Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 310: Have a holiday

  Chapter 310 Holiday

  Jian Heng took the note in his hand, checked the things on the car again, and began to count one by one, chanting while counting.

  Since an hour ago, Jian Heng started sorting out these things, and he hasn't finished counting and sorting them out. The only thing that satisfies him is that he has filled almost all the places in the car that can be stuffed.

   "Eggs, here we are. Winter melon, here we are...".

  Balley stood beside Jian Heng and said, "Honey, you've ordered it three times, so there's no need to order it again."

  Balley and Wheat are going home today, and Christmas will be two days away. The two sisters must go home for such an important festival.

Generally speaking, there are two popular ways for Americans to travel long distances. One is by plane, and the other is by car. Many Americans drive through several states, so the United States has the title of country on wheels. .

As for Greyhound buses or trains, they are not the main choices of Americans, especially trains. American trains are mainly used for freight, and the transportation of people is as slow as tortoises. Compared with domestic ones, they are directly dumped by high-speed trains. Dregs.

The two sisters decided to drive home, and the mount they chose was the newly bought Lexus by Jian Heng. Jian Heng brought a lot of things for the two sisters, most of which were food, mainly fruits and vegetables produced in the space, afraid that the two sisters The sisters returned home and couldn't get used to the food outside.

It’s not that Jian Heng is worrying too much. Few of those who have eaten the vegetables from Jian Heng’s place would like to eat the vegetables grown in the greenhouse outside. , One egg can be eaten with one egg outside.

So Jian Heng put down the seats in the second row and the third row, and directly changed the back into a large rear compartment, which not only placed vegetables, eggs and poultry, but also a domestically produced carton sent by He Yetuo. Ham, of course, some fruits in Jian Heng's space are indispensable.

  Mait stretched his head and looked at the rear compartment: "Wow, are you going to move the whole family to us?"

   "If it wasn't for my reluctance, I would really let you move the house away." Jian Heng put down the list in his hand, stretched out his arms to wrap around Mai, and then kissed her lightly on the forehead.

  Mait hugged Jian Heng's waist, touched his toes, gave Jian Heng a wet kiss, and then reached out and patted Jian Heng's buttocks: "Be careful when you are outside."

Jian Heng nodded and let go of the wheat with one hand, took the barley next to him into his arms, kissed her, then hugged them both at the same time, sniffed the fragrance from the hair of the two sisters for a long time Only then let the two go.

   "Get in the car!"

  Jian Heng gently pushed the barley and wheat.

  Balley and Wheat opened the car door. Damai got into the driver's seat, and Wheat got into the co-driver's seat. They got into the car and fastened their seat belts. The two sisters waved to Jian Heng with the side window.

  Jian Heng blew a kiss to the two of them, then watched the car turn a corner, and then drove towards the gate of the ranch.

   After running for a short distance, Jian Heng stood at a higher place and kept waving his hands, watching the car leave his sight and enter the road covered by trees.

  Backed to the door of the house, Jian Heng was about to enter, when he heard someone calling himself, without even looking at Jian Heng, he knew that the person who came was Zhang Jialiang.

  Standing at the door, waiting for Zhang Jialiang to come on his horse, Jian Heng first asked curiously: "Why, are you willing to change horses?"

   Now Zhang Jialiang is not riding the original horse, but a young mare, at most three years old, and one can tell that it was bred in space.

   "This is the horse I trained myself. Its name is Haifeng. It runs fast and steady. It can compete with Heidou..." Mentioning his horse, Zhang Jialiang immediately became interested, and immediately got off the horse and chatted with Jian Heng.

"Okay, okay, I'm not here to listen to your horse training, but your horse training ability can still be good to me?" After Jian Heng stretched out his hand to interrupt his words, he asked again: "By the way, you kid When are you going to go home, now you are the only one who is going to go back at home?"

Let everyone go today, and Jian Heng also wrapped a small red envelope for everyone, ranging from a few thousand to two thousand and a few hundred. Zhang Jialiang didn't get the biggest one, and the biggest one was given to barley, wheat and Toby three people. Because speaking, these three people contributed the most on the ranch.

As for Mr. Yao, he is in the second tier, because he already has tips to get, so the red envelopes for the Chinese New Year are slightly less. As for Zhang Xi and Huang Xiaodong, they are in the third tier. As for Zhao Changshan, Jian Heng can’t It's okay, but seeing Feng Sanzhu's smiling face, he knew that Zhao Changshan was not a stingy person.

   "Me? I'm going to leave the day after tomorrow," Zhang Jialiang said.

As soon as he heard him say this, Jian Heng knew that this kid was planning to spend more time with the female student he was looking for, so he smiled and led him into the door, and after closing the door, he asked: "Have you got it yet? "

   "Soon, soon" Zhang Jialiang mentioned this, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

  Jian Heng smiled again when he heard what he said. According to Jian Heng's own observation, this kid is far from what he said. People are not willing to give him a better look at all.

   "Go back early and spend more time with your parents" Jian Heng persuaded.

  Zhang Jialiang said: "I have nothing to say when I'm with them."

  Hearing what Zhang Jialiang said, Jian Heng couldn't help but sighed in his heart, then took off his coat and sat on the sofa.

Zhang Jialiang’s parents sent Zhang Jialiang to a very good boarding school since he was a child, so Zhang Jialiang seldom stayed with his parents in his childhood, and naturally formed a kind of estrangement with his parents. The Chinese education of this kind of estrangement is very good. Healed, but under the American education, a set of independence and self-improvement has been established, and the relationship between Zhang Jialiang and his parents has not improved much.

  Although this is the case, Jian Heng understands in his heart that this is a family matter. Although he knows where the root is, Jian Heng will not interrupt and say anything more. People's affairs are resolved at their own pace, and there is no need for outsiders like me to intervene.


   Zhang Jialiang, who was about to sit down, looked through the window and saw a basket under the porch outside, and a golden sculpture standing beside the basket, and he couldn't take his eyes off immediately.

"What's so good about golden eagles? I don't believe that no one has mentioned this to you in the past few days?" Jian Heng took out the cups, put a tea box in each cup, and finally Use a bag of hot water from the pot, and push one of the cups in front of Zhang Jialiang.

Zhang Jialiang stretched out his hand to try the cup, then retracted his hand, and continued to look at the golden sculpture outside the porch: "Really no one told me about this, when will you raise the golden sculpture again, I don't think it will take long , Boss, your home has become a zoo."

"It's not the one I want to raise, it's injured, and I'm thinking how to get rid of it." After Jian Heng finished speaking, he glanced at the golden eagle outside, and found that this guy has got another fish now, which is non-stop. eating.

   "Eat, you will die if you eat more fat!" Jian Heng looked at the golden eagle and complained.

Since the golden eagle officially lived in the basket under the gallery frame, this guy no longer treats himself as an outsider. As long as there are fish placed outside, this guy will just lie on the pile of fish and eat. He has become more and more picky. Now I don’t eat the fish head, I don’t eat the fish tail, I only eat the fat and tender meat on the belly of the fish. Besides, I will eat two mouthfuls of fish internal organs from time to time, such as fish fat, fish oil, etc. I hardly touch anything else. .

   In just a few days, this kind of golden eagle seems to have gained weight again. Sometimes Jian Heng began to worry about whether this guy could fly.

   "Then who will take care of it during the few days you left?" Zhang Jialiang asked.

Jian Heng heard the words and said: "No one takes care of it. Didn't you see that it is almost ready? Now it is ready to stay here when there is food and drink! We are all gone and there is nothing to eat. This guy is natural just fly"

  Zhang Jialiang said: "Isn't it good to keep it, it's very cool."

"Putting the wind?" Jian Heng was a little depressed by Zhang Jialiang's words. There are already a few people in the family who want to make a fuss. The Golden Eagle doesn't even have the ability to flatter instant noodles and look at his face. He knows how to eat all day long Well, for some people, raising a golden eagle is an absolute fascination. It's a pity that Jian Heng is not among these people. Jian Heng is not interested in raising such a waste.

  After chatting with Zhang Jialiang for a while, Zhang Jialiang couldn't sit still anymore, and ran outside to play with the eagles, while Jian Heng started to pack up his things, planning to let Zhang Jialiang take him to the airport and fly to New York later.

  (end of this chapter)

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