Chapter 273 Lively

Seeing the two fleeing away, looking back, the bodyguard also wiped his mouth, and jumped off the stool, chasing after the two of them like a runaway wild horse. and go.

Jian Heng turned around helplessly and began to put away the table. As for the remaining slices of meat, the ones that touched the chopsticks were thrown into the pot and cooked until Pooh and instant noodles came back. As for the meat that had not touched the chopsticks , it was brought into the house and put in the refrigerator for storage. Either keep it for the next time you cook hot pot, or keep it for the next noodles or something, anyway, it can always be consumed.

  As for the vegetarian dishes, there was nothing left, and all of them went into the stomachs of the four people, and they all ate the bottom. Why? The taste is so good, not to mention others, the vegetables grown in Jian Heng's space are three points more delicious than those in the greenhouse.

   While Jian Heng was clearing the table, he heard a horseshoe in the distance. He looked up and found that it was wheat running over.

   Straightened up, watching Mai Mai riding a horse in front of him, Jian Heng asked aloud, "What's the matter?"

   "I called you to carve pumpkins. Many people are playing in the restaurant. By the way, where did the three of them go?" Mai looked at the empty table and asked curiously.

   Jian Heng asked back: "Didn't I meet you?"

   "No, we have been in the restaurant all the time, and we have never seen the three of them go there?" Mai Mai became more curious.

   Seeing that Mai denied meeting the three people, Jian Heng said in disbelief, "No, it passed about five or six minutes ago, and he said he was going to the town to inquire about the Black Wolf King."

  Wheat said: "Go to the bar at this time?"

"Ah! I've seen this matter." Only then did Jian Heng remember that it was only eight or nine in the morning, and there was still a while before the bar opened. The bars in the small town used to open at ten o'clock, but now Although it is said that there are more people, the business is better, but the bar does not open at eight or nine in the morning. The drunkards drank late yesterday, and they usually stay at home to recharge their batteries in the morning, so where do they get up?

  Mai Mai looked at Jian Heng speechlessly: "You are doing too badly, they don't know that there is no problem, and you don't want to remind?"

"Did I come to remind you urgently? These two guys obviously felt ashamed, so they escaped by drinking. At first, they planned to eat hot pot outside with a whimsical idea. They even asked for spicy food. It's a pity to eat it." When he got up, he was quickly defeated, and in the end the bodyguards were so powerful that he fell down and ate by himself..." Jian Heng smiled and told Mai Mai about the whole process.

  Wheat did not laugh at the two of them. Instead, he said: "This is already very powerful. I can't even take a bite. I took that bite in the morning, and now I still feel angry when I think about it."

"Okay, then hurry up, I'm going back to carve my jack-o-lantern now." Mai said, "grabbing the hand" at Jian Heng and gestured a goodbye gesture, then pulled the rein and turned around. The horse's head is ready to turn around.

   "Don't tell me to clean it up for me?" Jian Heng yelled at Mai Mai.

  Wheat said without looking back: "What you eat, your friend, why should I clean it up for you? You can clean it up slowly, huh!"

  In an instant, the wheat disappeared from Jian Heng's sight like a wisp of smoke.

   "Little girl, you run pretty fast." After Jian Heng said with a smile, he continued to tidy up his table.

It took almost half an hour. Jian Heng cleaned up the table, cleaned the dishes and put them in the disinfection cabinet. After everything was tidied up, Jian Heng went back to the house and took a shower. Changed into comfortable clothes and went out.

   Whistled a few times, but he didn't see the black beans coming, so Jian Heng had to take his No. 11 bus to the direction of the restaurant.

  When I arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, I found that several students came out holding the pumpkins they had carved. It seemed that they were going to put their works on the entrance of the restaurant.

   "Mr. Jean!"


  Jian Heng has various names, and Jian Heng nods and smiles one by one.

  When he reached the door, Jian Heng was about to open the door of the restaurant when he turned around and saw Sean Barrett and Simon Rogers talking about something seriously.

The two can be regarded as one of the best friends among the students. Originally, a fat man and a skinny man, now one is slightly fat and the other is thin. After getting rid of the fat on his body, Simon is now slowly gaining a new look. Although the handsome guy's appearance is not as fresh as that of Xiao Lizi when he was young, he is definitely on par with Paul Walker when he was young.

  Sean is a bit rougher, but this roughness makes him look very distinctive, which is especially memorable.

   "What are you two talking about, so happy?" Jian Heng casually asked the two of them.

   "We're leaving next month." Seeing Jian Heng, Sean squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying.

   "What's going on?" Jian Heng stopped in his tracks, withdrew his hand that had reached the doorknob, turned his head and walked towards the two of them.

   "A few of us received a call from the fund manager this morning, and his contract with us will end at the end of this month," Simon opened his mouth.

   "Oh, what are you going to do in the future?" Jian Heng understood the plan of the family fund as soon as he heard it.

What the fund wants is how Jian Heng can control the physique of these people. Now people like Simon are almost back to the standard weight of normal people, and some people not only return to the standard weight, but also practice Small muscles are naturally a good thing for students, but for the planning fund, these people are now worthless waste.

   "We plan to go out and find a job when this place is over. With our strength, we can always find a job. I used to be a construction worker, and Simon is a truck driver. It shouldn't be difficult to pick it up again," Sean said.

   "We want to start over" Simon interfaced.

   "Where are you going, New York, or another city?" Jian Hengduo asked.

   "It's not confirmed yet. Anyway, we will cheer up and live a good life in the future. Thank you. We not only practiced here, but also helped us regain our confidence in life!" Simon said.

  After two or three months, they lived almost every day at three points and one line. Coupled with the changes in their bodies, these homeless people regained their confidence in life.

Some people say that appearance is not important, it depends on who it is. Ma Yun’s appearance is not important. As for ordinary people, appearance cannot be said to be everything, but a good appearance can indeed make you occupy a little bit in the first face opportunity.

Xiao En said with a smile: "Not only us, many people said that they don't want to wander on the streets anymore and are ready to live the rest of their lives. After leaving your place, some people are going to find a job. , and some are preparing to return to their homes."

   "That's good!" Jian Heng felt very sudden when he heard the news, as if something touched his heart for a moment.

  For Jian Heng, these students are actually very simple, they are money! Tickets for walking one by one, but after hearing what Xiao En said today, Jian Heng felt that the relationship between himself and these students seemed to be more than just them giving tickets, and helping them manage their bodies. There seemed to be something beyond money other things.

  Because Jian Heng saw gratitude in the eyes of Sean and Simon.

  Jian Heng felt a little sad at the moment: Oh man! After all, they are emotional animals!

"Okay, let me know when you are leaving, and I will hold a farewell banquet for you!" Jian Heng was a little unaccustomed to such an atmosphere, and the slightly sensational atmosphere made Jian Heng a little embarrassed, so after saying something, Pretending to be very chic, he turned and left.

   "At the end of the month, we all invite you and Coach Barley and Wheat together," Sean said.

   "Okay!" Jian Heng replied and opened the door of the restaurant.

As soon as the door opened, Jian Heng was shocked by the lively atmosphere inside. There were several girls, including two small models who had just come in, and Blanca, a supermodel, and the other two were aunts. Characters, several people are now stepping on the table and dancing hotly.

  The people at the scene, whether men or women, are now watching their rhythm and twisting their bodies. Even some pumpkin carving people are tapping the time to the live music while carving pumpkins.

   "Gene, come up! Come up!"

   Seeing Jian Heng walk in, Blanca twisted her waist while pointing her finger at Jian Heng.

   "I still count..." Jian Heng shook his head repeatedly.

   "Jean, Jean!"

  Seeing that Jian Heng wanted to refuse, the people at the scene immediately started to make a fuss, and everyone started calling Jian Heng's name.

   "I'm really not good at dancing." Jian Heng was dumbfounded by the enthusiasm of these people.

  Mait directly came over and pushed Jian Heng to the side of the table: "You just need to twist!"

   There was no other way, Jian Heng had no choice but to walk up to the table, and twisted his body casually along with the music. Not to mention, because of his good coordination, Jian Heng swayed his buttocks and twisted his waist to follow the rhythm, but he still managed to do so.

  But soon Jian Heng felt embarrassed, because the five women on the table were slowly sticking to his body, and from time to time someone came over to dance with Jian Heng face to face. Whenever a woman came over, there was a burst of booing whistles and applause from below.

   The two girls who are the most tuneful are actually the two sisters, Barley and Wheat. These two girls are now like female hooligans, whistling at Jian Heng from time to time, and then making one or two bold moves to attack Jian Heng.

   Obviously, everyone is having fun now.

   After tossing and turning on the table for a while, Jian Heng took the time to come down, walked to Damai's side and asked in a low voice, "Didn't you carve a pumpkin, why did you dance?"

  While she was asking a question, seeing Mai Mai's head approaching, Jian Heng stretched out his hand and gently pushed her head aside.

   "What are you doing?" Mai Mai clapped Jian Heng's hand away dissatisfied.

   "It's reasonable to eavesdrop on our love affair with you," Jian Heng said to Mai with a smile.

  (end of this chapter)

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