Chapter 239 Doubt

   After watching the fun, Jian Heng rode back on the black beans, and when he was approaching the door of the exercise room, the snowflakes in the sky fluttered down again.

  Pushing open the door and walking into the room, Jian Heng found that all the students were there. Everyone is doing the final stretching. It seems that today's class is coming to an end.


  Seeing Jian Heng coming in, everyone immediately greeted Jian Heng.

   Jian Heng smiled at everyone, then looked around, and said to Damai: "Is today's class over?"

  Balley nodded: "Well, it's all over! There is one last item, just wait for a while!"

Hearing what Damai said, Jian Heng honestly stood aside and stood towards the corner. After a while, he felt something grabbing his pants. He lowered his head and saw the pitiful face of the instant noodles. There seemed to be tears in the little eyes.

   "You don't miss me that much, do you?" Jian Heng reached out and touched the forehead of the instant noodles.

After reading two books, Jian Heng finally understood why the fleas on his body and the parasites in his stomach disappeared after this guy entered the space once. It was 'thrown' outside by the space.

  So now Jian Heng can caress the head of the instant noodles without worrying about any bacteria.

To be honest, when Jian Heng saw the appearance of instant noodles, he was quite moved at once. He felt that although instant noodles were a bit shameless, seeing such an attachment in himself made Jian Heng feel a little bit emotional , I feel that I have not raised it in vain.

   After rubbing Instant Noodle's head twice, Jian Heng turned his head and realized that the tears in Instant Noodle's eyes didn't seem to be for him, because the tail of this guy is being bitten in his mouth by Erhu.

  At this time, Erhu shrank back, looking like a gray pompom. Although it was a bit abrupt, at first glance, it really looked like a pompon decoration hanging from the tail of the instant noodles.

"Er Hu, Er Hu!" Jian Heng picked up Er Hu casually, stroked Er Hu's forehead lightly twice, and the instant noodles let go of Jian Heng's pants, turned around and hugged his tail .

Jian Heng saw that the part of the instant noodle's tail that was bitten by Erhu was obviously swollen. The part of the tail that was originally thick as a wrist has now become thicker than a fist. I don't know that Erhu's mouth is poisonous. Still a little harsher. Even if he let go, the little tears in the instant noodles could not stop falling down.

  Pooh was very enthusiastic. He came over and sniffed Jian Heng twice, then moved up to Erhu, continued to hold Erhu's head, and played with two long rabbit ears. Instant Noodles put down its tail, and watched Pooh bite Erhu's ear eagerly. The small expression on his face betrayed his inner thoughts. Even if he couldn't speak, Jian Heng could tell that this guy I want to play by biting Erhu's ear like Pooh.

Jian Heng finally understood why this raccoon was bitten by the second tiger. It must have seen Pooh do this, and it couldn't help it. Who knew that Erhu didn't care about this raccoon at all, so he went up and bit his tail , It can be regarded as a lesson for instant noodles.

Denver is the thing that makes Jian Heng the most uncomfortable. Now lying on the warm self-leveling ground, feeling the heat from below, taking a nap comfortably, even if he sees Jian Heng coming over , That is to say, he raised his head, opened his eyes, and then fell asleep again.

In the days since Jian Heng left, everything that should have grown seems to have grown. Pooh grew the fastest, and Denver was second. As for Erhu, it seemed that they had grown. Heng didn't notice too much. As for the instant noodles, they still looked like the original bird, or the original raccoon.

   Jian Heng walked over and wanted to scratch Denver's forehead, but as soon as he got to Denver's side, he was immediately choked by the smell of the perfume on Denver's body.

   "Oh! Who sprayed Denver with cologne!" After Jian Heng sneezed, he immediately turned to ask the two sisters, Barley and Wheat.

Cologne is a common perfume used by Europeans and Americans. Jian Heng doesn’t like the smell of this thing. It’s very heavy for Asians. It can cover up their sweaty smell, but for ordinary East Asians He said that as long as men don't have body odor, they usually don't need this stuff when they take a bath once a day.

  Now Denver looks like a foreigner, exuding a cologne smell all over his body, spraying so much that it is a bit smoky.

  Wheat said: "I sprayed it!"

   "He is a lion, not a fox!" Jian Heng said helplessly.

  Wheat said: "Denver likes this taste!"

  Jian Heng immediately retorted: "How do you know?"

   "I just know!" Wheat said.

  Hearing this answer, Jian Heng decided to ignore Mai Mai, and sometimes reasoning with women is almost equivalent to an idiot.

  Thinking of this, Jian Heng stretched out his hand and stroked Denver's hair carelessly a few times, then walked aside.

   After sticking his hands to Denver's hair for a while, Jian Heng felt that his hands were covered with the smell of cologne, and he couldn't even shake them off.

   Seeing that their stretching was almost done, Jian Heng took a few steps and stood behind Damai.

   "Let me say something, you guys, Evan and Blanca, there will be two hours of strength class tomorrow morning, and there are two hours left in the afternoon. I will practice with everyone for an hour tomorrow morning, which is a warm-up...".

   After walking for several days, Jian Heng didn’t teach these people who spend too much money, and I felt a little bit sorry for it for a while, so I planned to take a four-hour class tomorrow.”


  Hearing what Jian Heng said, several actors and Evan became happy. The actors are now practicing with Barley and Wheat, and they feel that they have achieved better results than those of their own coaches. They have followed Jian Heng twice, and it feels like taking a strong pill. After practicing once, although the whole body looks like It seemed to be falling apart, but in the next few days, the results of the practice were obviously much better than the previous practice with barley and wheat.

  As for Evan, he has learned to understand the rules now, and understands that this does not mean that if you spend money, it is God’s. This is not a department store, and you cannot let others pick and choose. He also clearly knew that apart from Jian Heng, the God, everyone else here is a minion.

  Having understood this, Evan will stop stabbing now, and just listen to Jian Heng's arrangement honestly.

  As for Blanca, she didn't ask for anything. Even if Jian Heng asked her to jump into the fire pit, she probably wouldn't hesitate to tell her to jump into the fire pit to get in shape.

  Tell me about my own arrangements for tomorrow. Jian Heng is about to turn around and leave, but Damai suddenly stops Jian Heng: "Wait a while, I'm done with what I told you!"

   After Damai finished speaking, he heard Mai say to his students, "This is the end of today's class, everyone, have a good rest tonight!"

   After speaking, he slapped his hands, and with a loud slap, all the students followed Mai Mai and clapped their hands, which meant that the get out of class was over.

   It took less than a minute for the wheat to end, and the barley also ended.

   "What's the matter?" Seeing that the students had all gone back to the locker room, Jian Heng asked Barley and Wheat.

   "Why didn't the masseur who came with you massage me and Mai?" Damai asked.

  Jian Heng was quite strange when he heard it, so he opened his mouth and asked in a very uncertain tone: "Is there such a thing?"

   Seeing Barley and Wheat nodded, Jian Heng said, "Impossible, what did he say?"

Damai said: "After lunch, Mr. Yao asked everyone who wanted a massage. There were only four spots available. Both Mai and I wanted to go, but Mr. Yao said he would not give us a massage. In the end, Zhao chose the lottery." For the format, four people were selected... People who have pressed it said that the effect is very good, so the two of us want to try it too, but we were rejected by Mr. Yao again in the afternoon."

  After hearing Damai say this again, Jian Heng still didn't understand why Mr. Yao didn't give Damai a massage, so he opened his mouth and said, "I'll ask you guys after dinner!"

   "Okay!" Damai said and glanced at his sister: "What do you want?"

   "I'm fine!" Mai Mai shrugged.

   "Then let's take a shower, you go back first!" After speaking, Barley and Wheat walked side by side to the shower room.

  The shower room in the practice room is relatively simple, and it is for the students to wash off the sweat on their bodies, but for women, it will definitely take several times longer to take a shower than men. Damai and Wheat took a shower and returned to the house. Jian Heng had already served some small dishes on the table.

  The big meat is pork knuckle, which is taken from the restaurant. Jian Heng made another vegetarian chicken roast pork, the small meat is shredded pork with green pepper, and the vegetarian dish is scrambled eggs with leeks, fried vegetables, and a seaweed egg soup.

  (end of this chapter)

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