Chapter 212 Doorway

  The three of them went out, Jian Heng whistled and called the black beans that were swaying around. Every time they saw such a scene, Da Mai and Xiao Mai showed indescribable envy on their faces.

It's a pity that the two of them can only be envious, because no matter how they train, the fire lily and the mountains can't be the same as the black beans, although the combined value of two race-level horses can buy dozens of black beans, But now that price is not glory, and sometimes more like irony in the eyes of barley and wheat.

  The three of them saddled their respective horses at the same time. Jian Heng didn't notice that the two sisters put their heads together, and looked towards Jian Heng from time to time while muttering.

   They are all experienced hands, and it only takes a few minutes to get off the whole set of saddles. As soon as Jian Heng got on the back of Heidou's horse, he saw wheat approaching.

   "What are you doing?" Seeing her looking at him with a smile on her face, Jian Hengyou's heart suddenly panicked, because he felt that when Mai Mai looked at him with such eyes, he was planning for nothing good.

  Mait suddenly smiled ghostly: "It's nothing, I just think you're a pretty good person!"

   Suddenly trembling, Jian Heng took the reins to keep the black beans away from the mountains, and then said to the wheat: "What's wrong!"

   "Don't make trouble, let's hurry up, maybe they're all over practice by this time." Damai looked at the two and smiled, then urged the fire lily to trot forward.

   Seeing Barley speeding up the horse, Jian Heng naturally urged the black beans to speed up.

Because it is not a horse race, Black Bean can easily catch up with the fire lily. The two horses are not like before when they met each other and competed head-to-head. Now when everyone is carrying their own masters, they can still maintain their stability for the time being. As for At other times, it's hard to say.

  Anyway, there is no male knife that has been stabbed once, almost all of them are like this.

   Three people and three rides soon came to the sports room, which is now called the **** room by most people.

   Swinging off the horse, Jian Heng didn't need to tie the horse, so he was naturally the first to stand on the steps of the door.

As soon as he stretched out his hand and opened the door, Jian Heng was taken aback by what he saw. The entire exercise room was crowded with people, not only a few actors, but also almost all other students. It was these people, as well as Zhao Changshan, Zhao Wei and Feng Sanzhu. Except for Huang Xiaodong and Zhang Jialiang who had to work, almost everyone who could come from the ranch came.

  Even Jian Heng has a feeling that Da Niu and the others don't understand human language. If they understand human language, they might not be able to sit here.

   And the whole venue was surprisingly quiet, you could hear a needle drop to the ground.

  Now the entire empty room is only the voice of the old liar Yao echoing softly, with a bit of fairy air and a few ethereal sounds.

   "Everyone hold your breath for two seconds... 3... 2... 1! Okay, exhale, slow!"

The old man Yao spoke every word very slowly, and seemed to have a rhythm of ups and downs. All the people sitting in the exercise room followed the rhythm of the old man, constantly adjusting their breathing, and everyone's face With an inexplicable piety, and an indescribable serenity.

  Such a scene suddenly seemed like a flash of lightning in Jian Heng's mind, reminding Jian Heng of the time when he saw his grandma alive.

  At that time, the grandma who favored her grandson always brought her own to worship Jesus, as if she wanted the Lord to bless her grandson.

At that time, Jian Heng was only about seven or eight years old, and he didn't remember how far he ran with his grandma, and he forgot whether it was in a small forest behind a Zhuangzi, or in a wheat field, anyway, it was such an empty place There are hundreds of old ladies and middle-aged women shaking their heads like this, and they can't stop talking about God and the like.

  At that time, grandma asked Jian Heng to close his eyes, but how could a seven or eight-year-old boy be so obedient. So when everyone closed their eyes, Jian Heng opened them and stood up from his grandmother. When everyone was sitting on the ground, the child who stood up was undoubtedly the tallest person in the whole scene.

  At that time, Jian Heng widened his eyes curiously, and looked around at the scab-like crowd. That kind of visual shock was always engraved deep in Jian Heng's mind.

  The scene in front of Jian Heng once again brought back the childhood scene from his mind.

  Now I can clearly recall what I saw at that time in my mind. I saw hundreds of heads shaking at the same time, and my ears were full of things like Lord and God that those women muttered.

Jian Heng, who was seven or eight years old, naturally didn't know how he felt at that time, but now he felt that scene again, Jian Heng suddenly felt that the two scenes overlapped at once, and the feeling of the seven or eight-year-old child at that time was reflected back Arrived in Jian Heng's consciousness.

  Jian Heng stretched out his hand and pushed open the door. Barley and Mai quickly **** the horses. They didn't notice Jian Heng's face, and walked into the room with a special sense of novelty.

  Find a place to sit next to Zhao Changshan and the others, imitate everyone's way with legs crossed, closed eyes and followed Yao Laodao's words to adjust his breathing.

Within two minutes of sitting down, both Barley and Wheat felt the change of their breath, as if the old voice had a magical power, which made their breathing much smoother, not only much smoother, but also seemed to have all the distracting thoughts in their minds Slowly throwing it aside, the whole person entered a particularly wonderful state of mind. Unconsciously, the whole person actually began to have some special feelings.

  It's a pity that just when the two of them had this wonderful feeling, a sudden gust of cold wind rushed to their faces, pulling the two of them out of this extremely comfortable ethereal world.

  Opened their eyes, the two sisters saw at a glance that Jian Heng still maintained the opening gesture at the beginning, opened half of the door, and stood at the door in a daze. The cold air from the outside poured into the room through the half-open door.

   You must know that this is Montana, and the temperature outside is now minus one or two degrees. In the exercise room, the heating is fully turned on, and the controlled temperature is exactly what the human body feels most comfortable.

  The way to heat the room is not only the radiators on the wall, but also the pipes buried under the floor, that is, underfloor heating. Otherwise, these people would not be able to sit on the floor and meditate.

  But with Jian Heng doing this, the temperature suddenly dropped from twenty-six to ten degrees, who can still sit in meditation?

  Not only the two sisters, but everyone in the room opened their eyes, including the old man Yao.

   It's just that everyone saw that Jian Heng's face was very unkind now, and the expression on his face kept changing, frowning for a while, angry for a while, and changing into a dumbfounding expression in the next second.

Jian Heng is the boss of Silent Lake Ranch. What is a boss? , but it is not at all close to it.

  Even Blanca doesn’t care about saying that he and Jian Heng are very close, let alone others.

   Therefore, although all the students are not afraid in front of Jian Heng, no one is willing to rush to touch Jian Heng's bad luck. At least at this moment, no one wants to make such a mistake, and they all wait for others to open their mouths first.

  Plus the expression on Jian Heng's face is now like this, even Zhao Changshan didn't speak at this time, others can only look at each other first, and observe the situation before talking.

  Anyone have the guts? Of course there is!

   The two sisters, Barley and Wheat, must dare, especially Wheat. When she opened her eyes and saw Jian Heng holding the door, she raised her eyebrows and said loudly, "Jane, are you trying to freeze us to death!"

  Hearing Mai Mai’s bluff, Jian Heng immediately came back to his senses. Seeing a group of people crossing their arms, he realized that he had almost turned on the heating in the room.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I remembered the past!" Jian Heng quickly apologized to everyone, closed the door and walked into the room quickly.

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, the old liar Yao closed his eyes, opened his mouth slowly, and said in a voice that seemed very light but could be heard in the whole practice room: "Everyone continue to calm down!"

After entering the door, Jian Heng stood at a corner of the window, leaned on the steel beam of the window with his arms folded, and carefully observed every movement and every sound of Yao Laodao, wanting to see where the old man's magic lies. To be able to confuse this big group of people so quickly.

Calm down, observe the veteran Jian Heng carefully, unconsciously adjusted his breathing following the voice of the veteran, and soon felt like the people in the field, feeling that his mind seemed to be emptied all of a sudden , that kind of comfortable airiness makes people want to indulge in it.

   Just when Jian Heng wanted to immerse himself in it, he suddenly felt as if his brain had been found by a needle, and he suddenly woke up.

  At the same time, a voice sounded from Jian Heng's heart: This old guy can actually hypnotize!

  Jian Heng's eyes widened in an instant, and he looked at the old man Yao who was sitting in the front with an unbelievable demeanor.

At first, Jian Heng didn't believe in hypnosis. He thought that some of the ten people who said they could hypnotize lied to him, and one even lied to himself. But once Jian Heng met an ascetic monk from Hungary. The old thing stunned Jian Heng to fall asleep within ten seconds, and after ten minutes of sleep, Jian Heng believed that there is really someone in this world who can hypnotize.

   But even that old monk obviously does not have the ability to hypnotize so many people at the same time. Although this is not deep hypnosis, it is already scary enough to hypnotize dozens of people together.

   It turns out that he has this kind of ability, no wonder the old guy is so confident that he will let him stay.

  (end of this chapter)

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