Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 241: snow stopped

  Chapter 241 Snow stopped

  Heard the rooster crowing, but didn't hear the sound of black beans knocking on the window, Jian Heng continued to sleep subconsciously, and when he opened his eyes, he was stunned by the sunlight coming in through the curtains.

   Turning his head again, he saw that Barley was no longer by his side, so he quickly rolled out of bed, took a shower, changed his clothes and went out.

  Pushing open the door and standing at the door, Jian Heng suddenly had the urge to curse. Originally, the weather forecast said that the heavy snow would last for five or six days, but it stopped after two days or less. If he had known earlier, Jian Heng and Ben could not have rushed back the day before yesterday. Wouldn't it be much more enjoyable to find a place to stay for two days and then come back? As for being tired like a dog.

   "Grandma, you're not responsible at all!" Jian Heng muttered a few words, then walked to the stable.

  The snow creaked under his feet, Jian Heng had to turn back after walking for a while, and went back to Jian's room to take out his sunglasses and put them on his head.

  As soon as the sun came out, the surrounding area was too bright, and there was white snow everywhere, and Shining eyes were a little blurred. He was afraid that he would get snow blindness if he looked at it for a long time, so Jian Heng put on sunglasses.

As soon as he walked to the door of the stable, Jian Heng's cell phone rang, and after he connected it, he found that it was old Moseresto calling. Old Mo said that he saw that the weather was good today, and he was going to bring someone over to continue the installation. greenhouse.

Or how can I say that the white construction team can’t do the work of the Mexicans? As soon as the snow stopped, they came over to work. It’s not like the white engineering team. Today, after the snow stopped, we had to hold a meeting to discuss and unify our thinking. At least wait Only when the snow melts can we come to start work.

If the snow does not melt this winter, they dare to delay the project until next spring. With this kind of work attitude, they still want to ask for a high price. I don’t know what their brains are thinking. They have a white face. How much can it be worth? With this kind of procrastination, now the white people who build their own houses don't want to find white construction teams, because who doesn't know that their money is hard earned, so why look for expensive ones when there are cheap ones.

  When people want to come over to install, Jian Heng naturally cannot say no to disagree, just ask them to come to work directly on the phone.


  Zhao Wei didn't know where he came from. He passed by Jian Heng's side and greeted him, and then ran away from Jian Heng's side happily.

   "What are you laughing at, it's so early in the morning, it's obvious that your teeth are white?" Jian Heng saw that he was smiling a bit puzzled, so he opened his mouth and said something to him.

   Who knew it would be better if he didn’t say anything. After saying a word, this guy ran faster and laughed louder.

"What's wrong!" Jian Heng was confused by Zhao Wei. At first he thought he was wearing the wrong clothes, but after looking down carefully, he found that he was wearing the right clothes. To be honest, Jian Heng couldn't wear Damai's jeans either. up.

  Just entered the stable, and found that Zhang Jialiang, Huang Xiaodong and Toby were all there, and Mr. Yao was with them. The four of them were standing together in front of a horse, talking about something.

   Seeing Jian Heng approaching, the four of them greeted Jian Heng one after another.

Seeing the weird smile on Zhao Wei's face again from the faces of Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong, Jian Heng pointed at the two of them and asked, "What are you laughing at so early in the morning? I saw Zhao Wei doing the same thing just now." , Say it out and let me be happy too!"

  Zhang Jialiang said: "No, no, isn't it because you are so brave, boss? Look at how radiant Sister Damai was this morning! Tsk tsk!...".

  Jian Heng kicked him when he heard it, and said with a smile: "You guys have nothing to do, right? If you have nothing to do, you can shovel the dung in the barn and then go to shovel snow!"

   Now Jian Heng finally understands what these guys are laughing at. It is probably because he and Damai warmed up yesterday, and then got up late today, and these guys made fun of him. Jian Heng wasn't out of his mind. Things like this are always the target of teasing. Toby didn't say that the most likely reason is that he is not familiar with his boss.

   Just when Jian Heng wanted to say something else, Mr. Yao interjected: "Young people, don't be too greedy, be careful!"

   "I said old man, why are you joining in the fun!"

   Speaking of this, Jian Heng remembered that he had memorized all the acupoints, so he opened his mouth and said: "By the way, I have almost memorized that little booklet of yours. When will you teach the following?"

  Master Yao asked in disbelief: "So fast?"

  Seeing Jian Heng nodded, the old man stretched out his left arm: "Where is this?"

   After clicking four or five in a row, Jian Heng answered all of them.

The old man didn't believe in this evil, grabbed Zhang Jialiang's head and began to nod it, and finally got Jian Heng stuck on the curve difference, Jian Heng thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, because the memory of this acupuncture point in his head was a little blurry Only then did Jian Heng realize that the things he memorized were still time-sensitive, and he would forget some of them after sleeping overnight.

   "I can't remember this, I'll go back and recite it later" Jian Heng said seriously.

Mr. Yao said: "You are already a genius. Even those who have seen it before, it is difficult for those who have not memorized it to memorize so many acupuncture points overnight. You can memorize them today. If you memorize them tonight, it will be up to me." Go there, just to teach you, techniques and so on, find someone to practice first."

   "Hey!" Jian Heng responded with a smile.

   Thinking of seeing Zhao Wei just now, Jian Heng asked, "Did Zhao Wei just come back from here?"

   "Well, I just left!" Zhang Jialiang replied.

  Jian Heng asked casually: "What is he doing at the stable early in the morning when he has nothing to do?"

   "He wants to learn massage from the old man!" Zhang Jialiang said.

  After hearing this, Jian Heng turned his head and looked at Mr. Yao: "Is this true?"

Mr. Yao nodded: "It's true, but he's not the material for this bowl of rice. He can learn, but it's too troublesome to teach, and his temperament is uncertain, at least for now, he's not suitable. If I teach him, maybe I will kill him."

  Jian Heng stared at the old man's gaze, and through the old man's eyes, Jian Heng seemed to understand what the old man said. Judging from what he saw in Blanca yesterday, Jian Heng seemed to understand the key.

  When massaging someone, if it’s someone of the opposite sex, it’s a trivial matter to be distracted when you press it, and it’s not a short-term consequence to hurt Zhao Wei’s small body.

In case the young man couldn't bear it, he stretched his hand where it shouldn't be. Although the scale of the massage is large, there is a limit to it no matter how big it is. Now, the whole ranch is in trouble.

Don't think that this matter can be easily solved by spending money in China. Once this matter is spread here in the United States, if you want to use money to solve it, it will definitely make Jian Heng spend a lot of money. Even if you spend money, It doesn't mean that everything will be fine for you. Sexual harassment is definitely a big deal in the United States!

   "Then how many male and female apprentices are recruited?" Jian Heng expressed his point of view.

Mr. Yao shook his head: "No, it's like being a chef. Women are generally good at it, but the top chefs are almost all men, and this is the same. The reason is mainly because of the strength of the hands, massage and hand massage. If you have no physical strength, then don’t say anything. Compared with women, men’s hand strength is generally much stronger, so it’s better to choose men to learn. You can use men to practice your hands first, and wait for the heart to be cultivated. Change to a female guest!"

   "That's okay!" Jian Heng listened and agreed, but after thinking about it, there are still troubles. Mr. Yao can't speak English here. At least one apprentice who can freely switch between Chinese and English must be there to serve.

Thinking of this, Jian Heng said to Mr. Yao: "I'll ask brother Zhao Changshan later to see if he knows any honest and honest generation of immigrants who are willing to do this and have a good heart. Pick one By the way, I will also be a free translator while learning from you.

   "That's a good idea, but I have to interview this person, not this person. I have to interview all the apprentices myself." Mr. Yao valued this very much.

  Jian Heng opened his mouth and replied: "No problem, I agree with both hands!"

   After speaking, Jian Heng remembered why the old man was in the stable early in the morning: "Why did you come here?"

   "I want to learn how to ride a horse!" Mr. Yao said happily.

  As soon as he arrived at the ranch, Mr. Yao's gaze was attracted by the horses in the stable. Every man has a dream of galloping. The old man is getting older, but his heart is not old, so he wants to ride a horse, travel through the forest and across the snowfield, and feel the elegant demeanor of **.

   "Horse riding? Yes, Toby can help Mr. Yao choose a gentler horse." The first half of the sentence is in Chinese, and the second half is in English.

  Toby said happily after hearing this: "Okay, BOSS!"

   "Aren't you fine? Why don't you teach me? Toby is busy all day long." Seeing that Jian Heng was about to push himself out, Mr. Yao said immediately.

  Looking at it all day yesterday, Mr. Yao found that Toby hardly had a break, and he didn't want to trouble him because of his own affairs, so he directly brought Jian Heng out.

   "Follow me?" Jian Heng stretched out his finger and touched the tip of his nose.

   "Can't you? You teach me how to ride a horse, and I teach you massage. What's the problem?"

   "Okay, no problem!" Jian Heng agreed without hesitation.

  When the old man said this, Jian Heng would be lazy if he wanted to.

That's it, Mr. Yao came to Jian Heng, and Toby and the three naturally didn't have to accompany them, and went to do their own work. Of course, at this point their work is mainly to clean the stables, and then put the barn in the barn. All the feces and urine were cleaned out.

  Jian Heng took the old man to pick horses in the stable.

   "This is a good one!" Mr. Yao said, pointing his finger at a tall snow-white horse.

   "You are so old, do you still think about being the old prince charming?" Jian Heng teased the old man.

  The old man asked back: "Isn't it pretty?"

   "You can't ride this horse! Get another one," Jian Heng said with a smile.

   "Why?" Hearing what Jian Heng said, Mr. Yao suddenly liked the white horse even more.

  (end of this chapter)

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