Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 237: patrol in the snow

  Chapter 237 Touring in the snow

After looking around at the conservatory, Jian Heng turned to the stables, opened the door and entered, and found that the smell inside was not very good. As soon as the door opened, he immediately stepped back three steps, covered his nose, and gasped heavily. Two or three breaths: "Oh my God!"

  People who were originally cold were shivering, but now they are suddenly warmed up, accompanied by a strong smell of horse manure and horse urine.

As soon as he entered the door, Jian Heng thought that the stables hadn't been cleaned. After waiting to go in, he found that the stables must have been cleaned, but the horses in the stables were naturally there in this weather, and the manure machines were working at full capacity. , While eating and pulling, it would be strange if there was no smell in the stable.

  As soon as he opened the door, Jian Heng saw Heidou strolling in the aisle, grabbing some grass from other horse stalls from time to time, just like a little horse-shaped ruffian.

  Of course, honest horses are the majority, but there are also some who don't buy it, such as fire lilies and mountains, as soon as they see black beans approaching, they open their mouths and show their teeth, ready to bite.

Naturally, black beans are not a fuel-efficient lamp, and they dare not get close to them. They may bite whom. From time to time, they rush to the entrance of the horse's stall and provoke them a few times. The ones who bully are the fire lilies and the mountains. Some of them don't know how to open the door of their compartment.

  Heidou, who was strolling, saw Jian Heng, the master, came back, turned his head and looked at Jian Heng, but didn't go up to the master like a grain, and just let go of his feet and ran away.

   "Hei Dou, Hei Dou! Why are you running? Come back to me! It's me!" Jian Heng was surprised, why did Hei Dou see what he was running this time?

I walked all the way to the compartment of the black beans, and found that this thing was huddled in the corner of the compartment, hissing twice from time to time, keeping its buttocks facing the compartment door, and hiding its head in the corner, as if this way others could not see it It looks like an ostrich sticking its head into the sand in distress.

"What are you doing? There are cults in horses too. Have you been brainwashed? You won't recognize me after a few days. It's me." Jian Heng changed hands, took the horse's bridle in his hand, and opened the compartment The door said something to Heidou.

  Xi Law!

   After Heidou let out a long hiss, he turned his head and saw the bridle, and opened his mouth to bite the bridle.


  Jian Heng saw that this guy was still losing his temper, and he directly slammed his head and twitched this guy's forehead lightly: "It's the opposite of the sky, it can't cure you, can it?"

  After being hit for a while, Heidou suddenly became honest, but he still held his head up, clearly showing a resistance to the bridle. As a result, Jian Heng had no choice but to give it a strong bow, directly pressed its neck, and put the bridle on it.

  Getting on the bridle, Jian Heng dragged the reluctant Heidou to the tool room of the stable, planning to find a saddle for him to put on, and then rode out to see the situation.

It is really troublesome to run around in such a heavy snow day, but Jian Heng's heart is a little empty if he doesn't look at it for a while. Although he knows that Toby is leading the work on the ranch, there will be no serious problems, but he can see it for himself. A lap is also necessary.

  He led Heidou to the door of the stable. As soon as he opened the door, Jian Heng understood why Heidou put on an air of resistance. Because it's cold outside, Black Dou wants to stay in the warm stable and be lazy!

  The door was only opened a crack, and Heidou pouted, rolled his eyes, his pupils could hardly be seen from his eyes, and refused to go out with Jian Heng desperately.

"Okay, okay, you're the big brother, okay!" Jian Heng closed the door of the stable again, led Black Dou and walked back, came to the front of the stable of the sorrel quarter horse he had ridden before, and began to feed The black beans let go of their saddles.

  After unloading, he patted Heidou's butt: "Okay, you can get out!"

Seeing that he was let go by the master, Heidou immediately roared twice, and ran back to his cubicle, and then seemed to want to continue hiding in his cubicle from the master to find out, but still There is a curious heart, sticking out a big horse head to look at this side.

Jian Heng didn't care about it, opened the door of the stable in front of him, and let out the sorrel gelding. If you say that a stupid horse has its advantages, it seems that this gelding didn't show much resistance. Jian Heng easily put the bridle on it, and also threw it on the saddle.

Just as Jian Heng was about to bend down to buckle the girdle, he suddenly noticed that the saddle was shaking a little. He looked up curiously, and found that Heidou had jumped out at some point, and was gnashing his teeth on the chest on the chestnut horse's back. saddle.

   "What are you doing! You really deserve a beating now" Jian Heng frowned and said.

  Xi Law!

  Heidou stepped on the floor with his front hoof, and yelled at Jian Heng.

   "Yo, if you don't go out, don't let me ride someone else out, see what you can, and play tricks on me, be careful and I'll whip you," Jian Heng said.

  Hearing what the master said, Heidou tore off the saddle from the chestnut horse, snorting nonstop.

  Jian Heng immediately understood what Heidou meant: "Then don't play tricks on me, kid!"

  Hei Dou didn't want to go outside in the ice and snow, but he didn't want his master to ride another horse, so he came over and said that he could go for a walk with his master.

  Jian Heng had no choice but to take off the bridle and mat from the sorrel horse, and then put them on Heidou again. After four or five minutes of tossing and turning, Jian Heng led Heidou out of the stable door.

  Although Black Bean still showed a little resistance when going out, but after it got used to the snow and the climate, it started to have fun again. From time to time, it poked its nose against the snow, shook its head and so on.

  Treading on the knee-high snow, Heidou spewed out two breaths of white air from time to time, and then snorted two times, carrying his master on his back and walking steadily in the heavy snow.

  After about ten minutes, the novelty wore off, and Heidou lost interest in playing, and began to concentrate on recognizing the way.

   Walking in a place where the snow has not been shoveled, the snow depth is generally below the joints of the horse's legs, and every step will consume a lot of Heidou's physical strength.

Fortunately, after walking for a while, the traces of the snowmobile appeared. The ground that was crushed by the snowmobile was much easier to walk than the snow that no one had passed by, so Heidou stepped on the traces of the snowmobile Continue along the pasture fence.

   One person and one horse walked in the snow for about an hour. The snow in the sky gradually became thinner, and the snowflakes no longer seemed to be dumped, but began to fly in pieces in the air.

   After a while, the snow stopped, but the sky was still not too bright, which meant that the snow could not stay for too long, but God was recharging for the next blizzard.

   Fortunately, the wind is not very strong today. Of course, it may be because we are in a mountainous area. Even if there is a strong wind, we will lose eight percent of our strength, and the climate will not be achieved.

Suddenly, Jian Heng, who was sitting on the horseback, felt that Heidou's spirit tightened. He quickly grabbed the reins and looked forward to see what happened. Only then did he find that there were too many people in the rut in front of him. A white rabbit.

   The white rabbit is naturally not Erhu, but a snow rabbit that jumped out of nowhere.

  The sudden appearance of the rabbit startled Heidou, who was concentrating on looking at the road, and his muscles tightened, which naturally also shocked Jian Heng, who was looking at the fence.

  The rabbit is not afraid of people, so it just hops and walks in the ruts, walking in front of the black beans, so this trip is replaced by one person and one horse, and one rabbit, one person and one horse.

After being together for more than a mile, the rabbit jumped up and jumped directly into the snow. At this time, the rabbit was like a snowball jumping out of the snow, drawing an arc in the air, hitting When it reached the ground, it was submerged in the snow, and after a few jumps, it disappeared from Jian Heng's sight.

After walking for a while, Jian Heng found a vague figure in front of him. He walked over and saw that Toby was repairing the fence. Something broke the wire between the two fence posts. Now Toby is repairing the fence. Replace with new wire.

   "Boss!" Seeing Jian Heng coming, Toby smiled at Jian Heng, and then continued with the work at hand.

   "How many parts are broken?"

Jian Heng asked him a question, and looked up at the traces outside the fence. It was obvious that this was a trace left by a cat, not like a jaguar, it was a size smaller than a jaguar, not only wild cats but also other things Things, it seems that they are chasing their prey.

  (end of this chapter)

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