Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 335: open scoop

  Chapter 335 Opening the Scoop

  The boss here is a young woman in her thirties, with a variety of charms. From the moment she sat next to Liu Guangming, Jian Heng knew that this was Liu Guangming's woman.

  Besides, Liu Guangming didn't mean to shy away from it. He gently grabbed the woman's hand and patted it twice, then said to her: "Xiaoyan, bring two bottles of good wine. These are my two distinguished guests!"

   "Okay!" The woman named Xiao Xiaoyan smiled at He Ye and Jian Heng, twisted her waist and stood up from her seat, walking towards the bar in a graceful manner.

  He Ye didn't take it seriously either, and Jian Heng didn't even bother to ask. Rich men and beautiful women, if you want to talk about this kind of thing, you won't have trouble until you die.

   "Can you speed up the time?" Jian Heng asked.

Liu Guangming said with a wry smile after hearing this: "Mr. Jian, you can't be too careful about these two high-quality diamonds. Each one can be said to be a rare treasure. The plan alone needs to be deliberated several times. The time for cutting, really, it’s not easy to do without more than half a year to a year, and you don’t have any regrets, don’t you?”

He Ye heard the words and said, "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Is it something that can be done in a hurry? Let me tell you to be patient. Next time you have such a diamond, you will also leave one for me." ".

   "What are you doing? Sending you a girlfriend?" Jian Hengduo asked.

  He Ye asked with a look of surprise: "Why, I don't look like someone who has a girlfriend? Girlfriends are only for you to have?"

   "That's not what I mean, I mean, with your bad love, is one or two enough?" Jian Heng asked jokingly.

   "I don't mind if you want ten or eight of these!" He Ye said.

  Jian Heng smiled: "I can only say that this thing is resigned, if there is, I will keep it for you, if not, then you can't rely on me."

   "That's natural!" He Ye also understood that diamonds like this are mainly due to luck, and one mine may not necessarily produce one.

At this time, the young woman who had just left came over with two waiters, and the two waiters came over with a tray in their hands, and a bottle of red wine on a tray. Lafite from the year 2000, and three bosoms were placed on the tray.

  Another waiter was a little funny. There were some fruit snacks on the tray. These were very ordinary, but there were also two plates of duck necks, which was a bit messy.

   Liu Guangming said: "Everyone, don't laugh, I just like this one, red wine with duck neck!"

"After you become financially free, you live a casual life. Why pay so much attention to spending your own money?" Jian Heng picked up a duck neck casually, pinched both ends with his thumb and finger, and put it to his mouth to chew. up.

Liu Guangming looked at it and immediately said: "Well, I'm really like a foreign devil, just like Brother Jian said, a person's life is a comfortable life, let's not talk about formal occasions, and you can't indulge in leisure time. Let's go!"

While talking, Liu Guangming also picked up a piece of duck neck and gnawed it. After the waiter poured the wine, he picked up the wine glass and shook it, then put it between his nose and sniffed it, and took a sip gently. Continue to eat duck neck.

  For these two people, He Ye didn't know what to say. He was the only one who gently shook the wine glass, tasting the good wine elegantly.

   There were three people at a table, and they were directly divided into two factions, one was the nonsense faction, and the other was the orthodox so-called gentleman faction. It happened that the three of them looked very harmonious, because although the three of them moved casually, they kept quite quiet whether they were talking or eating, and did not affect the neighbors.

  The content of the chat ranged from the sluggish domestic stock market to the immigration policy of the US President. Anyway, I can talk about whatever comes to mind.

Just when the three of them were chatting away, a group of young girls came next to them, all of them were about 20 years old, or about 18 or 19 years old, and their makeup was also very individual, seven or eight The girl directly took the seats next to Jian Heng and the three.

   "Waiter, order!"

  A little girl with dark purple lip gloss reached out and snapped her fingers at the waiter not far away.

  The three of Jian Heng were chatting, when they suddenly heard this voice, they couldn't help turning their heads to look at the little girl.

   "What are you looking at, I haven't seen a beautiful woman!" The girl frowned when she saw the three people on Jian Heng's side looking at her, and immediately said arrogantly.

The three of them are not interested in getting to know these little girls. They are young, and it is common for them to choke when they talk. At this time, the half-grown children are choking on the air, so the three of them turned their heads to continue chatting. up.

  At this time, the little girl's film didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick. She thought that the three of them were afraid of her, so she snorted and sat down.

   "Sisters, let go, I invite you today!" This one seemed to be in a good mood as soon as he sat down, patting his flat chest thumping loudly.

   "Hey, is it cool that your Mike serves you? By the way, is he big?" A little girl said with a smile.

   "Hey! Don't mention it, if it wasn't for the fact that my mother did too much the day before yesterday, and there was less water last night, my mother would have **** him until dawn!"

  As soon as these words came out, Jian Heng and the others frowned again, and thought to themselves: Whose brat has no education at all!

   Just when Jian Heng thought that this had reached the bottom line, another little girl's voice sounded.

"Caucasian guys are not close. I said Xiaofei, you should follow my example. Men of any color have to sleep. Only by comparing can you distinguish. If you want to talk about something, you have to be black, thick and long. , it’s fun to play.”

   "That's right, I'll go find one tonight and give it a try. I won't have a few more before getting married, so I'm at a loss!"


The three of them were directly shocked by this group of girls, and no one thought that this group of little girls who didn't even look hairy had a mouth that looked like they had eaten feces. The three sentences never leave the lower body, and when it comes to sex, Jian Heng has lived in the United States for several years and has never heard anyone talk like that in public.

   This is not only shameless, but also frustrating, and in the end, the more they talked, the more miserable they became.

  He Ye couldn't stand it first, stood up and said to the little girls, "This is a public place, not a brothel or a cesspit. There is a door over there, get out!"

   "Fuck, what's the matter with you, uncle, did I talk to you, eavesdropping on our conversation! You are reasonable," said a little girl with countless rings on her ears.

   "Chinese men are small, and they take care of a lot of things!" Another girl said arrogantly.

   Who knew that just as the girl's words fell, one of He Ye's bodyguards flashed and slapped the girl's face.

  The little girl was directly pulled for a spin, and after stopping, she looked like she couldn't believe it, and pointed at the bodyguard who shot: "You... you... just hit me!"

   "He took care of you for your father, and your father is also a Chinese man, so Little J **** you anyway!" He Ye really became angry, and the person who always pays attention to maintaining an elegant image also spat out dirty words.

   Liu Guangming said to the waiters around him with a cold face: "What are you doing in a daze? Sweep out this bunch of rubbish, what the hell, is this a place where thousands of people can come by bus!"

   "You know who I am, you don't want to open this **** store!" The woman who was slapped was immediately angry, and rushed over to the bodyguard with her teeth and claws.


  The bodyguard didn't even try to hide, he just kicked up. The girl flew two meters away, knocked down a vase, and was dumbfounded.

   "Get out!" He Ye said.

  The girl who was wearing deep purple lip gloss at the beginning was a little aggressive, she just picked up the ice water glass on the table and threw it at He Ye's forehead.

  Jian Heng was next to He Ye, where would she let her hit He Ye, grabbed the girl's wrist with one hand, twisted it, and brought the bottle with water to hit the girl's head directly.

   After a while, he opened the ladle for the girl.

   All of a sudden, the girl sat down on the ground, and the blood flowed down quickly.

  Jian Heng immediately startled Liu Guangming. Seeing Jian Heng's nonchalant look, he thought to himself: This one is really ruthless!

Liu Guangming doesn't know that Jian Heng beats people only as low as cheap or not, regardless of gender, and the gentleman's way of beating does not have much binding force on Jian Heng. If there are no people around, Jian Heng is going to put these girls in the space. Go, don't you like blacks and whites? It’s in the space, so let’s go in and enjoy it.

  Seeing Jian Heng's all of a sudden, He Ye was also stunned for a moment. He Ye is a gentleman, so he didn't expect that the first scoop Jian Heng opened was for a woman, or a little girl.

   "Show them the certificate!" He Ye said to the bodyguard.

  As soon as the bodyguard heard this, he immediately unbuttoned it, revealing the handle of the phone. At the same time, he took out a small notebook from his pocket, and shook it at a group of girls. The small notebook said XXXX Republic, gun license. With this little book, anyone with a sneaky eye will know that this person is not something ordinary people can mess with, especially the bodyguard's book, which has a few special words on it.

   At this moment, more than a dozen strong waiters also came over, and directly dragged out these girls in a very rude manner.

  Many of the guests here seem to know Liu Guangming, and they greeted him one after another, and then everyone continued to sit down and continue to play and chat as if nothing happened.

   Jian Heng and the others also sat down.

   "Boss Jian, your subordinates are really ruthless." Liu Guangming laughed.

  Jian Heng said: "Skin trauma, a few stitches at most! Give her a memory too, and she will be dealt with if she doesn't speak well."

   "Who is this who taught such uneducated things?" He Ye was also in a very upset mood.

At this time, the proprietress came over, and when she heard He Ye's words, she first glanced at Liu Guangming, and then said in a low voice with a smile: "Now girls at this age are so crazy. A big little girl and a dozen or so foreigners were arrested. What did these girls say, one man is not enough! The police were dumbfounded for a long time."

  These words fell into the ears of the three of them, and they sighed again.

  Jian Hengxin said: I didn't read the almanac when I came back to my hometown this time, so how could I encounter bad things! One after another, endlessly! No, go back quickly, maybe something will happen if you stay any longer.

  (end of this chapter)

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