Chapter 252 Curiosity

  Early in the morning of the next day, Jian Heng got up to go to the stable to pull black beans. Who knew that when he went out, he found that black beans was actually standing at his door, chewing slowly with a handful of hay in his mouth.

   "What's the matter? I finally found out my conscience today?" Jian Heng walked to the side of Heidou, and stretched out his hand to stroke Heidou's mane.

  After the weather turned cold, Heidou no longer slipped to Jian Heng's window to act as a horse-shaped alarm clock, so Jian Heng was naturally surprised to see Heidou appearing at the door today.

  Heidou's response was a neigh, and then he used his front hooves to scrape the snow residue under his feet.

   Snapped his fingers, Jian Heng signaled Heidou to keep up with him, one person and one horse came to the utility room, and then he put on the saddle smoothly.

   Just as Jian Heng was about to mount his horse, Damai's voice came from behind him: "Wait!"

   "What's the matter?" Jian Heng had no choice but to move his foot back from the saddle, and turned to look at Damai.

   "Can you help us bring the horse here?" Damai said.

  Jian Heng immediately understood that his girlfriend didn't want to run away, so he nodded and jumped onto Heidou's back, then trotted towards the stable.

As soon as he arrived at the stable, Jian Heng understood why Black Dou was so good early in the morning. The heater in the stable was broken, and now the temperature inside the stable is almost the same as that outside. When he waited for Jian Heng to enter the door, Toby is lying on the heater, sweating profusely.

   "How is it?" Jian Heng asked with concern: "If it doesn't work, let the people from the manufacturer come to sell it!"

  Toby said: "Small problem, there are about ten minutes left, and it won't take long."

Hearing what Toby said, Jian Heng hummed, turned to the door of the compartment between the fire lily and the mountains, pulled out the two horses one after another, put on the bridles and saddles, and led them home. the door.

  The three of them got on the horses, and Jian Heng asked, "Where shall we go for a walk?"

   "Just take a walk around here." Damai thought about it for a while, and now most of the ranch is covered with snow. It is impossible for a horse to run, and it is very rare to be able to walk smoothly.

The snow is not falling, but the temperature is very low. The snow is deep and the horses are not easy to walk in places that have not been stepped on. Generally speaking, it is freezing again at this point, and it is especially slippery. If you are not careful, you will fall a big horse Lie on the ground, so walking the horse in the morning is not easy.

   "Okay!" Jian Heng urged the horse and the two sisters, Barley and Wheat, to ride side by side.

The easy place to walk is just such a circle, and it takes more than one mile to go down. It’s okay for people to go around, but it’s too short for horses, so in order to let the horses fully move around, three people just While chatting and walking around.

Fortunately, the snow scene at this time is not bad, as far as the eye can see, it looks like it is covered with snow. The trees that are less than three meters are almost covered by snow, and those that are more than three meters can still see some branches. The poles are the branches exposed outside, and there are piles of snow lines hanging on them. With the crystal ice, they are swept away by the morning sun, and suddenly they are a little charming.

At this time, most of the staff at Shishang Ranch are up. The only one who hasn't gone out is Mr. Yao. He doesn't need to get up early for his massage work. Anyway, as long as the work is done, no one will take care of him. When does he feel comfortable getting up? , then when will it start.

  So when the old man waited for the sun to come out of the house, he met three people who were circling, and greeted them with a smile.

   "Aren't you going to sleep for a while?" Jian Heng reined in the horse and said to Mr. Yao.

   "I won't sleep anymore. I don't have much time to sleep when I'm older. I got up early and watched TV in the house for a while. Are you walking your horses?" Mr. Yao said politely.

The current Chinese level of the two sisters is still at the level of good morning. They have not eaten at this stage, and they can’t understand what they are saying at all. He kept a polite smile on his face while listening.

   "Then what are you going to do so early in the morning?" Jian Heng looked at the old man with a small bag under his armpit, so he asked curiously.

  Master Yao said: "I'm going to feed the horse!" He patted his cloth pocket and said, "There are apples and carrots in it."

   "Okay, then go quickly, the heater in the stable is broken today, it's a bit cold inside!" Jian Heng said.

  Once Mr. Yao heard about this, he immediately waved hands with Jian Heng: "Then I'll go and see!"

   After finishing speaking, without waiting for Jian Heng to answer, he turned around and hurriedly ran towards the stable.

  Mait saw Mr. Yao in a hurry, and asked Jane curiously, "What's the matter?"

   "The old man feels sorry for the horse I'm looking for, haha, leave him alone!" After speaking, Jian Heng took the reins and urged Heidou to continue circling.

  Old Master Yao hurriedly passed Jian Heng's eyes, and a more colorful shadow also rushed out from the snow.

  Xi Law!

  The three horses of Heidou were startled by the sudden arrival, and after a few long hisses, they almost threw the three off their horses.

"What's the matter, either you don't want to stay at home, or you come out to make people jump. In your eyes, home is a motel, right?" Jian Heng put on the rein, comforted Heidou, and then swayed at the gorgeous figure. said a word.

  The gorgeous figure is naturally a senior official. This guy has never seen it since Jian Heng came back. Today he suddenly showed his face and almost threw Jian Heng off his horse. Can Jian Heng not be angry?

  The high official heard Jian Heng's voice and stopped in his tracks. He just stepped on the ground with one foot and hung the other in mid-air, looking at Jian Heng in the independent posture of a golden rooster.

   "What are you looking at, I'll beat you again!" Jian Heng swung the whip in his hand at the official.

Today's high-ranking officials say that they are really first-class in appearance. Not only are they big, but they weigh more than ten kilograms. The whole body stands on the snow, like a small ostrich, and its feathers are bright. Use a little According to Er Xiaowenyi, the feathers on his body look like sunset clouds.

  The coat color is not only eye-catching, but also has a kind of oily shine on the feathers. Now that the sun is out at this moment, you can see that kind of colored light band on its body, which is very photogenic.

Good-looking is good-looking. The two sisters, Da Mai and Mai, are not very interested in high-ranking officials. They just look at Jian Heng and a rooster and find it a bit amusing. So Lema stood aside and watched happily. .

   I don't know what's going on, after the high official took a few glances at Jian Heng, he suddenly flapped his wings and flew towards Jian Heng.

Jian Heng raised his arm subconsciously and dodged like this. When he opened his eyes, he found that the official was already standing firmly on the stump of the saddle. With only one foot, the official was standing He had already put his body on Heidou's back.

"What do you think?"

   "Oh!" The senior official let out a cry, and Heidou began to trot towards the southeast with four hooves.

   Jian Heng was quite curious, so he didn't stop Heidou, and just let go of the rein. Barley and Wheat were also quite curious, so the two sisters followed Black Bean to see where Black Bean or the rooster was going.

   Walking towards the southeast, until he reached the fence of the ranch, Black Bean stopped and neighed in front of the fence.

When Jian Heng saw the excitement, he couldn't see it anymore, because after passing this fence, it was not within the scope of the Silent Lake Ranch, but the territory of O'Brien's family. He couldn't get involved with him in the first place, so how could Jian Heng set foot in someone else's house? pasture.

  Xi Law!

  Heidou actually took a few steps back, and it seemed that he was about to jump over the fence in a hurry, but Jian Heng snuffed out this sign in time, and directly reined in, controlling Heidou's behavior.

The high officials understood Jian Heng's meaning, turned his head and glanced at Jian Heng, and flew up from Heidou's back with fluttering wings. Although the flying height was not high, it was only two or three meters high. , but the flying distance was quite far, and flew directly into a small shrub forest about 20 meters away.

  Wow! Wang! Wang!

   Just as Jian Heng was about to turn around, the barking of a hound came from a distance, and it was still aggressive.

  (end of this chapter)

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