Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 290: sad reminder

  Chapter 290 sad reminder

  Sun Siwei checked the bomb bay and saw that there were no bullets in it, then pulled out the bullet chain to cover the hatch, and began to turn his arms left and right.

   "Ouch, both arms seem to be broken!" Sun Siwei complained while turning.

  Jian Heng took a look at him, and then focused on aiming and shooting with his gun in one go. After hitting the target, Jian Heng lowered the muzzle of the gun and was ready to shoot the second shot.

"You kid, don't even look at how many bullets you have in total. You have shot more than half of the bullets of the two base numbers. Mr. Wu didn't get started. It would be strange if your arms are not sore." Jian Heng looked at it. Don't look at what Sun Siwei said.

Novices like Sun Siwei like to hear the refreshing energy of machine guns, but for Jian Heng, He Ye and even Wu Yong, this kind of excitement can only be played for a few times. It’s fine to vent, but the real fun has to be on a gun with a sharp head like a rifle. The real enjoyment is the sound of the gun.

  Wu Yong smiled and replied: "This thing is mine, when will I not be able to play it?"

  Wu Yong really didn't take it seriously. He came here this time just to check out He Ye's side and see what business He Ye could bring him.

Like most immigrant Chinese, Wu did not have any good business channels when he went to a foreign country. Wu Yong is different from others. He cannot go back to China blatantly, so he has to set up a small farm in the United States and invest a little. small business.

In the past, when the American economy was doing well, life was okay, but in the past two years, the U.S. economy has failed, and his income has started to be a little tight. On the contrary, the domestic economy has picked up, and he watched helplessly. The person trembled, and Wu Yong was a little bit homesick.

  He Ye understands Wu Yong's thoughts, and he is also willing to help, but this matter really cannot be settled in a day or two. So he understood what Wu Yong meant, but he couldn't point it out. He could only make insinuations. As for whether Wu Yong understood or not, that's not what He Ye was worried about.

   On the other hand, He Ye thinks that he has no IQ at all, and even if he goes back, it will be difficult to make any troubles. China now is not what it was ten years ago.

   "I don't think it's too early, let's go back, I don't know what the women made for lunch!" He Ye raised his hand and looked at his watch.

  Jian Heng smiled and said, "For cooking, I still rely on Mrs. Wu. Our family's barley and sister-in-law are at most capable of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Don't count on them at all."

Wu Yong laughed and said: "This woman has to be forced to come here to cook. My daughter-in-law doesn't know anything in China, but I force her to learn when I get here. Otherwise, I don't fit in with others in business and communication. At home, I invite someone to show respect to the guests." respect, it’s all the hostess who cooks. Now Chinese women don’t know how happy they are living, their eyes are growing to the sky, they don’t know anything, they don’t get much money, they get married one by one At the time, I didn’t know how many goods I wanted, and I wanted this and that! I really should let them come here to see what life is like for European and American women.”

This made Jian Heng and the others laugh. To be honest, Chinese women can hold up more than half the sky. Let’s put it this way, if you rank women in the world, the status of Chinese women is definitely the first. Riding on top of men's heads, not to mention Japan, even European and American women do not have the high social status of Chinese women.

In fact, this matter has a lot to do with the media. I don’t know when it started. As long as the Spring Festival Gala program is about family, the image of the man is like a third-grandson. It is love, and love is the crooked logic of fear.

  Up to now, the family sketches that appear in large and small parties have almost stabilized the relationship between husband and wife. Women are fierce and aggressive, and men are mean and cowardly.

   Kneeling on the washboard, kneeling on durians, etc. If they dare to go on stage and call themselves a comedy, they will be scolded, because this is advocating domestic violence.

   Men can’t be violent to women, but women can be affectionate to men. What kind of logic is this?

  The so-called actor misleading the country is roughly like this! It can be said that it was these actors who castrated the dignity that many Chinese men should have as human beings, making Chinese men feel that all families are like this, and men should be like this.

  He Ye said with a smile: "Stop talking, everyone pack up your things, Jian Heng, do you still want the milk bottle?"

  Jian Heng glanced at a few lonely milk bottles, and said, "Forget it, anyway, I have nothing to do in the future and I have to come to practice, so let's put it like this!"

After firing a few shots, Jian Heng realized that compared with He Ye, there was a real gap between his marksmanship and He Ye's. The gap in pistols was not that big, but the gap between himself and He Ye was a bit obvious for rifles. , Jian Heng is not a person who gives up easily, so he thinks that he will come to practice his hands in the future when he has nothing to do.

The rake didn’t move, and the bullets were almost full. The two boxes of long and short gun bullets didn’t take up much space, and they were taken away in a plastic bag. As for the machine gun bullet box, just throw it here. Stay in this temporary shooting range, maybe next time you can be a rake or something.

  Among the five people, apart from the bodyguards, the other four carried a long gun each, like Jian Heng also held a few pistols in his left hand, chatting side by side and walking towards the direction of the room.

Now that the lake is frozen, a few people naturally don’t need to detour, just walk back from the ice. It’s not like when there is no ice on the lake, you have to go around half of the lake to get here, and it takes several minutes or even ten minutes to drive. .

   "Hey! Look!"

  Wu Yong walked on the ice for a while, when he suddenly raised his head, he found a vulture hovering in the space, so he pointed out his finger to everyone to see this weird vulture.

  As soon as Jian Heng raised his head, he understood why Wu Yong let him watch it, because this eagle flew a little strangely, and to put it plainly, he flew a little 'twitchy'.

   It may seem weird to others, but Jian Heng understands that it is because the eagle is injured. This eagle is either someone else or the blind eagle that Jian Heng saw yesterday. He was about to take Erhu as a snack, but Erhu almost took it as a snack.

   This guy was kicked by Erhu a few times, and then half of his tail feather was gnawed off. It would be a strange thing if he didn't fly.

   "What are you planning to do?" Sun Siwei raised his hand to his forehead and asked while looking at the sky.

  When the two tigers beat the golden eagle, Sun Siwei and He Ye were not there. The two who hadn't seen the good show naturally didn't know why the golden eagle flew so strangely above their heads.

   "Catch fish!" Jian Heng understood the meaning of the golden eagle in the air after a quick look. This guy wanted to come and catch fish to eat.

  It is very simple to understand this point. The flight of the golden eagle has been affected, and it is impossible to hunt goats, foxes, etc., but the hunting necessary for the golden eagle to survive is the only way for it to survive.

  So the golden eagle turned around, and finally turned to the lake, because it found the ice hole that Barley, Wheat and Mrs. Wu's family had knocked open in the morning.

  Now there will be no crazy fish jumping up in the ice hole, but because the hole is big and sunny, many fish will come over to get a breath of oxygen or something, so the Golden Eagle wants to catch one and go home to sacrifice to the Wu Zang Temple.

But the golden eagle is also afraid that Erhu is nearby. Regarding what happened yesterday, it is estimated that this golden eagle will never forget it in this life. Maybe it is because of Erhu's foot that this golden eagle will not dare to easily Then come up with the idea of ​​rabbits, or else, after walking around the pasture for a long time, instead of catching rabbits, come to the idea of ​​hunting fish in the lake.

Just when Jian Heng was thinking about this matter, suddenly a silver light flashed in the hole, and a big fish seemed to rise from the ground and rush towards the sky, and rushed up about three to four meters. high.

   Needless to say, it was the silver carp that rushed up!

  Now the silver carp seems to be covered with metal powder all over its body. Under the winter sun, it has a kind of amazing beauty.

   "Damn, what kind of fish is this!" Wu Yong asked with wide-eyed eyes.

He Ye, Sun Siwei, and the bodyguards also stared straight at the silver carp. They had never seen a fish of this color before, and it didn't look like a fish, but like a mechanical fish with chrome plating all over its body. Especially in such a photo under the sun, people suddenly feel that the beauty is a bit suffocating.

  At this time, He Ye didn't know why a sentence jumped out of his mind. In He Ye's opinion, only when a carp leaps over the dragon's gate should there be such beauty.

   Several people were dumbfounded, but the golden eagle in the sky seemed to feel that he was lucky. Seeing the silver carp jumping up, it immediately rushed down from the sky like a dive bomber.

  The moment the golden eagle rushed down, Jian Heng wished he could cover his eyes, and thought to himself: Fuck, you **** is really sad.

  (end of this chapter)

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