Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 441: collect all

  Chapter 441 Collected

   After wandering around randomly, Jian Heng brought the red-crowned crane and the blue-blood tree python back home.

"Huh! Where's the person?" Jian Heng searched inside and outside but couldn't find barley and wheat, so he put down the red-crowned crane and blue-blood tree python directly outside the house. The tree python got acquainted first, but now it seems that it can only be delayed.

  The red-crowned crane is nothing. Jian Heng is afraid that the appearance of the blue blood tree python will scare the two sisters, because the blue blood tree python has grown again, and now it is about half a meter longer than before. Not to mention that some girls are born afraid of snakes.

  Jian Heng went into the room to get a piece of fruit and gnawed it, then took out his phone and called He Ye. The two brothers chatted about the schedule for inviting Professor Guan to come and see the scene.

  Unknowingly, Jian Heng came to the front of the French window with his mobile phone, chatting with He Ye while looking out the window aimlessly.

  When Jian Heng put down his mobile phone, he was surprised to find that the remaining snow had almost disappeared when he left, and the place that was originally covered by snow was now replaced by a piece of green grass.

  Before he knew it, spring in Montana had come to Jian Heng.

At this time, the pasture is fresh and tender. This is a kind of tenderness with a faint yellow color, which is very vibrant. Under the light, these green pastures make people look full of joy. For a rancher For me, there is nothing better than seeing such a plump Makizao.

   "I've been away for so long!" Jian Heng said to himself.

April, this is the time when Montana really enters spring. At this time, my hometown may have taken off the cotton coat and put on long sleeves, but the temperature in Montana is still not high, and it is the highest during the day That is, it looks like four or five degrees, and it will still drop below zero from time to time at night.

However, the temperature during the day has risen, and the snow on the pastures has naturally begun to melt, and the large tracts of pastures seem to have gradually awakened from the long hibernation, and each one is vying to stretch their leaves and twitch their hair. The tender stems meet the sun that has become warm again.

  At this time, Jian Heng suddenly had a thought in his mind, and once this thought jumped out, he couldn't suppress it.

   "Ride the horse!" Jian Heng clenched his fist and shook it in the air, jumping up excitedly.

   Think of it and do it! Without hesitation, Jian Heng immediately put on his riding boots, and then stood at the door of his house, whistling loudly, calling for his beloved horse who had been lazily huddled in the stable all winter.

Black Dou is playing with other horses, and now Black Dou's greatest pleasure is to smell the smell of the mare's buttocks. Every cell is happy.

   Of course, this season is not only about joy, there are also some things that Black Dou hates in the horse herd.

  For example, the mountain range and the fire lily, which are both stallions, and a few other things that are not too sensible are all regarded as thorns in the side and thorns in the flesh by the black beans!

Fortunately, the mountains and the fire lily have gone out with their respective owners today, and some geldings have also been led out. As for the other pesky horses, they were driven away by Heidou, and now Heidou owns all these girls. , so that Black Bean's mood is like the sun above his head, warm and refreshing.


  A faint whistle made Heidou stunned for a moment, turning his bamboo-sharp ears to listen carefully in the direction of the whistle.

  When the second whistle came, Black Bean finally determined that it was his master calling him.

  Master calling me? Heidou's long face immediately became tangled up. He liked being with these horse girls, but he also missed his master whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

   After a pause of about five or six minutes, Heidou suddenly let out a long hiss, sigh! The front hoof was raised high, and then it hit the ground heavily, and then suddenly accelerated, rushing towards the direction of the whistle, while rushing, he hissed from time to time in response. Listening to the whistle of the master getting clearer and clearer.

  As he got closer to Jian Heng, Heidou became more excited. When he vaguely saw Jian Heng's figure standing at the door of the house, he couldn't help speeding up again.

  At this time, Jian Heng also saw the black beans galloping towards him. Seeing its appearance, he was also filled with joy in his heart.

   I have to say that Black Dou is well taken care of. Even when Jian Heng is away, it seems that people like Toby have not relaxed their care of Black Dou.

At this time, the black bean's fur is shiny, and under the sunlight, it seems to be a running black silk. The streamer flows on the surface of its skin along with the rhythm of the muscles in its body. A pair of bamboo-like ears are facing forward gracefully. And the flowing mane behind the ears flutters with the spring breeze.

  All of these things make Heidou look very handsome when he runs.

  When Heidou approached Jian Heng, he stopped suddenly at a distance of 30 meters, stood still, and looked cautiously at Jian Heng.

  Xi Law!

  Xi Law!

  At this time, Heidou was a little nervous, as if there was an inexplicable danger near Jian Heng.

Seeing the appearance of the black beans, Jian Heng only needed to think about it to know what was going on. He turned his head and scanned around, and found that the blue blood tree python had climbed onto the shelf, and now it was hanging on the shelf like a string of blue sausages. Under the eaves, just a 'sausage' a bit big.

Jian Heng didn't know why Heidou was not afraid of the big bull or the two tigers, but he was afraid of the blue blood tree python. Of course, Jian Heng didn't think too much about it, he just walked to the side of the blue blood tree python, reached out and grabbed the python's head Shake it at the black beans.

   Seeing the master's actions, Heidou finally became more courageous and walked to the front of the house, but he was still unwilling to get too close to the blue blood tree python. It seemed that he had a special sense of fear towards the blue blood tree python naturally.

  Jian Heng brought the black beans to the utility room next to him, and dressed the black beans neatly.

  Getting on the horse, Jian Heng was about to ride the black beans for a run, when he turned around and saw the blue blood tree python swimming towards the lake.

Just as he was about to roar at the tree python, Jian Heng found that the silver carp in the lake in front of the house had rushed out of the water, bringing up a water jet several meters high, and the red-crowned cranes had spread out in the gradual water on the shore Wings walked slowly towards its pair of outrageously long legs, as if they were dancing.

   After watching for more than a minute, Jian Heng found that the blue blood tree python had also crawled into the lake water, and kept swinging its body in the lake water.

  The gathering of the three people seems to be performing a mysterious ceremony, which reminds Jian Heng of a mysterious rural sport: Tiao Dashen!

Urging Heidou to go over, Jian Heng stood by the lake and was ready to take a good look at it. At this moment, Erhu jumped out from nowhere, stood by the lake and made a circle, looking very excited , a bit like a silly dog ​​chasing its tail in circles.

   Just when Jian Heng was thinking about when the two tigers would come, the two figures of Daniel and Qianlong appeared in Jian Heng's sight.

  At this moment, Jian Heng thought to himself, now that Denver and Pooh are not here, a lion and a bear also appeared by the lake.

Jian Heng found that the eight statues of animals by the pool in his own space had gathered in the real world, and they seemed to be friends who had just met, and they began to get close to each other. Rubbing your body, no matter it is in water or on land, it will quickly get together, and the heads of all the guys will soon come together.

Looking at these guys, Jian Heng suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart. He couldn't tell what it was, but this feeling was clearly transmitted to Jian Heng's consciousness. It seemed that something was going to happen that he couldn't understand. Like a change of imagination.

   Shaking his head, Jian Heng got rid of this uneasy thought, and continued to look at these guys who got together.

  When the eight animals collided head to head, it seemed that they were completing a ritual. At the moment they collided, they all seemed to stand still. Even Jian Heng felt that time had stopped at this moment.

   Soon I felt that time was passing by like a rushing river of anger.

I don't know how long it took, when Jian Heng came back to his senses again, he found that the lake had returned to calm, the silver carp had disappeared, Denver and Pooh had disappeared, and the bright blue blood tree python had returned to the corridor. Under the shelf, only red-crowned cranes strolled leisurely by the lake, and from time to time, they took out a small fish from the water, and raised their heads to **** it into their mouths.

   It seems that what happened just now was just a dream, but Jian Heng's head told him that it was all very real.

  (end of this chapter)

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