Chapter 256 Lively

  Sun Siwei sat quietly in the passenger seat, turned his head and watched the scenery beside the car while listening to Jian Heng chatting with He Ye

  Ever since saying hello at the airport, Sun Siwei fell into silence. Because of the stranger He Ye, Sun Siwei suddenly felt uncomfortable.

He is not a student who has just graduated from university. As a person who works in an advertising company, he also has a bit of discernment. From the first time he met He Ye, he knew that the partner of his classmate Boss He is not an ordinary person. Without a certain social status, he can't support the kind of anger in him. In all likelihood, he is the one who lent him the car.

From the perspective of Sun Siwei when he left the city, except for the pasture and the forest, the scenery on both sides of the car seems to have only these two options. If it is a pasture, you can see all kinds of fences, some of which look unique, They are all made of wood and painted with white paint. They are neatly fenced in threes and fours. As long as you see a house in this kind of ranch, it is the kind that is so big that Sun Siwei is surprised. It is almost as large as a residential building in the community he rented. Think about a family living in such a house.

  When Sun Siwei thought about it, he had to utter a sentence in his heart, I rely on it!

  Some are simple, directly hanging three layers of barbed wire between two piles, and many of them even use barbed wire to block a section in the middle of the net. In this way, if you see the house from the fence, it will be normal. It is almost the size of a small villa in China, which is not surprising.

Except for forests and pastures, the most eye-catching living thing is cattle. As long as you see the pasture, you can see groups of cattle scattered on the pasture. Because of the snow in the pasture, the cattle can easily jump out of the white background. , Some herds of cattle feel a little frenzied to the point of endlessness.

  Sun Siwei swore that it was the first time in his life that he saw so many cows and so few people.

  As soon as the car left the city, I drove for almost 20 minutes, but there was no shadow of a car.

  The helpless eyes finally saw a broken pickup truck coming, and Jian Heng greeted an old man who looked to be seventy, the two smiled and said hello, don't be too loud.

  Sun Siwei asked a question, but Jian Heng replied that he did not know him.

  Can strangers greet each other like old friends on the road? This made Sun Siwei wonder if Jian Heng was fooling himself.

  But Sun Siwei didn't want to ask what happened, because now Jian Hengzheng was talking about things with his future boss He Ye without saying a word.

   "Hey, I've found the place, and I've arranged the transportation route for you, directly from the airline, but your things must pass the customs inspection," He Ye said.

   Jian Heng listened and asked directly: "Damn it, you found a good place and a channel to enter the land so quickly?"

  With Sun Siwei around, Jian Heng couldn't say that he was going to have two talks on his side, and after a while, who knew that He Ye's listening to the wind is raining, so he immediately completed more than half of the matter.

"It's too late to do things. Besides, we need to decorate and recruit people. After all, we have to wait until the beginning of next spring. By the way, Mr. Sun, if you don't have anything to do, go to Shanghai as soon as possible. At that time, I will arrange someone, and the two of you will keep an eye on the construction arrangement of the project." He Ye finally said with a smile to Sun Siwei.

From the moment he saw Sun Siwei, He Ye knew that his new friend had that little temper again. He only needed to take a look, and He Ye knew that Sun Siwei was not doing well in society. Not to mention being a nerd, but still holding on to his own lofty airs.

  Sun Siwei immediately waved his hands and said, "Mr. He, don't call me that, just call me Xiaosun."

   "Hey, it's just a name, you can call it whatever you want" He Ye said pretending not to mind at all.

  But he said in his heart: You just know you can’t afford it! If you dare to take it seriously, I will torture you a little bit.

  Through such a small action, He Ye knew that this person was not stupid enough, at least he still had a little insight or a heart.

   Jian Heng didn't know that He Ye had already probed Sun Siwei in this gap, and now Jian Heng was not as sharp as before. If he knew, Jian Heng would definitely look at He Ye and ask if you are tired from life.

  Sun Siwei continued to look at the scenery on the side of the road, thinking to himself: Is it possible that Jian Heng and this He Ye are not as good as they seem on the surface? Those who came to me were careful not to stretch their dirty hands while staring at He Ye?

I was thinking about it in my mind, and suddenly, I felt my body rushing forward. Thanks to the seat belt, I was restrained. If it wasn't for sure, I would have broken through the front windshield and flew out ".

   "Fuck you, don't you!"

Jian Heng was also taken aback. Suddenly a deer jumped out of the nearby woods. Fortunately, Jian Heng's speed was not fast, so he stepped on the brakes, and then the car slid all the way to stop in the middle of the road. The stupidly standing deer stopped beside him.

   "Deer! Deer! Deer!" Sun Siwei had never seen a deer so close before. When he came back to his senses and looked at the deer in front of the car, he immediately shouted excitedly.

The deer he had seen before were all quite small, like the ones in zoos, the largest ones were like sika deer, but now this deer is not only big in size, but also has big antlers, divided into about ten forks, growing on the head Especially mighty and majestic.

"If you want to watch it, you will be able to vomit if you see it in the future." Jian Heng was amused by Sun Siwei's voices, and honked the horn with a smile, driving away the silly deer standing in front of his car up.

  Watching the huge male red deer leave the front of his car, Jian Heng yelled at it: "I don't know how you grew up so big, you almost had venison to eat today."

   "Can this deer be eaten?" Sun Siwei said after hearing this.

   "Do you want to eat venison?" Jian Heng turned to him and asked.

  Sun Siwei glanced at He Ye from the rearview mirror, and said with a smile, "No, I'm just curious!"

   "If you're curious, I'll make roast venison here tonight!" Jian Heng said.

   "Really?" Sun Siwei said in surprise.

  He Ye was delighted to hear it in the back seat: "Don't call him Lunei here, I'm afraid I can get you a bear's paw."

Seeing Sun Siwei looking at him curiously, Jian Heng quickly said: "venison is fine, but bear's paws are fine. First, no one will burn it. Second, eating this stuff will damage the brilliance of our Chinese people." Image, venison, let's just say venison!"

   While Jian Heng was talking about Lu Nei, the phone suddenly rang again. After Jian Heng picked it up and answered it, he asked in a daze, "Who are you?"

   "The bear skin you sent last time has been processed, you can come and get it!"

   "Bearskin, what bearskin?" Jian Heng couldn't help being stunned when he heard the bearskin, and then suddenly remembered that the bearskin was the one that was peeled off for the old Walsh's family last time.

   "Ah, are you done?" Jian Heng immediately said happily.

  The person on the other end of the phone finally remembered, so he said: "Hurry up and get it!"

   After speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap.

   "Hey, hello! It's really rude." After saying hello twice but no one answered, Jian Heng hung up the phone.

   "You don't eat bear's paws, you make bear's skin." He Yele laughed at Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng said: "Can bear skins be the same as eating bear paws? Let me tell you, I feel cruel when I hear it!"

   "Okay, venison is venison, is there any fresh one?" He Ye asked again.

   "Is there still stale venison here?" Jian Heng asked rhetorically.

   "Hey, I'm asking for nothing!" He Ye said.

  Sun Siwei turned his ears sideways, listening to the two talking, but still looked at the scenery around the car. After several turns, a small town suddenly appeared in front of him.

Calling it a small town is a bit too much, this thing is eight or nine huts gathered together, there is a small bar with a signboard, and you can even see a dog lying lazily on the ground, Basking in the sun, when he heard the sound of a car, he turned over, took a look in the direction of the car sound, then stretched out again and lay down tastelessly.

Sometimes one or two horses can be seen. They poked their heads out of the fence and looked at themselves curiously with a pair of big eyes. The hay in their mouths stopped at this moment, as if they saw Like something weird.

  Suddenly, Sun Siwei felt that he was an outsider. It seemed that the owners here were not human beings, but these animals instead.

   "Are you there?" Sun Siwei asked.

  Who knew that Jian Heng replied here: "There is still half of the way, what are you thinking, here we are! This time in the car is not enough to buy a dish."

   "Damn!" Sun Siwei couldn't help it: "Which place do you live where birds don't lay eggs!"

   "What do you mean that birds don't lay eggs, depends on what you said!" After Jian Heng replied, he continued to drive his car.

Not to mention, the town is really strong today. There are about thirty people gathered next to the town, at the entrance of the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch, each holding signs And it's kind of exciting.

   "Yo, what is this for?" He Ye stretched his head and looked out the window.

Jian Heng is not going back to the ranch now, he wants to get the bear skin first, so he has to pass through these crowds, so he slows down and honks his horn, and slowly drives past the crowd. When he sees the car coming, these people are like a flood They dispersed, but when they waited for the car to pass by, they gathered together again, shouting slogans one by one.

   "What is this protest?" Sun Siwei asked curiously.

  Based on his English level, that is, general conversation, he has to be slow, like this kind of placard, and all capitalized, this guy seems to be struggling, and even confused.

   "Protest against wolf hunting on the ranch, saying that wolves have the same right to survive as humans!" Jian Heng knew at a glance that this was an animal protectionist.

   You can’t see this kind of protest scene in China, but it is too common in the United States. Jian Heng thinks that Americans have three major things, eating, sleeping and protesting various unfairness!

  As far as the matter is concerned, although Jian Heng doesn't like to talk about the grandsons of the Edwin Harrison-Marcus Ranch, Jian Heng thinks that protesting the killing of wolves is quite nonsense, and it's not your cattle that are biting your emotions!

  (end of this chapter)

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