Chapter 360 Ning Ning


  Ning Ning rolled over from the bed, rubbed her eyes and looked around in the darkness. She heard a sound from her stomach, and it was obvious that the little girl woke herself up from hunger.

  The little girl stretched out her hand to hold her stomach, and said to herself, "I'm so hungry."

  After the little girl made such a toss, Pooh, Denver and Heihu who were in deep sleep also opened their eyes. In the suddenly dark room, there seemed to be a few small lanterns lit. Only instant noodles are still curled up in a deep sleep.

  Ning Ning turned on the bedside lamp, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

  Denver glanced at Ning Ning and turned his head, continuing to sleep on his own. Pooh, on the other hand, looked curious, got out of the bed, followed Ningning out of the room.

  Heihu saw Ningning's figure, disappeared at the door, let out a deep roar, stood up, and walked out the door.

  Heihu, who went out, saw Ningning running straight to the kitchen. At this moment, Pooh has already run ahead of Ningning.

  For the kitchen, Pooh has an inexplicable love. Seeing Ning Ning heading towards the kitchen, it was in a very happy mood, and quickly got rid of the little girl, and got into the kitchen first.

  Ning Ning entered the kitchen, opened several floor cabinets and searched, but found nothing. So I moved a chair, put it next to the cabinet, stood on the chair, climbed up to the operating table and then stood on the operating table, reached out to open the hanging cabinet, turned over several hanging cabinets, and found the snack box. one.

  The so-called snacks, such as potato chips, fish skin beans, roasted peanuts, etc., are not valuable things. Whether it's Jianheng, Barley or Wheat, they can now be regarded as fitness experts. Although they eat high-fat and high-calorie Chinese food, it doesn't mean that there will be a lot of junk food in their homes. If it wasn't for Ning Ning , their family doesn't even have these things.

   After finding something to eat, Ning Ning didn't go back to her room, she just sat on the kitchen floor, tore open the packaging bag, and began to eat.

   As a loyal girl, Ning Ning can't eat alone. Of course, Pooh and Heihu are not polite guys. As soon as Ning Ning tore open the bag, the two stuffed their heads together and began to chew.

   "Do you think Xiaoma is also hungry at this time?" Ningning had something to eat, and suddenly remembered Xiaoma, so he asked Pooh and Heihu.

  Pooh and Heihu naturally couldn't answer Ningning's question. Even if they could talk, the two guys probably don't have time to talk to their little master right now. Now they are eating food beautifully.

   "Why don't we go and have a look?" Ning Ning was a little worried that her pony would be hungry, so she said to the two guys.

Thinking of this, Ningning stood up, found a plastic bag from the cabinet, put all the food in it, then held it in his hand, fed Pooh and Heihu while eating, went back to the room and put on his coat Ning Ning walked out of the room again, walked through the living room, pushed open the door, and walked towards the stable.

Pooh and Heihu, who were following Ning Ning, shrank their necks when the door opened. The cold air outside made them both feel very uncomfortable, but seeing Ning Ning walk into the snow, the two of them felt uncomfortable. Looking at the snow outside, he resolutely followed behind the little master.

  Arrived outside the stable, Ning Ning stood on tiptoe and reached out to pull the latch. With a slight push, a creak was heard, and a stable door was pushed open.

   At this time, the lights in the stable were a bit dim. When Ning Ning walked in, the sensor at the door immediately sensed someone coming in, and the lights in the entire stable were also turned on.

  As soon as the lights in the stables came on, almost all the horses in the stables stuck their heads out of the stalls, looking curiously at the aisle.

  When they realized that it was a little guy who came in, many horses lost interest, tilted their heads and bit the hay bag hanging by the door.

Black Dou is stealing other people's fodder at this time, this guy has this virtue, every time he will eat other food first, and then eat his own food in the middle of the night, no one will open the compartment door, And it will?

  So when the light came on, Heidou stretched his head curiously to see who was coming. When he saw Ningning, Heidou lost interest and continued to pull the grass in the net bag.

   "Black beans!"

  Ningning walked up to Heidou, looked up at Heidou and let out a cry.

  Hei Dou lowered his head and snorted when the little one called his name, rubbed his big head on Ning Ning's shoulder to express his friendliness, and then continued to eat his grass.

Seeing that Heidou didn't want to talk to her, Ningning had to take Heihu and Pooh to continue walking in. When they arrived at the cubicle where her pony stayed, Ningning suddenly became a little unhappy because the pony she just got There was no fodder left in the compartment.

It's not that there is no fodder in the compartment, but that the pony's size simply cannot reach the hay bag hanging outside the compartment like a normal big horse. I don't know whether it was Huang Xiaodong or Zhang Jialiang, who tidied up the stable last. It did not take into account that the compartment contained a pony.

"No wonder I'm hungry! So you're hungry too." Ning Ning saw that her pony had nothing to eat, and when she thought about it, she also woke up from hunger. She immediately had an association, thinking that there must be something profound in it. contact.

   Chi! Chi!

   Seeing his master coming, the little pony immediately came over, snorted twice and grinned, putting on a posture that I want to eat.

Ning Ning naturally understood, and stretched out his hand to pull a handful of grass from the net bag next to him, and brought it to the pony's mouth: "Mud, you are so pitiful, if I didn't come, you would have to starve all night." La".

   Just like that, the little girl chatted with her horse, and at this moment the little brown horse had a new name: Mud! As for why it is called this name, just think about the color of the pony.

  After chatting for about ten minutes, Ning Ning began to look at the straw bag on the cubicle and start thinking.

After thinking for a while, Ning Ning asked the mud: "Are you thirsty or not! I must drink some water when I eat biscuits, because the biscuits are very dry. Generally speaking, when eating biscuits at home, I would soak them in milk It’s better to soak it in a fruit flavor, so that it tastes delicious, if you just eat biscuits, your throat will feel uncomfortable... ".

   I don't know how the brain circuits in the little girl's brain turned. She actually felt that the pony would be thirsty after eating grass, and even chewed grass so dry that it would hurt her throat.

Snapped! Snapped!

  After feeding the last handful of hay, the little girl clapped her hands, looked at the pony and said, "Don't eat hay, I know a place where there is fresh grass, it must be delicious and it won't hurt your throat."

   While speaking, the little girl stood on her tiptoes, reached out and pushed open the latch of the compartment, and pushed the door of the compartment to one side as she said.

  Mud is very docile. When he saw the door opened, he didn't run around. Instead, he walked a few steps to the outside of the compartment, raised his head, and plucked up the hay in the grass bag.

As for Ning Ning, she turned around and left the cubicle to go to the storage room, and took the pony's bridle, sweat pad and saddle, because the little girl couldn't move so much at once, so she divided it three times before putting all the things away. The old man moved out.

  Although no one has taught her, the little girl is no stranger to this kind of work after so many days on the ranch. To use a common saying, she has eaten pork, but she has never seen a pig running! So the little girl made sweat pads, bridles, saddles and so on all look good.

   After finishing everything, Ning Ning took the reins and led his pony, Mu Mu, out of the stable. After leaving the stable, the little girl climbed on the horse's back, and rode Mu Mu to her destination.

  But soon the little girl discovered the problem, her saddle was getting more and more crooked.

Although it seems that this set is very simple, it is two different things to see it well and to know it for real. Moreover, with the strength of a little girl, it is not too easy to tighten the horse's girth to a suitable degree of tightness. The saddle is not crooked. It's weird.

   After walking a certain distance like this, Ning Ning came down to fix the saddle. When he arrived at the barn, Ning Ning thought of his other two good friends: Daniel and Qianlong! She thought how could she not bring her best friend with her if she had something delicious, so the little girl went to the barn again and let Daniel and Qianlong out.

  (end of this chapter)

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