Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 337: different national conditions

  Chapter 337 Different national conditions

  Jian Heng sat in the living room, talking to the two police officers. Anyway, except for the snap of his fingers, Jian Heng told the truth.

   "Did they follow you all the way to the hotel? Didn't there have been any conflicts in the hotel?" asked the police officer in his forties.

Jian Heng nodded: "Yizhen followed, I thought about hiding in the hotel, young people are sometimes impulsive, calm down and consider the consequences, there will be a lot of room for change, so I went in for a rest Hey. As for the conflict, I really didn’t have any conflicts. I only stayed in the hotel for less than five minutes, so I don’t have time to conflict with them. To be honest, I’m not afraid of them if there is a conflict, even though there are many of them.”

   "Then why did you check out so quickly?" the police officer asked again.

  Jian Heng said: "I remembered, there is still a little thing to do at home, I have to do it, so I checked out and came back."

   "What's the matter?" the police officer asked.

   "Private matters, business secrets," Jian Heng said.

  The young policeman sitting next to the police officer said: "What secret?"

  Jian Heng glanced at him, smiled and said: "This can't be said, because it seems to have nothing to do with this matter."

   "..." The young police officer was at a loss for words.

   At this time, there was a sudden car noise in the yard. Jian Heng looked through the window and found that one of the Land Rover Range Rover in his space had appeared at the door.

  The oversized Land Rover was followed by He Ye's very ordinary Audi except for the license plate.

  After that, Jian Heng saw He Ye get out of the car with a smile on his face.

  Jian Heng stood up from the sofa, went to the door and opened it, walked out and welcomed He Ye in from the outside.

   "Why is there a police car parked at the door? It's not in this area." After entering the door, He Ye glanced at the police car leaning against the road and said in a low voice.

  Jian Heng said: "The one who asked me for questioning was still about the gang of brats that night. They said that a dozen or so disappeared together."

   "What does this have to do with you?" He Ye asked after hearing this.

"They saw the kids followed me to the hotel, but within a few minutes I came out of the hotel room again..." Jian Heng briefly explained what happened, but of course it is still impossible to mention the snapping of fingers .

Jian Heng knew that the police definitely did not define himself as a suspect, because no matter how he said it, Jian Heng knew that the most important point on his side was that he had no time to commit crimes, and no one could think that Jian Heng could arrest him within a few minutes. More than a dozen young people killed and silenced, and there was no trace left on the scene.

   Now the case needs to be based on the evidence, and Jian Heng's obvious evidence is here, and the police just came here to question him, it was a routine matter, and they didn't even mean to ask Jian Heng when he would leave the country.

  The two entered the room while chatting. He Ye glanced at the two policemen, and asked, "You guys from Guangming Branch? How is your Director Li?"

  He Ye's tone was very light, as if he didn't care, but the anger in his words immediately made the two policemen feel, who are they? He just dealt with people, and now when he heard what He Ye said, he seemed to be an unambiguous person.

   "Do you know our Bureau Li?" The older policeman smiled and stood up and asked.

  Seeing his companion stand up, the young policeman also stood up.

   "I'll call him and ask about it." He Ye didn't say much. In fact, he didn't even look at the two policemen. Then he took out his mobile phone and called, and asked about Jian Heng.

After waiting for the phone call, He Ye would know, and the police station only made a routine inquiry, because so far these young people have only disappeared, not murder or the like, but it is a little bit of a loss for one time. There are many children, but since these children are not good birds, they are well-known in the bureau, and the police don't take them too seriously.

  Anyway, as long as no body is found or there are special clues, the police are unwilling to raise the case to the level of a murder case.

   "I just asked casually. The two police officers from your bureau are still with my friend. Since my friend is not suspected, I can rest assured," He Ye said haha.

   After chatting for a few minutes, He Ye pressed the phone, and a call was made to the mobile phones of the two policemen. Then they both hummed a few times, and then they left.

  He Ye watched the two policemen leave the yard, raised his hand and waved, and then the bodyguard stepped forward and put a file bag on the table.

   Reached out and tapped on the bag: "Everything in the car is in here, and the certificates are all real, but you also know the history of the car, don't bother someone else's 4S shop if you have nothing to do, find a factory to repair it if it breaks."

   "Put this car in my household?" Jian Heng originally wanted a Lu Xun, but he didn't expect that He Ye would directly get one of the two Land Rover for him.

  He Ye glared at him: "Go to your account? It's your company's account, so you can honestly put it away! I'll give you the rest of the money and go to the account of the South African company!"

  Jian Heng pays attention to He Ye, so he won't lose the chain. The way the two interact with each other is like this. They don't expect to take advantage of their friends for nothing. They both want to pay attention to their friends. In fact, it is precisely because they both have such personalities that they can get along more and more freely.

Whether it's Jian Heng or He Ye, if one takes advantage once, it doesn't necessarily matter. It can be done the second time, but it's probably impatient for the third time. He can give it. That's his arrogance, but the so-called friends must not be regarded as Don't pay attention to people like nothing.

   "That's all right, I won't thank you." Jian Heng directly picked up the paper bag and put it on hand.

   "When are you going to America? I'll take you to the airport." He Ye asked again.

   "Don't come to deliver the plane tomorrow, we'll call a car and go straight there, it's so troublesome to send it back and forth," Jian Heng said.

   "That's fine, by the way, what about Uncle and the others?" He Ye looked around.

   "My dad and the others took my sister to see the museum. It's not easy to drive in the city. They happened to take the subway to go. As for me, I'm going to receive two policemen?" Jian Heng laughed.

  He Ye thought for a moment and asked, "This matter really has nothing to do with you?"

  Jian Heng said: "I stayed in the hotel for less than five minutes. The police said that these **** never came out after entering. What do you think it has anything to do with me?"

   "That's right, no matter how good your skills are, it's impossible to lose a dozen people at once!" He Ye nodded.

  He Ye was not without doubts in his heart, but after thinking about it, Jian Heng didn't have the time to do anything. No matter what, there were a dozen people, and even a dozen pigs couldn't solve it in five minutes.

   It's just that He Ye didn't notice, and Jian Heng didn't answer his question directly, but gave a rhetorical question.

  Of course, He Ye wouldn't care about these people, just through contact with He Ye that day, he knew that these were a bunch of brats who lacked a tutor, and he had no interest in caring about their lives.

   "That's right! You're fine anyway, why don't you go and see our gym?" He Ye said.

  Jian Heng also became interested when he heard it. Anyway, there is nothing to do at home. Besides, the police have left, and he is fine in the morning, so he nodded: "Okay!"

  So the two brothers went out together, shared a car and drove towards the city center.

He Ye's gym is located in the bustling Pudong Lujiazui. Standing on the upper floor, you can directly overlook the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Needless to say, the scenery is natural, and of course the rent here is also needless to say. There are more than 2,000 bungalows on the upper and lower floors. Owned by the gym.

Now the house is under renovation, and there is nothing to see, except for the cement and yellow sand, the only thing that can be seen is the renderings. Jian Heng just glanced at this thing, and the renderings are what Jian Heng sees Not much credibility.

  So the two brothers went around and stood directly on the window sill to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Shanghai.

   "Good guy, it's similar to looking at New York from the Chrysler Building. It's just two words: prosperous! Floating worldly affairs." Jian Heng leaned on the railing, overlooking the ground, and sighed sincerely.

"My buddy, if you don't want to do it, if you want to do it, you have to build a first-class gym in China. Not only is there a wealth of equipment here, but the coaches and equipment are all top-notch. Rich big stars, if they don't come here and throw millions a year, they don't dare to say that they are rich and famous!" He Ye said proudly.

   Mentioned this, Jian Heng said: "I'm ready to transform!"

   "What? Why?" He Ye asked immediately after hearing this.

  He Ye felt that his side hadn't opened yet, and Jian Heng's side actually wanted to mention the matter of transformation, so he couldn't help being very surprised.

"You can do this in China, but the situation in foreign countries is different. The rich people in the United States are generally in good shape. I expected them to come and send money just to lose weight. I used to take it for granted. I just rely on German fat to shape my body. It’s not enough level. , I'm ready to play culture," Jian Heng said.

   "Then I don't care how you play at your side, but you must ensure that there is enough supplementation for forty guests every day," He Ye said.

  Jian Heng nodded: "That's natural, you must be satisfied!"

  He Ye smiled and said: "Then I can rest assured, as long as I can guarantee it, I don't care whether you are selling culture or style."

   "Oh, by the way, I have one more thing to tell you?" He Ye turned his head while talking.

   Seeing Jian Heng looking at him, He Ye said solemnly: "If you are engaged in ivory, rhino horn, etc., quickly transfer this business out, don't touch it, and it will become more and more strict in the future. I'm talking about our country."

"Don't worry, I don't do this business. I got your stuff by accident, and now there are some stocks left for me to play with, and almost all of them are handicrafts." Jian Heng wondered why, originally This is the thing.

  He Ye said: "Then I can rest assured."

  (end of this chapter)

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