems that there are only five or six of them that perform very poorly. It's nothing, some body structures show obvious variations, like these horses are also made into canned dog food when they arrive at the pasture.

Put these ponies in a circle, and put them outside the space, let them fend for themselves. As for the remaining good ponies, Jian Heng decided to wait until tonight and put them in his own herd As for what others think, that's not for Jian Heng to think about. Anyway, these little horses don't have any marks on them.

  According to the custom, such a foal, which is almost one year old and has no brand on its body, naturally belongs to wild horses. In this way, whoever catches it, or whoever puts the first brand on it, will own the ownership of these horses.

When the latest batch of ponies grow up, a new horse king will naturally be born in the horse herd. This horse king is a sorrel stallion with a big frame. Although it is just a sub-adult, its shoulder height Over 1.7 meters tall, with a big frame, but a slightly small head and thick limbs, it looks a bit like a heavy-drawn horse.

   The little guy is very wary of Jian Heng, but this is space, and Jian Heng is almost like the creator **** in this space, no matter how vigilant he is, it is impossible to make waves.

Feeling this king of horses, Jian Heng already classified it as a **** in his heart. Obviously, although this horse is strong, he does not have a fast speed, and also starts very slowly, and his durability is average. What Jian Heng needs is not a draft horse, but a ranch horse, so the position of the horse king can only be held until tonight.

Dozens of ponies have been passed through each one. Jian Heng picked out about 20 ponies to keep, of which 17 or 18 were left in the space with the original ponies to continue breeding, and the rest were thrown away. Yes, there are a total of sixteen horses including male and female, and Jian Heng decided to enrich his own horse herd.

After such a toss, when Jian Heng left the space, the sun above his head was past noon. Jian Heng got out the small car from the space, and then got out all the quilts and put them in the car. , because there were too many things, Jian Heng finally had to squeeze eight dogs into the cab with himself.

  When I returned to the ranch, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun above my head actually started to weaken at this time.

  Seeing Zhang Jialiang approaching, Jian Heng said to him: "Call someone to come and move things!"

   After speaking, Jian Heng pushed the door open, but before he got out, a group of unbearable dogs squeezed in the car rushed out first.

Suddenly a big dog jumped out, and Zhang Jialiang was taken aback. When a big yellow dog walked up to him and sniffed him, Zhang Jialiang's spirit tensed up. , kept shouting to the big yellow dog: "Go away, go away!"

  Zhang Jialiang only dared to shout, but did not dare to move, because this big yellow dog is really not small, with a shoulder height of about 65 centimeters, which looks slightly taller than many cattle dogs in nearby pastures.

It’s just that these dogs are different from them in that they have the distinctive characteristics of traditional Chinese pastoral dogs, with pointed and short mouths, flat foreheads, small and erect ears, and high ear positions. The tail is a standard money tail, that is, rolled together. .

   "Rhubarb!" Jian Heng shouted.

  The big yellow dog heard Jian Heng's voice, and seemed unsure if he was calling him. He turned his head to look at Jian Heng, and found that when Jian Heng was staring at him, his tail immediately wagged happily.

   "It's okay, it's okay!" Jian Heng said to Zhang Jialiang.

   "I got a cross, it's too scary these dogs, so big".

Just after Zhang Jialiang finished speaking, two medium-sized four-eyed blacks ran down from the car. These two dogs were different from the four-eyed blacks recognized by the secret realm. It looks more stout and strong, a bit like the body structure of a bulldog, thick and thick.

   "So many?!" Zhang Jialiang said in surprise when he saw that there were eight more dogs.

   "It's not certain that the cattle herd will expand in the future," Jian Heng had no choice but to say.

  (end of this chapter)

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