Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 216: It's hard to find someone in your spare time

  Chapter 216 It's Difficult to Find Someone in Your Free Time

   Tossed the students a bit, had a meal at noon, and took a nap when he had time. At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Jian Heng rode the black beans and went to the town.

The bar was as lively as ever. Compared with the time when Jian Heng just came back, this kind of bustle is naturally much better than before, but it is not as good as when Jian Heng came here two days ago. We got down, and now the tables are full, but there are about ten fewer people than the previous two days.


   After greeting a group of people, Jian Heng sat down next to the bar counter, reached out and tapped the countertop with his knuckles, and shouted at the bar proprietress who was busy with her back.

   There were quite a few people in the bar, but the voices of everyone were not too loud, so when Jian Heng knocked on the table, Sarah heard it. She turned around and saw Jian Heng, and couldn't hide the smile on her face.

   "Still the same?" Sarah asked as she quickly turned around, took an empty glass, and prepared to shovel ice cubes and pour wine.

   "Same as usual!" Jian Heng nodded.

   With a slight snap, Jian Heng lowered his head and found that a bottle of whiskey had been placed in front of him, picked it up casually, took a sip, and continued to turn his head to look around.

  Sara put her hands on the table, and seeing Jian Heng's movements, she asked, "Why, come to find someone today?"

"I am indeed looking for someone. I want to find a skilled old cowboy to help manage the herd of cattle on the ranch. By the way, I will bring along the original two guys. These two guys are hardworking, but they are inexperienced..." Jian Heng said to Sa La also had nothing to hide, so he told the general situation and his own requirements.

   After finishing speaking, Jian Heng took another sip of wine, and said to Sara: "Recommend me a few capable old cowboys, you know the salary, I'm not...".

   Speaking of this, Jian Heng noticed that Sarah's face was a little weird, so he asked, "What's the matter? Is it not easy to hire cowboys at this time?"

"It's usually very easy to hire cowboys at this time, but this year, or today is different, if you can still hire them in the morning, even before one o'clock in the afternoon, then there is no big problem, but now you think It's not easy to hire a good cowboy!" Sara gave Jian Heng a wry smile.

Hearing that someone asked for a bottle of beer, Sarah quickly passed the bottle to the guest, then turned back to Jian Heng, and then began to explain to Jian Heng: "You heard about the ranch. No?"

  Jian Heng knew what the big ranch she was referring to, so he nodded: "I heard, didn't it say that the calf was killed?"

  Jane Hengxin said: Is there any conflict with my hiring cowboys because it kills its cows in the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch?

  Just as I was about to ask, my mind turned around in an instant, and my face turned bitter: "So that's what happened!"

Everyone is afraid that wolves will attack their herds like they attacked Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch. Naturally, they need to hire more cowboys to keep an eye on their own herds. For ranchers, animals are everything. If you lose your livestock this year, you probably won't be able to turn around for the rest of your life.

   "Naturally, who wants to save the cowboy's wages at this time, all the idle cowboys are hired in just one morning."

Speaking of this, Sarah raised her hand and drew a circle: "When the door opened in the morning, the place was still full of people. Now look, it should be the busiest time, but it's only just full." .

  Jian Heng couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Sara, half of the seats used to be full every day, but now they are all full, but you feel that there is no one standing in the aisle and no one leaning against the wall. You are too greedy."

  Sara also laughed when she heard this: "I plan to expand the bar in a while and double the area! Otherwise, it will affect the business too much, and customers complain every day now."

   "It's time to expand!" Jian Heng glanced at the people around him: "I used to sit at the bar every time I came, but now I stand every time."

"Okay, please save me some attention. If there are any good cowboys, please ask me." Jian Heng finished drinking the wine in the glass, took out the wallet from his pocket, took out a ticket and pressed it under the glass , not only paid for the wine, but also gave a tip.

  Sara nodded after hearing this, and quickly put away the cup and tip.

Just as Jian Heng was about to leave, he saw a man dressed in cowboys walk into the room. He was a little out of his mind. After entering the room, he walked to the corner without saying a word, and there was an A3 paper size Leaning against the table, she stretched out her hand to signal the waitress Elizabeth to come over and asked for a bottle of cheap wine.

   "Is this person a cowboy? How's his level?" Jian Heng saw that the person who came in almost had the word "cowboy" written on his forehead, so he turned his head and asked Sarah about this person.

  Sara glanced at the drunk, and then prepared to whisper to Jian Heng across the bar.

Who knew that before Sarah could speak, a drinker next to him said: "You should think about hiring him, but he was fired by the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch because he faced When the wild wolf failed to protect the interests of the ranch, and Fang put his companions in a dangerous situation... ".

  Sara heard someone talking to Jian Heng, so she smiled and listened to the guest while wiping the freshly washed wine glass.

   "Man, if you hire him to guard against wolves, you have to think carefully about it!" After speaking, this man smiled at Jian Heng, then put down the glass in his hand, turned and went out of the bar.

  Jian Heng watched them leave, then turned to Sara and asked, "Is that so?"

   "It's a bit exaggerated, but that's about it. Toby's ability is definitely not a problem, but no one wants to hire him now!" Sarah didn't say much.

   What Jian Heng wants here is good ability. Considering that this product has worked on the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch, there shouldn’t be any major technical problems. As for the anti-wolf? Counting on a cowboy plus Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong, the day lily will be cold.

   Thinking of this, Jian Heng stretched out his hand to beckon to Sarah, and stretched out two fingers: "Two glasses of wine!"

   After speaking, I saw Elizabeth coming, so I motioned her to give one of the cups to the cowboy named Toby in the corner.

   Sipping the second glass of wine in his hand, Jian Heng looked at Toby, wanting to see his reaction, and then went up to talk to him.

Toby was squatting in the corner at this moment, drinking the cheapest wine, depressed. As a man, he had been doing his best in his work, because he had a family with a wife and children. Life is pretty good, with a stable income and everything in the house is in order.

But everything changed suddenly from that night. Not only did he lose his job, but he also ruined his reputation. So far, no farm is willing to hire him again. For the past few days, he has been thinking in his heart, why? I threw the gun away at that time. Even if I worked hard, I could keep my job by shooting myself. At most, I was just like the one lying in the hospital now, with salary and bonus, nothing more than receiving a little That's all.

Now? What should I do now? Toby couldn't help asking himself.

  Toby felt that he might not be able to survive on the ranch, and planned to go to the city in two days to try his luck and find some work that had nothing to do with the ranch.

But it has nothing to do with the ranch. Toby is almost a novice who knows nothing. Since he was a teenager, he has no other life skills except driving cattle and grazing. Or be a truck driver or something.

   While Toby was thinking wildly, he saw a cup of whiskey appearing on his 'liquor table', and at a glance, he knew that it was much better than the wine he was holding now, which made him very puzzled.

  Toby said quickly: "Elizabeth, I didn't call this!"

  Before finding a job, Toby saved every penny, because if he spends less on his side, his wife and children can be more generous.

  Elizabeth said with a smile: "Mr. Jean over there sent it!"

   And kindly reminded him that the Mr. Jean who delivered the wine was a rancher.

In fact, no need to introduce, Toby also knows who gave him wine. Most of the nearby ranchers are white, and there are only two or three Latinos, but Asians are the only one in the Silent Lake Ranch. Look at the bar. Bit's appearance, even a cowboy can guess it.

No matter how stupid Toby was, he understood why people sent wine. Suddenly he jumped up in disappointment, thinking that a rancher would give him a chance, and immediately cheered himself up in his heart: Toby, Toby, be more polite, you must Take this opportunity!

  (end of this chapter)

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