Chapter 305 Crime

Send the old man back to the house, help him to turn on the heating in the house, then take off his shoes and coat, and after thinking about it, he also took off the outer trousers, leaving cotton trousers and towels for the old man. Cover the old man with a quilt.

When I was about to leave the house, I was about to turn off the lights in the old man's room, when I heard the voice from the old man's dream: "Money is so important, it is so important that you don't even want me anymore, you don't even want me anymore, you don't even want me anymore. ... Cough! Cough! Cough!"

  Hearing that the old man was still thinking about this in his dream, Jian Heng couldn't help sighing, lightly turned off the lighthouse, then opened the door and walked out of the old man's dormitory.

After leaving the dormitory, still thinking about the words of the old man in his ears, after walking a few steps, Jian Heng looked up at the moon above his head, and suddenly missed his parents a little, so he took out his mobile phone, looked at his watch, and counted After a while, I felt that it was almost time for my parents to eat, and it was nine o'clock in the evening on my side, so it should be twelve o'clock noon at this time in China.

   As soon as the video went over, as expected, the parents were sitting at the table and eating.

   "Aren't you asleep yet?" Sun Xiuying immediately laughed happily when she saw her son's face.

  The little girl Ning Ning was gnawing on the ribs, turning half of her face into a little cat, and just like that, she stretched out her oily hands and shouted loudly that she wanted to talk to her brother.

  Sun Xiuying didn't let her oily hands touch her mobile phone, and just ignored the little girl.

When the camera turned to Jian Zhenhua, as Jian Heng's father, Jian Zhenhua just smiled at his son. As a traditional Chinese father, he is not used to waving with his son, let alone saying I love your son. , Just a smile contains the selfless love of a father for his son.

   "It's only past nine o'clock, and I suddenly thought of seeing you," Jian Heng said.

   Seeing Mr. Yao like this, Jian Heng thought that he would talk to his parents more, and let them know if there was anything.

"Everything is fine at home, so don't worry too much about it. By the way, didn't you say that you have found a girlfriend now? Has she slept? If she hasn't slept, call me and let us take a look?" Sun Xiuying had long wanted to see her It's barley, but she heard that her son's girlfriend is an American, so she didn't know the customs in the United States at once, and she was a little afraid that it would be abrupt if she came so suddenly.

  Actually, to be honest, Sun Xiuying always thinks that Chinese girls are better in her heart. She is influenced by others, saying that American women have loose belts.

   To be honest, whether the belt is loose or not has nothing to do with the country, it only has something to do with the woman alone.

   "Maybe they haven't slept yet. I'll be there soon. If they haven't slept in the house, I'll ask them to come over and have a look for you," Jian Heng said.

  Although Jian Heng was talking about them, Sun Xiuying didn't hear anything. For her, this must be her son's slip of the tongue, and the daughter-in-law has something extra? This is not before liberation, a man could have three wives and four concubines.

   "The family is okay, there is nothing to come to borrow money, right?" Jian Heng smiled.

Sun Xiuying said: "Why not? It's just that there are fewer, and the thin-skinned ones don't come here anymore. I'm annoyed. There are only a few thick-skinned ones, but after a few times, they almost don't have the face to come. It's just that our reputation is not very good now." .

Some people don’t just have this virtue. If you borrow it, you will be a fool. When you ask for money, you will have to make rumors about you. If you don’t borrow money, you will immediately make rumors about you. most.

"You're too ostentatious. Someone sent you a few boxes of Feitian. If you have money, you can't spend it like this." Jian Zhenhua suddenly remembered that not long after his son left, someone sent seven or eight boxes of Moutai to the family, and a bottle cost two thousand. A lot, good guy, these Moutais alone cost 100,000 yuan, so Jian Zhenhua immediately reminded his son not to spend money randomly.

   "You can't calculate it according to the market, you can cut it in half at most," Jian Heng explained.

  Jian Zhenhua heard: "Fake wine?"

   "What fake wine. I'll drink fake wine for you?" Jian Heng was dumbfounded by his own father: "You can drink it at ease. The real wine is almost half the price if you have a relationship."

"Half price is not enough, don't spend so much money next time!" Jian Zhenhua is not used to drinking sauce-flavored wine, but this is Moutai, not to mention other things, it is also a matter of saving face to put it on the table. Although Jian Zhenhua is not People who love to show off too much, but who doesn't like things that look good, especially if they are filial to their own sons, even if they don't show off, they can't show that they have a filial son.

  Sun Xiuying directly exposed her wife's background at this time: "Don't listen to your dad, he doesn't know how happy he is, and he has to tell everyone the last time, and the neighbors are almost annoyed by him."

   "By the way, Mom, if you are all right, you can come over with me as soon as I go back in a few days. When the holiday is over, let my sister's family fly over to celebrate the Spring Festival by themselves," Jian Heng said.

When Sun Xiuying heard this, she turned her head and looked at her old man. Jian Zhenhua actually wanted to visit her son. The land of 6,000 acres would be more than 30,000 acres in China. Jian Zhenhua didn't even have such a big place in his mind. What a concept.

   "When are you coming back?" Jian Zhenhua asked.

   "It will take a few more days, the end of this month at the latest," Jian Heng said.

The end of this month is actually Christmas. Barley and Wheat will definitely go home during this festival, and the two sisters are not ready to bring Jian Heng home for the holidays this year, so Jian Heng just has time to go back to China, of course. Before returning to China, I still have to go to South Africa to settle the diamond matter first.

   "It's only a few days away." Sun Xiuying calculated.

"Anyway, you're fine. It doesn't matter if Ningning goes to kindergarten or not. How about this, you and my dad come over, and Ningning just follows and finds a school here in the United States?" Jian Heng Said.

  Jian Zhenhua asked: "Isn't it the general secretary of the United States now, oh no, he is the president, so he is very strict about this."

   "Immigration has always been managed by the poor, and your son is not considered poor now," Jian Heng said with a smile.

As he said that, Jian Heng walked to the door of the house, opened the door, and saw Damai and Xiaomai watching TV in the living room. Damai was holding Pooh and instant noodles, and Maimai was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, with Denver's head on his lap. In the living room On the floor of the room, Erhu is currently rubbing his **** in an unhygienic manner, and he knows when he developed this habit, which looks particularly wretched.

   "Balley, wheat, my mother wants to see you?" Jian Heng said to the two of them.

  Balley and Wheat were quite generous about this matter, so they prepared to stand up.

   "No, let it be like this" Jian Heng pointed the camera at the two of them.

   "Hi! Hello, Auntie!"

  Balley and Wheat stretched out their hands and smiled at the camera, and greeted Sun Xiuying in Chinese.

   "Yo, they are really twins, these two girls are so beautiful." Sun Xiuying knew they were twins at first, but now she was shocked when she saw it through the camera.

  I have seen Chinese twins before, but I have never seen Western twins. I thought the faces of Westerners were the same, but now I feel like my eyes are doubled.

   "Hey, the girl can also speak Chinese." Sun Xiuying saw her daughter-in-law at this time, how could she think of the problem of whether the belt is loose or not, after she praised her, she asked, "Which one of you is barley?"

   This sentence, Barley and Wheat must not understand. If you can speak daily in a month or two, then Chinese is not the most difficult language in the world.

  Jian Heng tapped barley and wheat respectively with his fingers, and said to his mother, "Mom, this is barley, this is wheat, they are all my girlfriends!"

Now Jian Heng can easily distinguish between barley and wheat. No matter how consistent the two are, Jian Heng can tell the difference. Since everything that should have happened has happened, Jian Heng can now distinguish the two sisters even by hearing. , will not always admit mistakes like other people in the ranch.

  Sun Xiuying smiled and said: "You child, you bully people who don't understand Chinese, and you are making fun of your mother!"

Regarding the appearance of Barley and Wheat, Sun Xiuying is 100% satisfied. As for the size, she is even more satisfied. With a height of 1.76 meters and a son who is around 1.8 meters, the height of her grandson must be guaranteed genetically . Now that she saw a real person, Sun Xiuying felt that any one of the two would be satisfied as her daughter-in-law.

   "I'm serious!" After speaking, he said a sentence in Chinese to Barley and Wheat.

   Now, a sentence of Chinese that Damai and Wheat had practiced a long time ago came in handy immediately: "We are all Jian Heng's girlfriends!"

  Although the tone of voice was a bit strange, Sun Xiuying still understood. This sentence caught her ears and almost scared Sun Xiuying to the ground.

Jian Zhenhua was also dumbfounded. He didn't know what to say to his son. He thought about shouting and drinking a few times. He didn't think it was appropriate. If he wanted to say that he did a good job and did a good job, a few words of praise didn't seem right. It was chaos, full of muddleheadedness.

"I said this is a violation of the law, do you know?" Sun Xiuying was stunned for a while before she realized it, and directly gave Jian Heng an example: "Sun Er in the west of the city, you know, married and raised another child outside. Yes, and then the big one sued the county, and the county convicted Sun Er of bigamy, and he hasn't released him yet... ".

   "Mom, where are you from? I'm not married yet, so I got bigamy." Jian Heng was dumbfounded by his old mother.

   "It's really not against the law, it's impossible, we only open up the second child here in China, and the United States has already opened up to the step of concubinage, it's impossible!" Sun Xiuying muttered in her mouth.

  Jian Heng heard what his mother said, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Who knew that Sun Xiu would have more to say next, and she said to herself: "It's not impossible, who can guess accurately about Americans? No wonder a bunch of people who have made money always like Running to the United States, it turns out that they have already opened up second wives there."

   "What are you talking about, two wives, nothing! The United States is a monogamous system. We are just three people living together without a certificate," Jian Heng said.

  When she heard that she could not get the certificate, Sun Xiuying was relieved at first, but then she became depressed after thinking about it, and blurted out: "Then my eldest grandson will become an illegitimate child in the future!"

  Jian Heng suddenly had a feeling of rubbing his face on the ground and rubbing it again and again.

  (end of this chapter)

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