Chapter 395 Squatting

Arriving at the door of the house with the things, Jian Heng saw Old Walsh's broken pickup truck parked at the door from a long distance away, got out of the car curiously, took the basket containing the things from the back compartment, and put it on his shoulder go to the door.

  Standing at the door, he gently pulled the handle, and the door opened. Jian Heng changed the basket on his shoulder from a shoulder to a hug, and strode into the room.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw that Old Walsh was sitting in the living room watching TV. He said he was watching TV, but judging from the expression on his face, it was similar to that of the execution ground. Constipated state.

   Seeing Jian Heng coming in, the old Wos suddenly jumped up from the sofa: "You are finally back."

  Jian Heng said to Old Walsh: "Why are you here at this time?"

  Old Walsh said: "I have something to ask you, let's go to your study to talk!"

  Jian Heng gestured to the basket in his hand, indicating that he would take it to the kitchen first.

  At this time, Sun Xiuying heard her son's voice, and walked out of her room. Seeing Jian Heng walking over curiously with a bamboo basket in her hands, she stretched her head to look: "Hey, where did you get this?"

   "Of course I bought it, Mai. You can send the fruit here to Kate later." Jian Heng said to Mai who was watching TV.

While speaking, he glanced at the TV screen, and now Jian Heng understood why Old Walsh could see a constipated face while watching TV, because there was a variety show on TV now, some of them were talking about supermodels or something, Not to mention old Walsh, even Jian Heng doesn't like to talk about watching a group of women fighting.

   "Give it yourself" Mai Mai was being attracted by the show, reached out and grabbed a handful of melon seeds on the coffee table, and watched TV while kowtowing slowly.

Generally speaking, Americans like to eat fried chicken while watching TV, or just get a bottle of beer. Now, both wheat and barley are spoiled by Sun Xiuying. They don’t drink beer or eat fried chicken. They like to get a bottle of beer when watching TV. Melon seeds knock, sometimes Zhao Changshan is in a mood, and there will be spicy necks or braised wing tips on the TV after dinner.

   "You know, Kate doesn't like to see me, so you should give it to me, maybe she doesn't even want to eat fruit when she sees me." Jian Heng said with a smile.

   Seeing that the wheat was silent, Jian Heng had no choice but to ask the barley to deliver it. The barley nodded and gave a hum, but he didn't take it to heart, because Jian Heng didn't know.

  Anyway, someone agreed, so Jian Heng carried the basket into the kitchen.

   "What should I do?" Sun Xiuying followed her son in and asked when she saw pork legs, lamb legs, and offal.

   "Leave it alone, let's talk about it tomorrow. By the way, Mom, is there anything to eat at home? I haven't eaten yet!" Jian Heng said.

  Sun Xiuying was surprised when she heard this: "Didn't you say that there is a place to eat? Why haven't you eaten yet? How about I give you a bowl of noodles?"

   "I want to eat scallion pancakes with two eggs." Jian Heng is looking forward to this bite. Where do you want to eat noodles? Although his mother is also good at making noodles, what Jian Heng thinks about now is egg scallion pancakes.

   Sun Xiuying naturally wanted to satisfy her son's request, and said with a smile: "You are serious, hurry up and greet the guests. The old man has been sitting for almost an hour, and he seems to be in a hurry."

   "Okay!" Jian Heng said, turned and walked out of the kitchen.

   Before reaching the door, Sun Xiuying said, "I'll take the cake to your study when it's ready."

   There is no way, sometimes Chinese mothers dote on their children so much, even if the child is an adult, they are still willing to devote more attention to taking care of their children's life.

  Walking to the living room, he waved at Old Walsh, and the two walked into the study one after the other.

Entering the study room, Jian Heng first took a small pot of water and put it on the induction cooker to boil the water. When the water was boiling, he went to the shelf and found a box of tea leaves. in the cup.

   "Change to a larger cup, is this cup enough for one sip?" Old Walsh was not a polite person with Jian Heng, and immediately raised his opinion when he saw the teacup that was so much larger than the wine cup.

  Jian Heng said with a wry smile when he heard the words: "It's really hard to understand the style of chewing peonies. How can you drink this tea like you? It costs more than a hundred dollars for a sip!"

   "So expensive?" Old Walsh immediately sat up straight and looked at the tea box in Jian Heng's hand with a special focus.

   "It's really expensive!"

This is not the time for Jian Heng to be modest. If Jian Heng wants to say that it is not expensive, the Chinese must know that it is polite, but the Americans, especially the old Walsh in front of him, will definitely think that this tea is not expensive. expensive.

   "By the way, what's the matter with you looking for me in such a hurry, you suddenly ran over and didn't call me in advance?" Jian Heng asked.

  Old Walsh said: "Why didn't I call it? I started calling it in the afternoon, but you haven't turned it on!"

  Hearing what old Walsh said, Jian Heng remembered that he had turned off his mobile phone when he was talking with Lawrence about the acquisition of the farm, and he forgot to turn it on when he was happy after the talk.

   "So it's like this, I forgot to turn it on." Jian Heng hastily turned on the phone again.

  Put the mobile phone on the table, Jian Heng saw that the water in the teapot was already boiling, so he picked it up and filled the cup in front of Old Walsh first, and finally filled his own cup with water.

   As soon as the hot water was flushed, the aroma of tea soon entered the nostrils of the two of them.


  Old Walsh usually takes two steps to drink tea. The first step is to ask you whether you want to drink black tea or green tea.

That kind of tea bag is most likely made of tea dregs, how could it have the taste of Jian Heng’s tea, not to mention the price alone, even if this tea is in the place of production, you have to trust it You can only buy authentic ones if you have a relationship with them. As for the ones that cost a few yuan a pack all over the street, they are just selling for money under the name of famous tea.

   "Speak business!"

  Jian Heng didn't want to talk about tea scriptures with a foreigner like Old Walsh. Of course, what Jian Heng knew was just superficial.

   "We're in trouble!"

  Old Walsh's words stunned Jian Heng.

   "What's the trouble?" Jian Heng asked immediately.

  Old Walsh said: "I went to sell eggs from the pasture today, and I was sued for copyright infringement!"

   "Selling an egg is still infringing, what kind of right is it infringing?" Jian Heng was a little confused, thinking that Old Walsh raised someone's patent chicken?

   But it’s not right to think about it. Now the old Walsh’s family is full of chickens from his own ranch, that is, the second and third generations of grandchildren.

   "Someone registered the breed!" said Walsh Sr.

   "I'm very %¥!" Jian Heng immediately threw out a curse word.

  Jian Heng was thinking about applying for a patent just now, but who knew that he heard such a bad news from Old Walsh as soon as he came back.

  The chicken breed that has been preempted by others!

   "Who?" Jian Heng asked.

  "Needle Pine Company," said old Walsh.

  Jian Heng shook his head to express his incomprehension.

"It turned out that an employee of the genetic company lived in my ranch. Who knew that he took a few of my chickens when he left, and then applied for a chicken breed patent..." Old Walsh gritted his teeth when he said this, thinking about this The hatred of the shameless staff is beyond words.

   "I can't do it, let's go to court." Jian Heng thought for a while, but there was no good idea.

  As for recognizing something, it is simply impossible. Once I shrink my head, then the chicken breed is really human, and my loss may be an incomparable number.

Some people may not believe it. Everyone has heard that the BJ duck was introduced to Europe in 1870. After the Europeans improved it, the improved BJ duck, which was renamed Cherry Valley Duck in 1991, entered China. Patent fees will take hundreds of millions of RMB from the Chinese market every year.

  So once it is confirmed that this stuff belongs to someone else, then even if Jian Heng raises chickens to eat by himself, he still has to pay the patent fee.

   Now Jian Heng understands why the old Walsh jumped, not only the old Walsh, but now even Jian Heng himself jumped.

  Jian Heng thought of this, but he didn't want to settle this matter very urgently. Who knew that it was preempted by others in such a trance.

   "Fight?" Old Walsh naturally knows how difficult it is to fight an intellectual property lawsuit. Not only does it require a lot of money, but it also requires a lot of energy.

   "Fight! If we don't fight, we'll have to pay someone else for every **** egg we eat," Jian Heng said angrily.

  (end of this chapter)

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