Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 328: Zheng Huaidong's Warmth

  Chapter 328 Zheng Huaidong's Warmth

   "Your family still produces this?" Zheng Huaidong's wife asked a little curiously.

   "Now the cow is not yet ready to eat. It's from another family, but it's real grass-fed beef, purely ecologically fed beef, without any antibiotics and hormones," Jian Heng said with a smile.

When it was coming, Jian Heng was thinking that he couldn’t go to someone’s house with both hands empty. After looking through the space, he found that the things in the space were either too expensive or not suitable for gifting. In the end, he could only carry a few. A catty of meat came out.

Fortunately, there are enough beef packaging materials in Jian Heng's space, and the beef is all vacuum-packed, and the appearance is not bad. It's a bit wrong to use it as a gift, but it doesn't mean it's outrageous, anyway. Will be chant.

   "Sit down quickly! This is your sister-in-law, surnamed Chen, Chen Lu" Zheng Huaidong introduced.

As soon as you enter the door, you will find the living room. The old-fashioned tube building, the living room is also very small. Jian Heng sat down and looked it over, and found that this room type should be two bedrooms and one living room. It’s a bathroom. The door is open and there are some pots and some washing water. It looks like it’s ready to flush the toilet. The kitchen is not big, it’s more than ten bungalows, and it’s difficult for two people to turn around inside. .

After sitting down, Zheng Huaidong said to Jian Heng: "The house is small, don't mind, it's not that I can't afford a restaurant, it's just that your sister-in-law's craftsmanship is good, ordinary restaurants are really inferior, and there are no homemade ones in the restaurant. clean".

   "Look at what you said, the house is perfect, and if you invite me outside, it's like seeing someone else." Jian Heng laughed.

  Chen Lu said politely: "Look at you, in front of the guests, how can you boast about your family like that."

  Jian Heng replied: "I'm not considered a guest. I was taken care of by Brother Huaidong when I was young, so you can treat me as a younger brother."

  As soon as Jian Heng mentioned this matter, Zheng Huaidong felt very emotional in his heart. No matter how he thought about it, he never thought that the little brother who played with his **** when he was a child would become like this, and he could contribute to his career.

  Of course, if Zheng Huaidong is not a big official, he can be regarded as an official career.

   "Go and cook, I'll chat with Xiaoheng here." Zheng Huaidong waved his hand at his wife.

  Watching his daughter-in-law enter the kitchen, Zheng Huaidong smiled wryly at Jian Heng: "Your sister-in-law hasn't enjoyed a few days of happiness with me. Hey, it's just a life of hard work. She used to be too ostentatious, but she won't in the future."

  Jian Heng smiled after hearing this, and then asked: "How is Secretary-General Zhao?"

"Yes, I told Secretary-General Zhao the whole process, and later I went to Secretary-General Zhao's house to identify the door..." Zheng Huaidong couldn't hide the smile on his face when he mentioned this matter. The report is nothing, the most important thing is that in the back, Secretary General Zhao asked him to come to the door to identify the door, and asked Zhao Huaidong to come and walk around often.

Not to mention Zheng Huaidong, even Jian Heng was a little surprised, because the difference between the level of a deputy department and a staff member is too big, especially if it is a department with real power and a staff member who is on the street, what is this Secretary-General Zhao? Jian Heng couldn't understand why he could be so enthusiastic.

Not to mention Jian Heng, Zheng Huaidong didn't quite understand why Secretary-General Zhao was so enthusiastic about him, but Zheng Huaidong didn't think too much about it. As a leader of street-smarts who were all driven to the edge of the county town, how could he be qualified to pick three picks? Fourth, if Secretary-General Zhao showed a smiling face, he, Zheng Huaidong, would have to rely on him, or he would still want to be promoted because he currently has no one to rely on, which is really like a dream.

The two of them didn't understand, one had never been in the officialdom, and the other was the captain who rushed to the street. Neither of them knew that Secretary Zhao took care of Zheng Huaidong here, just for a simple thing: the next time I meet He When you are working, you can use it as a topic to talk about, and some chats can deepen the relationship. It is as simple as that.

   How else to put it, some people say a word for others, it may be a person's good fortune.

   In the past, Zheng Huaidong couldn't find the temple gate with a pig's head, but now he has found a large temple gate. If he doesn't know how to go in and kowtow to worship, Zheng Huaidong doesn't have to mess with officialdom.

   "Hey, I only figured it out now after I'm over thirty." Zheng Huaidong sighed.

Originally Zheng Huaidong was a bit chivalrous and liked to fight against injustices, but in this society it is a good thing that you like to fight against injustices, but you have no strength yourself, and you don’t even have a decent backstage. Originally, there was an old bureau chief who was admiring to take care of some and it was a little better. Waiting for this old leader to retreat to the second line, Zheng Huaidong would become a child without a mother.

   "The hard times will come, how is it now, has the official returned to his post?" Jian Heng asked.

   Zheng Huaidong shook his head and said: "No, I have someone in my position now, and there is another appointment for me in the organization." Zheng Huaidong said with a smile.

As soon as Jian Heng heard it, he understood that it was time to make progress. On second thought, he was right. The Secretary-General of the Municipal Real Power Bureau said that if Zheng Huaidong, a street-smart guy, was not promoted to a good location, the real-power captain would be the Secretary-General. s face.

  The two brothers chatted like this for about ten minutes. When they heard the door click open, Jian Heng looked at the door and found a child over seven years old running in. His body was a little dirty and he had a red scarf tied around his neck.

   "Come here, call Uncle Jian." Zheng Huaidong immediately waved to the child, and introduced to Jian Heng: "My little boy, Zheng Jing, is just in the first grade, and he is a full-fledged troublemaker."

   Zheng Jing? Jian Heng couldn't help being a little happy when he heard it, because he knew that the name of Zheng Chenggong's eldest son was Zheng Jing.

   "Hello, Uncle." Xiao Zheng Jing was polite and not too shy. When he saw Jian Heng, he immediately bent down and bowed.

"Okay, okay!" Jian Heng heard the child calling himself, so he touched his pocket. As an elder, he should give a small gift or something after the child shouted. It was too expensive and inappropriate, so he reached out and touched an ivory The little baboon carved was about the size of a thumb but flat. I couldn't find a smaller one, so I had to take it out.

   It's not that Jian Heng is stingy, but that it's too expensive, like thirty to fifty grams, so it's really inappropriate.

   "Take it and play." Jian Heng sent the little baboon in front of the child.

   Zheng Huaidong looked at it, frowned and said, "You..."

   "It's the first time I've met, so I have to give my eldest nephew something, so don't do this, you don't think I didn't give the lanyard?" Jian Heng smiled and stuffed the things into the child's hands.

   Zheng Jing looked at Lao Tzu, saw Zheng Huaidong nodded with a smile, and then said to Jian Heng: "Thank you, Uncle!"

  Zheng Huaidong said to his son: "Okay, let's go in and play."

  As soon as Zheng Jing left, the two younger brothers started chatting again, but this time the chatting was about childhood. Not long after, Chen Lu started to set the table, and the three of them started eating with Jian Heng.

   I have to say that Zheng Huaidong is not wrong, and Chen Lu's cooking skills are really high. In short, this dish is first-class in terms of taste and presentation in a small county.

The two drank a bottle of Dream Blue, and when they opened the second bottle, Jian Heng refused to drink any more, so the meal didn't take long, that is, an hour and a half, and Jian Heng left .

  Zheng Huaidong sent Jian Heng to the car all the way, and then walked back refreshed.

   "Old Zheng, you look pretty good"

   "Old Zheng, go home for a drink in two days!"

   "Old Zheng..."

Just from the entrance of the family courtyard to the corridor, no less than five people greeted Zheng Huaidong. Zheng Huaidong naturally knew what was going on. In a courtyard with a bigger fart, a loud fart from one end can be heard from the other end instantly. Now who I didn't know that Zheng Huaidong, who was on the street, leaned against Gao Zhi'er. After only one night, after two comparisons, Zheng Huaidong felt how correct the saying that a man should not be powerless for a day.

Entering the house, Zheng Huaidong saw his brother-in-law coming at a glance, and immediately understood that this brother-in-law is going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and his brother-in-law looks a bit like him, this director who has always been "proud of the spring breeze" The staff member's brother-in-law, now also thinks of himself as a brother-in-law.

   Look, now you know you stand up when you enter the room! Zheng Huaidong thought to himself.

   "Chen Bin is here." Zheng Huaidong smiled at his brother-in-law.

   "Brother-in-law, who gave the ivory carving in Xiaojing's hand? I think the workmanship is worth three to five thousand?" Chen Bin said to his brother-in-law with a smile.

   "What, so expensive?" Chen Lu yelled in surprise when she heard what her brother said, and turned her head to look at her husband at the same time.

Zheng Huaidong was also taken aback, but he pretended to be calm and said: "What's the fuss, I'll make a better rope for the child to hang up later. The relationship between him and me is that I grew up wearing crotch pants, and my family is a big business." The older ones don’t care about this little thing, since it’s for the child, we’ll keep it and wait until the child finds a decent one to send it over.”

   "That's right! Sister, we think three to five thousand is very expensive, but in some people's homes, it is equivalent to ten yuan!" Chen Bin said with a smile.

  (end of this chapter)

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