Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 254: Where did so many people come from?

  Chapter 254 Where are there so many people

  Riding around and returning to the house, Jian Heng was preparing breakfast when he suddenly heard the phone on the table ringing, picked it up and saw that it was Sun Siwei asking for his own video on WeChat.

  Picked up the phone, Jian Heng started working while connected to the video, saw Sun Siwei's face displayed and asked, "Siwei, what's the matter?"

   "Are you up?" Sun Siwei couldn't help saying when he saw Jian Hengzheng cooking.

  Jian Heng said: "Do you think I'm like you, I don't get up every day before dawn, and I get up before dawn every day. How are you doing these days?"

  Sun Siwei said: "It's not the same, by the way, I'm going to go to the United States for a while!"

   "That's good, just come to live with me for a few days, I will take you hunting or something." Jian Heng picked up his mobile phone and turned to the window, and scanned the snow scene outside for Sun Siwei.

   "Look, it's rare to see such a heavy snow in our hometown. If you come, I'll take you to catch rabbits and hunt deer. You don't need a license this year." Jian Heng said with a smile.

  Sun Siwei immediately laughed when he heard this: "Then you wait for me, and I will only take care of the round-trip ticket, and the rest of the food, drink, and accommodation are all yours?"

   "No problem at all. If you're early, you can catch up with Halloween. I'm going to buy pumpkins and lanterns here." Jian Heng took the phone and turned back to the kitchen, put down the phone and continued chatting with Sun Siwei.

  Sun Siwei smiled and said: "I'll leave immediately after you say that, don't let me in when I get there."

   "What do you mean, I'm that kind of person, at most I will sell you to a rich white woman, squeeze you into a stick and let you go back to China!" Jian Heng said jokingly.

  Jian Heng was chatting with Sun Siwei, when he suddenly heard Zhang Jialiang's voice from the living room: "Sister Damai, where's brother?"

   "I'm in the kitchen, what's the matter?" Jian Heng turned his head and said loudly.

  As soon as the words fell into the ears, Zhang Jialiang's pattering footsteps were heard. The guy's feet stepped on the wooden floor like a horse's hoof, and he knew that the soles of the shoes were buckled with iron palms.

Jian Heng didn't want to ask about this either. Zhang Jialiang had always demanded himself as a cowboy image in movies. He thought he was handsome, but he looked a little silly in the eyes of others. If you still wear a cowboy hat when you get the chance, you have something wrong with your brain.

  Dong dong dong, after a few sounds, Zhang Jialiang stood at the door of the kitchen, but did not enter the door, and just leaned against the door frame and yelled at Jian Heng.

   "Boss, boss, good news, good news!" Zhang Jialiang said hastily while posing Paos.

   "What good news, did you win the first prize, or is a girl blind and ready to marry you?" Jian Heng glanced at him, then turned his head, ready to continue chatting with Sun Siwei.

   "There is a big person coming to our place!" Zhang Jialiang said immediately, and seemed to mourn deliberately after speaking, stretched out both hands and drew a big circle to show that the coming person was big.

  Jian Heng couldn't help but ask after hearing this: "How big is he? *** is coming over?"

   "What the **** is Trump, Peter Jackson, Peter Jackson!" As if afraid that Jian Heng would not know, Zhang Jialiang repeated it on purpose.

But even if he repeats it again, Jian Heng is still at a loss. Peter uses too many names, and there are quite a few people with the surname Jackson. Putting these two names together, let alone Zhang Wei and Wang Gang in China. , the arrival is not far away, suddenly given to Jian Heng so suddenly, how does Jian Heng know which is right?

   Zhang Jialiang saw that he had reminded himself to this step, and quickly said with gestures: "Big fat man, the director of New Zealand!"

Jian Heng continued to look like he didn't understand, and finally even Sun Siwei in the video couldn't hold it anymore, and said directly: "Peter Jackson, you don't know? How did you come here all these years? It's too low." -B some!"

  Jian Heng asked very strangely: "Do I have to know him? Does he pay me wages?"

   Zhang Jialiang couldn't take it anymore, and said to Jian Heng: "Lord of the Rings, have you seen the Lord of the Rings?"

   "I've seen it!" Jian Heng nodded and then suddenly realized: "So he directed this movie."

   "Yes!" Zhang Jialiang nodded repeatedly.

   Originally thought that the boss of his family was enlightened, but who knew that the following sentence left Zhang Jialiang speechless again: "What is he doing here?"

Zhang Jialiang finally replied with a dejected look: "Boss, he supervised the production of the movies made by the actors in our ranch. After seeing the effect of their training, I felt a little unbelievable, so I wanted to come and see for myself. Probably suspecting that I have used some shady method here?"

  Zhang Jialiang didn’t have the nerve to say that people think we use steroids and these things, and he is going to come and see for himself. Not only Chinese people know that seeing is believing, but foreigners are even more so. Besides, where the effect is so good, as a director, I naturally have to take a look at it. They are all making movies. Maybe one day I will make a movie about a fat person or a thin person. In case my favorite protagonist needs to control weight or something, It's not an option here either.

Jian Heng didn't think so much. To use a popular saying on the Internet in China, he said that I didn't owe him a movie ticket. What's so exciting about it? As for star chasing, Jian Heng doesn't do one thing, at most sometimes When you meet them, just pay more attention. If there are too many people who are uncertain, you should hide far away.

"When did you come over?"

  Sun Siwei on the screen of the small mobile phone seemed to jump out of the screen. When he heard that it was this great director, he immediately felt a little restless.

Jian Heng, who was watching, couldn't help but cast his eyes at him, and said contemptuously: "How old are you, you are in your twenties, what kind of girl movies are you learning about 16 and 7, and you are chasing the stars of that class! Bah! I despise you!"

   "You know what, I'm just admiring it!" Sun Siwei replied and yelled at Zhang Jialiang: "Then buddy, when do you think he will pass?"

   "Four days later!"

  Hearing the chat between his boss and this person on the screen, Zhang Jialiang understood that the relationship between the two was unusual, so he answered Sun Siwei's words honestly.

   "Then I'll go there right away!" Sun Siwei said.

   After hearing this, Jian Heng immediately asked him back: "Come here if you want to, and I'll ask if you have a visa?"

"Don't underestimate people, I have a personal tourist visa, and I have used it many times in ten years." Sun Siwei said showily, then took out a notebook from his arms and patted it on his hand. It caters to Sun Siwei's aspirations at the moment.

Jian Heng originally wanted to say why you kid has nothing to do, but just about to say it, when he thought it was wrong, what he said was really a bit contemptuous, so he immediately changed it to another sentence: "Then you come Oh, remember to bring more clothes, the temperature here is several degrees below zero even in the daytime.”

   "I went to your place just to play in the snow, why don't I go to your place?" Sun Siwei said.

  Jian Heng is not ashamed to ask here. Some time ago, I heard that this guy encountered difficulties in finding a job. Why is it only a few days now, and he is going to stroll here immediately. But Jian Heng pretended not to know about this matter at first, and now it is even more difficult to ask, so he can only take one step at a time.

   "Okay, okay, come on, do you want me to pick you up at the airport?" Jian Heng said.

  Sun Siwei said: "That's for sure. I don't know where your home is. Don't you say that there is still a long way to go."

   "I meant to go to the airport where you landed, not my airport." Jian Heng immediately understood that this kid had misunderstood.

   "No, no, I'm going to San Francisco this way, and a buddy of mine is there. Besides, it's just a change of plane. I'm such a big man, can I lose it!" Sun Siwei said.

   "That's up to you!" Jian Heng said.

   "I'm hanging up, I'm going to go, and I have to call my buddy" Sun Siwei hung up roughly after finishing speaking.

  Seeing that the screen of the mobile phone went black, Jian Heng turned his head. When he saw Zhang Jialiang still standing by the door, he opened his mouth and asked, "What are you doing standing there, go to work!"

   "Should we prepare something, that freshman director will come over...".

Without waiting for Zhang Jialiang to finish, Jian Heng said: "What are you going to prepare? He is here to take a look. Do you want me to welcome the team with drums and gongs? Go back to work! No food or lodging is included, just take a look and leave Well, this is not the People's Hotel, I welcome anyone who comes."

   Zhang Jialiang turned and left reluctantly upon hearing this.

  Jian Heng continued to cook. He had been busy for less than a minute when another phone call came in.

  After finishing the call, Jian Heng put the phone aside: "There are so many idle people these days!"

  The call just now was made by He Ye. The kid asked Jian Heng how he was going to celebrate Halloween, and Jian Heng replied that he would spend it like this, so he was so free that he wanted to come to Jian Heng to celebrate Halloween together.

   "Forget it, there are so many people, it's lively!" Jian Heng had no choice but to say so.

  (end of this chapter)

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