Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 285: small gamble

  Chapter 285 A little gambling

"You're amazing!" The fat man stood up after a long time, threw a word at Jian Heng, and then walked to his car with the support of his two partners without looking back, and then got into the car. Slip away.

  Mait raised the ticket in his hand at this time, and happily said to Sarah: "Give everyone a bottle of beer, please!"


Mai Mai's words ignited the enthusiasm of these people in an instant. After everyone cheered in unison, they rushed back to the bar. For a while, the bar outside the bar, including the bar, returned to its original lively state, that is, the atmosphere of demons dancing wildly. Now everyone turned their attention to Jian Heng who punched the fat Jason with two punches.

"When did you become so powerful?" Sun Siwei waited for everyone to rush into the bar, but he did the opposite, walked up to Jian Heng, touched Jian Heng's arm, and squeezed Jian Heng's Forearm, asked curiously.

   Jian Heng smiled and pretended to say: "If you practice every day, you will be like this. Don't worry, you will have plenty of time for you to practice in your future work."

  Sun Siwei thought for a while and said: "I don't have any hope, I can't stand the pain of muscle training!"

  Jian Heng said: "It would be better if you take this thing as a habit. Some people think so at first, but they become addicted after practicing. You must know that fitness is also addictive."

"Give me and Sun Siwei a drink at that time!" Seeing Jian Heng beating up a big fat white man so neatly, He Ye felt a little itchy in his heart, and wanted to try it himself. Jian Heng's training method.

  Hearing what He Ye said, how could Jian Heng refuse, he wished that all his friends around him would have good health, and that everyone would live a long life together.

   "Understood, then you must ensure that you have at least three days of systematic training a week." Jian Heng nodded in agreement.

  He Ye asked jokingly, "Is there a fee?"

  Jian Heng replied to the locals: "If you want to give it, I will not refuse!"

   While talking, Jian Heng untied the gloves with the help of Damai, and then untied the bound hands, and casually hung a few things on his shoulders.

   Zhang Jialiang walked over with a smile at this time, reached out and took the gloves and bound hands from Jian Heng's shoulder: "Boss, I'll come, I'll come!"

  Seeing the kid's thug smile, Jian Heng understood what he wanted to do: "From now on, you smoke for an hour a day, and you take him to practice with Barley!"

   "I want to practice with you" Zhang Jialiang scratched his head and said.

  Jian Heng glanced at him: "As far as your level is concerned, it's a waste of barley to teach you. If you let me train you, you have to run for forty minutes every day, and then push-ups...".

   Zhang Jialiang immediately interrupted Jian Heng's words: "Okay, Boss, why don't I practice with Sister Damai? If you don't want to take me, don't take it. Why abuse me?"

  Jian Heng was a little too lazy to talk to this kid, and continued to walk towards the door of the bar without even looking at him.

  Several people re-entered the bar, but there were still no seats. Everyone got a bottle of beer and drank it standing up.

   "Who wants to play ax throwing?"

  About ten minutes later, a group of people were drinking high, and the atmosphere became lively again. An old guy in his sixties with a beard stood on a chair and asked loudly to the crowd.


  Many people responded, including men, women and children.

  The bearded old man took out a ten-dollar play ticket from his pocket and threw it on the table: "Whoever wins will take it!"

  As soon as they heard that they were playing again, and it was still the traditional ax throwing, everyone's interest was boosted again.

There are fewer people here now, and at least half of them are cowboys. To many people, the game of ax throwing is not as tall as a pony when they come into contact with it. It is a lottery, so many people immediately responded to the bearded old man's proposal.

   "Follow me outside if you like to play, everyone has to get some prizes..." the bearded old man yelled as he led people out.

   "How to play ax throwing?" He Ye seemed to be interested in this game, and asked about Jian Heng's rules in a low voice.

Without waiting for Jian Heng to answer, Damai opened his mouth and said: "It's very simple. Take an ax and throw it at the center of the rake. The closer to the center, the higher the score. Each person throws a total of several times, and the total score is taken. It is similar to the rules of shooting, but There are still differences in different distances, and the further the distance of the race, the farther it will be until a winner is determined."

  The rules are so simple that they couldn't be simpler. After listening to it, He Ye directly reached out to take out the ticket from his pocket and went to the door.

   "Do you want to play?" Jian Heng said to Sun Siwei.

  Sun Siwei smiled: "I'll forget it, I don't know whether to go forward or backward with my ax, so I don't need to put psychological pressure on everyone."

   "That's right!" Jian Heng smiled and turned to Barley and Wheat next to him and asked.

  The two sisters are so good, they just open their mouths and they must participate.

When everyone arrived at the door, they stopped in the parking lot of the bar. Under the street lights of the simple parking lot, the bearded old man turned the rake out. This thing is also something that many small country bars have. It is made of simple wooden boards. , this kind of rake varies from one to several, just hang the rake paper on it when playing. As for the raking paper, I bought it from the bar, of course.

  The bearded old man collected money here, and there were three people who had already paid the money and lined up to form the first group of contestants. Two of the three were in their forties, and one looked about seventeen or eighteen.

   Crack, crack, crack!

After three rings, an ax appeared on each of the rakes. I have to say that this sport is doing very well in the countryside. The three of them almost all threw the first one very well. There are two nine rings, and one is slightly missed. It's a heart, but it's still a heart.

   "Wow, nice!"

   Just as everyone was cheering up the contestants, the second ax had already been thrown out. This time, the result was slightly worse than the first time. There were two eight-rings, and the most was nine rings.

  After throwing four groups like this, the teenager and a middle-aged man were eliminated, leaving only the middle-aged man in his fifties.

Just like this, the one with the best score remained on the court. After the first round, there were five perfect scores, two of which were Barley and Wheat, and one was actually Catherine. -Anderson, the widow, does not know when she appeared here.

  Three of the five people were actually women. This made a group of elders feel that their faces were a bit dull, and they cheered up the two elders who were still on the field. One of them is the bearded old man who proposed to play this game. It seems that the old man is very confident in winning this game.

With He Ye's level, it is naturally impossible to occupy one of the remaining places. He was eliminated as soon as he got up. Because of the five axes, he missed two of the rakes, which fully explained what is meant by weight. I'm blending, just going up for entertainment.

   It is impossible for the remaining five people to share the bonus equally. What everyone can do is to continue the competition. After moving back one to two meters, the five people continue to compete.

  This time, Damai and another middle-aged man didn't perform very well. One won the sixth ring and the other seven rings, and they were eliminated after breaking each other.

   After another round, the bearded old man, who was full of confidence, only hung on the edge of the rake because of a low-level mistake, so the final victory was between Wheat and Widow Anderson.

   Just as everyone was preparing to watch the match, the sound of an ambulance came from a distance, so everyone turned their heads almost at the same time and stared at the road not far away.

   Soon several ambulances appeared in everyone's sight. There was not one car, there were four or five in total, and they turned directly at the intersection of the town to the fork of the Eagle Ranch in North Africa.

   "What's going on?" Many people asked in whispers, and their attention to the game was greatly reduced for a while.

Others didn't pay attention to the two female generals on the court, but they focused on the game. They grabbed a few hands in a row. In addition, the distance was getting bigger and bigger, and the physical strength was expending more and more. Mrs. Anderson's age After all, he was big, not a wheat opponent who was young and nourished by the water in the space, so when the third ax was made, he made a mistake and missed the rake.


  Wheat raised her hands at the same time the ax hit the eight rings, and shouted yeah, as happy as if she won the Super Bowl all at once.

   "I buy everyone a round of beers"

  The wheat with a stack of tickets in his hand was rippling again, and shouted at everyone.

   But this time everyone's reaction was not as enthusiastic as last time, and many people began to whisper.

  (end of this chapter)

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