Chapter 250 is studying

   "Okay, do you understand what I did just now?" Mr. Yao took his hand off Rowena's back, put it in the little sun to bake it, and asked while roasting.

   "It's almost the same," Jian Heng repeated to the old man.

  Old Master Yao heard that Jian Heng said a single word was correct, so the admiration in his eyes became more obvious, and he couldn't stop praising: "It's good to be young after all, and you can't miss a single word!"

  Just say what you said, and finally added another sentence: "It's a pity you quit this job!"

  Jian Heng made so much fun that he wanted to roll his eyes at him.

  At the same time, I thought: This memory ability has something to do with being young? If there is no space, it will be difficult to write down a third. As for the current buddies, how tough can be described, and they can almost catch up with Xie Er in "The Big Bang Theory".

  Old Master Yao didn't know what Jian Heng was thinking, but saw him in a daze, so he urged: "What are you doing in a daze, I found you a trainer!"

   After speaking, before Jian Heng could speak, he called out, "Blanca!"

  English is not very good, but Blanca's name is quite clear.

  As soon as the old man finished speaking, Blanca immediately replied, "OK!"

  So Jian Heng saw a figure flashing in from outside the screen, and within a few seconds, there was a smooth beauty lying on a massage bed next to Jian Heng himself.

   "So you came here specifically for me to practice?" Jian Heng smiled at Blanca and said, "Aren't you afraid, I'm a novice."

  Blanca said: "I believe in you!"

   After finishing speaking, he stretched his face to the hole in the middle: "Let's start!"

  Jian Heng heard her say that he believed in himself, and the thought that he thought was very beautiful immediately became cold, not only cold, but also a little bit ashamed. So Jian Heng got up serious and prepared to start his own practice. Who knew that Jian Heng was preparing to apply oil on Blanca's back with a straight face, but was stopped by the old man.

   "Baked hands!"

  The old man's voice not only startled Jian Heng, but even Rowena trembled.

It was only then that Jian Heng realized that his hands were too cold to put on Blanca's back. Blanca would definitely feel uncomfortable, so he put his hands on the small sun for heating and warmed them up. Then he stood on the massage table On the next step, he reached out and pressed the acupuncture point on Branca's back.

   "Use a little strength, you haven't eaten!"

  Glancing at Branca's reaction, Mr. Yao immediately scolded with a straight face: "If you don't press until she screams and twists, it means that your strength is not enough. Don't worry, use strength!"

  Hearing the old man's words of force, Jian Heng directly gave Blanca a heavy hand, and when he pressed it all at once, Blanca jumped up from the massage bed like a live shrimp.


   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my hands are heavy, my hands are heavy!" Jian Heng apologized repeatedly after seeing it.

   Being provoked by the old man, Jian Heng's hand was too strong. You must know how strong Jian Heng's hand is. Let alone Blanca, even he himself can't bear it.

   Hurrah! Blanca gasped for several breaths before lying down again: "It's okay, just be a little lighter!"

  The third time Jian Heng used half the strength of the last time, Blanca snorted immediately.

   "Hands harder!"

  Old Master Yao saw Blanca's reaction, so he said something to Jian Heng. This time his tone was obviously much better, and there was no rebuke.

After trying two or three times, Jian Heng slowly grasped the weight, and the memory of the old man's last move has not faded in his mind, so Jian Heng didn't hesitate to press it here, and after a few times, the movements began to coherent .

  As Jian Heng became proficient in his hands, Blanca's sour shouts became stronger and stronger.

   "Not bad, not bad!" The old man had finished pressing Rowena at this time, motioned her to go out, and someone else came in, changed the blanket on the massage table, the old man turned around and praised Jian Heng.

After the praise, he sighed and said with emotion: "It's always hard to be dissatisfied. The strength of your hands is not as good as you young people. By the way, I think I have to use your hand strength to find someone." Find".

"Don't!" Jian Heng shook his head immediately when he heard that he was looking for someone with his hand strength, and said, "If you follow my hand strength, you can only find a strong man! Let's do it with normal people, mine Those with strong hands are not ordinary people."

  Old Master Yao thought for a while and said, "I'll teach you how to press your legs later. After you finish pressing, press me here, and I'll adjust the weight of your hands."


While Jian Heng was talking, the old man walked up to Blanca, began to carefully observe Jian Heng's technique, and then corrected the direction where Jian Heng's fingers landed on the acupoints. After about ten minutes, Jane Heng has pressed the back of Blanca's body no less than ten times.

   Continue to follow the old man to learn how to press the acupuncture points on the legs. Seeing that Jian Heng learned it quickly, the old man taught the method of pressing the acupuncture points on the feet.

   When Jian Heng turned around to prepare for practice, he found that Blanca had fallen asleep on the bed, not only fell asleep, but even snored.

  Jian Heng never thought that such a beautiful girl drools when she sleeps, and she drools quite a lot. She dripped a puddle of water under the round hole where she made her face.

  He reached out and patted Blanca on the shoulder, and Jian Heng woke her up with a smile: "Blanca, Blanca, it's time to eat."

   "Ah, it's time to eat!"

  Blanca woke up in a daze and heard that she had eaten, and immediately got up to eat.

  Jian Heng looked at her with a smile and held her down: "It's not time yet, I learned a few more tricks, wake you up and get ready to practice, can you hold on?"

Blanca came back to her senses, and realized that Jian Heng was joking with herself. She felt that the corner of her mouth was a little uncomfortable, and realized that she was drooling again, so she reached out and wiped it, and continued to lie on the massage bed honestly. bed.

  With the previous experience, Jian Heng has become more proficient in pressing from the legs to the soles of the feet. There is no mistake in the first time, and the second time is also very smooth.

   While waiting to prepare for the third time, Mr. Yao said to Jian Heng: "Okay, let Blanca go back! I'll call the next one over, and you can use them to hone their skills."

  Seeing that Jian Heng learned so quickly, Mr. Yao was going to save himself some effort, and asked Jian Heng to press it first, and he just took over after a while.

   Just like that, Blanca's task of acting as a training dummy officially ended, and Jian Heng took over the first half of the task of Mr. Yao.

After the busy work was over, everyone was sent away. The old man lay comfortably on the massage table, and then enjoyed Jian Heng's service. a little.

  In short, Jian Heng put what he learned today on the old man for about five times, before Old Master Yao let Jian Heng leave.

   "Old man, come to eat at home later." Jian Heng tidied up the massage room, and once again extended an invitation to old man Yao.

The old man looked at the watch on his wrist and said directly: "What time is it? Let's eat after you fix it. It will take a lot of time. Forget it, let's go another day. I've been tired for a day too. Doesn't it mean that I'm going to eat soon?" What kind of foreign festival is going to be celebrated, let’s change it to that day, let’s forget about the excitement together.”

  Master Yao doesn't want to go to Jian Heng's house for dinner, he doesn't like to go to other people's house as a guest, but because Jian Heng is the boss and he is too embarrassed to refuse, now he just makes a fuss about the weather.

  Jian Heng saw that the old man really didn't want to go today, so he had to say, "That's fine, let's change it to Halloween?"

   The words were spoken, but how did Jian Heng feel awkward after recollecting them in his heart, a reception banquet for the old man on Halloween? What is it that picks up!

But it’s okay to think about it again, it’s getting late today, and I’ll do it myself, even if Zhao Changshan provides semi-finished products, it’s still a hassle, I can’t treat people with four dishes and one soup, right? , Doesn't it appear that the master is not caring.

   "Then let's arrange again?" Jian Heng said.

   "Okay, let's talk about it next time!" Mr. Yao rolled over from the massage table and immediately went into the shower room.

  Jian Heng walked out of the door helplessly, and muttered: These days, there is no one to treat guests.

  Out of the massage room, it was already dark. Jian Heng tightened his coat, and then went to the conservatory. He thought there was no one in the conservatory, but when he went in, he found that Zhao Changshan was squatting inside.

   "Why are you here at this time. Is the restaurant finished?" Jian Heng asked.

   "No, but what can happen over there? I'm going to plant some vegetables in the new greenhouse. What are you doing here?" Zhao Changshan shook the seeds in his hand, and then asked Jian Heng.

  (end of this chapter)

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