Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 321: What a small town

  Chapter 321 Really Small County

   Driving away in the car, Sun Siwei got into Jian Heng's car, and Guo Song followed behind in his own Audi.

   "Why did you get together with Guo Song?" Jian Heng asked curiously while driving.

"You don't know, Guo Song lived in a family home with me when he was a child. His father and my father are old friends. Before, his father asked me to work in his company, but I couldn't do well and I didn't have the nerve to go. ..." After Sun Siwei explained, he asked about what happened just now.

  Jian Heng said: "I'm really unlucky. I just got out of the toll booth and haven't walked too far, so I got involved in this matter! Tell me what a **** this old man is!"

"Hey, don't mention you, my cousin. It was the same situation when I drove back five years ago. I was stunned by an old lady who extorted 30,000 yuan! The old family used to be so simple, so it's fine not to mention it now." Sun Siwei shook his head and said .

   After finishing speaking, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and smiled charmingly at Jian Heng: "I forgot to tell you, your old lover is also in my hometown during this time?"

"Old lover, huh! How many times have I said it, Xu Mei and I don't even talk about old lover, we don't even have a word for love." Jian Heng understood who Sun Siwei was talking about after turning his head. .

  Sun Siwei naturally knew about this, but it didn't stop him from joking with Jian Heng: "Would you like to meet? You say I need to worry about this!"

  Seeing Jian Heng gave himself a white look, Sun Siwei smiled again and said, "But let me advise you, his white husband has also come back, but I don't think his white husband can beat you."

   "There's no end, let's say one more word, the gift is gone." Jian Heng was a little annoyed.

  I used to have a good impression of Xu Mei, almost a friend who grew up wearing crotch pants, but since seeing her for the first time in the United States, Jian Heng understood that the girl in his memory no longer exists.

The current Xu Mei is the kind of double-faced person that the domestic society is mixed with. As for meeting later, although Xu Mei feels that the relationship between the two has eased, Jian Heng doesn't think so. To be honest, Jian Heng doesn't like people like Xu Mei. People, and I don't want to deal with people like them, I feel tired.

   "Okay, I'll shut up!" Sun Siwei saw that Jian Heng was really annoyed, so he closed his mouth with a smile.

At the same time, Guo Song in the Audi car behind received a call. After listening for a while, Guo Song scolded: "Captain Zheng, I won't give you this face if you're not a brother. The relationship is just average, that is, an alumnus, not even a classmate, and the acquaintance was ignorant when we were young, and we had a fight. How do you say I opened this mouth to you? Also, I am really convinced by your subordinates, so Can’t you recognize the big license plate? As soon as I sell a car, I can figure out three, two, three, and memorize the score of heroes. He is blind as a traffic policeman, and he can’t even recognize special numbers. Isn’t he blind? , This is blindness!"

  The other end of the phone kept moaning for a while: "Then he said, this f*ck is a related account, who would have thought of such a thing...".

   First, he talked about this person's situation, and then Team Zheng said on the phone: "I have no choice but to force it to me. I usually work like a dick!...".

Now this Captain Zheng wants to hack the traffic policeman to death, and at the same time he still hates himself a little bit, why did he bring the two rookies together? This would not have happened, as long as one looked at the license plate, the old traffic policeman knew what kind of car would cause trouble, and what kind of car would not.

   I have to say that the whole thing in Team Zheng's mind is completely a murder caused by ignorance of the license plate.

   "Well, when you get to the place, send a location to my buddy, and I will apologize in person, do you take it?" Team Zheng said on the phone.

"That's all right!" Guo Song couldn't say anything here. He has a good relationship with this person. He is in society. After all, it is a relationship. One has a little money, the other has a little power. Drinking wine is considered a friend.

  Following the Mercedes-Benz, Guo Song's Audi came to a coffee shop in the county town and stopped the car in the parking space at the entrance.

   After Jian Heng got out of the car, he opened the trunk, put the things he brought to Sun Siwei into the trunk with a flick of his hand, and was about to move it out, when he realized that Sun Siwei didn't have a car or anything.

   "Forget it, let me send you home!"

  Sun Siwei asked curiously: "What are you bringing?"

  Jian Heng lifted the back of the car: "A bearskin mattress, some clothes, and some American-made food!"

   "Hey! There are a lot of good things."

   At this time, Guo Song also got out of the car, got behind the Mercedes-Benz, saw something in the box, and said something.

   Jian Heng naturally considered him, and reached out and took out a small rhino horn pendant, the kind without a rope, only a pendant, the image of a fish, and it is African-style, very characteristic.

   "This is for you, and there is nothing to hang on to, so you can just make do with it." Jian Heng said and handed the pendant to Guo Song.

  As soon as Guo Song got started, he asked, "What kind of horn is this?"

   "Rhino horn, anyway, you can play with it," Jian Heng said.

   "Oh! Thank you." Guo Song saw the thing in his hand, thanked him and put it in his pocket.

  The three of them entered the coffee shop, found a seat and sat down, ordered some drinks and started chatting.

   "Jian Heng, I'm begging you for something!" After a while, Guo Song told the story of Team Zheng finding him.

   "This matter is really difficult. How can you tell me to open my mouth? I borrowed someone's car, and I have to deal with it after a collision! I still need to open my mouth?" Jian Heng shook his head and said.

   Originally, Jian Heng felt a little guilty when the car touched Jian Heng, but now he has to intercede with others?

   To be honest, Jian Heng really didn't expect that He Ye would handle this matter so quickly, and it's fine if he can't help, so he's planning to delay? Where should Jian Heng put his face?

Jian Heng doesn't know here. After He Ye put down the phone, he was also hesitating who to ask for this matter. Finally, a helper next to him reminded He Ye, meaning that you have helped a man named Zhao in Songtan City Secretary-General, give him a call and ask him to settle this matter!

  So He Ye remembered that Secretary-General Zhao recognized his car last time, so he called Secretary-General Zhao. When Secretary-General Zhao heard that it was He Ye who called, he was flattered. Don't say that it wasn't He Ye's fault, even if it was, it must be someone else's fault!

Throwing away the phone, the high-ranking political and legal official who called Shihua in person didn't even need a secretary. The person in the county saw that this matter had to be dealt with immediately. Thinking about it, the team leader surnamed Zheng wasn't one of his own. So let's take it away together this time, so Captain Zheng is sitting down.

  Typical He Ye set up the stage, Secretary-General Zhao sang an opera, and senior political and legal officials picked up some private goods.

Don’t you think it’s strange? No one spoke, and the old man extorted money. Now, when Jian Heng entered the coffee shop, the old man had been arrested for fraud. A quarter of an hour later, the old man committed crimes The tool tricycle was taken to the county bureau together.

   At this moment, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and Captain Zheng, who was running out of breath, walked in. Looking around, he saw the place where Jian Heng and the three were sitting.

  Jian Heng was sitting with his back facing Captain Zheng, so Captain Zheng saw Guo Song, so he took Xiao Pao to the corner of the three of them.

   "Hello, I'm...Xiaoheng?" Captain Zheng saw the person sitting opposite Guo Song, and immediately shouted in surprise.

   Jian Heng raised his head and was also surprised: "Brother Sanxing?"

   "I didn't expect it to be you!" Captain Zheng was delighted when he saw it.

  Jian Heng looked at the traffic police uniform on Captain Zheng, and didn't know what to say.

  Guo Songdao: "Do you know each other?"

  Captain Zheng took off the hat on his head and stroked his hair twice: "We have been neighbors since we were young. We are in the family area of ​​a factory. His sister and I are classmates."

   "Hey, what's the matter!" Jian Heng now understands that he can't do it if he doesn't call He Ye, and he can't have the face he just said.

Captain Zheng is called Zheng Huaidong, and his nickname is Sanxing. He is the third child at home. When he was a child, he played with Jian Heng a lot. The relationship is very good. Even after Jian Heng went to middle school, his family moved away, and Jian Heng fought with others. Once he even shot it.

  Zheng Huaidong laughed and said: "In a small county, throwing a stick out can hit your relatives and friends!"

  Seeing Jian Heng, Zheng Huaidong was more than half relieved, and the remaining half was to see whether Jian Heng would buy his old brother's account, so now he didn't dare to sit down directly.

After walking in the society for a long time, Zheng Huaidong has seen too many people who turned their faces and refused to recognize others, so although he saw the little brother now, he didn't put up the score of the big brother, and let Jian Heng move in. Let him sit down.

Jian Heng is not the kind of ungrateful person. After he figured out that Director Zheng is Zheng Huaidong, he took out his mobile phone and called He Ye. At the same time, he made room for Zheng Huaidong to sit down. She came over to order for Zheng Huaidong.

  (end of this chapter)

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