Chapter 455 Arrogance

  Out of the barrier, Jian Heng has Selina on the left and Blakely on the right. The three walked side by side towards the temple while chatting.

  Arrived at the back entrance of the temple, the good mood that Jian Heng had just saved here disappeared in an instant, because there was already a pot of porridge in the temple.

   "Stop arguing!"

  Jian Heng recognized that it was his youngest daughter, the newly promoted 'God of War' Jian Wei speaking.

Without hearing Jian Wei's words, a female voice immediately rang out: "Hey, isn't this little girl? Why are you familiar with using the power you got from your father? It's okay now. I heard that Fifth Brother and The sixth brother and the two teamed up did not resist you for a moment. What's the matter, now I feel unambiguous, and I want to become a big sister from a young girl?"

   "You guys are so noisy, how does it feel when father comes in!" Jian Wei said angrily.

   "How does it feel? It's not your turn to call the shots here. Everyone here is the father's child. Who is more noble than the other?" The female voice said arrogantly.

   "Okay, Second Sister, just don't say a word, now the younger sister is the **** of war proclaimed by my father!" A male voice rang out lazily at this moment, obviously provocative in his tone.

  As soon as Jian Heng heard about the second sister, Jian Heng guessed that this was his second daughter, who was called the Goddess of Conspiracy by ordinary people. As for the name, it was so vulgar: Mary!

   "Ninth brother, you talk a lot today." Another rough male voice rang out.

The male voice in front said: "There is no way. I haven't seen my father since I was born. Would I be happy to hear that my father came today? I don't look like someone who wants to tear down my father's temple and change it into my own temple." ".



  Jian Heng's head was so big that his face immediately turned cold.

   Selina saw it, and immediately stretched out her hand to caress Jian Heng's arm: "The children have never seen you since they were born, so don't get angry with them, and talk patiently if you have anything to say."

  Hearing what Selina said, Jian Heng felt angry and let it all out, and said helplessly: "Okay, let's go in."

   A group of people who were arguing heard the call of the Golden Armored Warrior, and immediately stopped the quarrel, and looked at the door with unison.

When they watched Jian Heng walk in surrounded by their own mothers, they suddenly felt a little unacceptable in their hearts, because what they saw was a young man in his early twenties, with a vulgar In other words, the young man who doesn't even have hair is his father?

Jian Heng is also embarrassed, saying that embarrassment is light. When Jian Heng saw these 'children' in his family, he was stunned. If the girls are okay, all of them are young and beautiful, but All the sons have big beards, what the hell? From the looks of these guys, the oldest one is older than their grandfather Jian Zhenhua.

  If it weren't for the eyebrows, eyes, and noses of these guys, they all looked at least 70% similar to themselves, and Jian Heng would have thought that they were born from the cuckolds of Selina and Blakely.

   "Father!" Jian Wei was the first to bow and salute.

Hearing Jian Wei's father, everyone sitting on the chairs immediately came back to their senses, no matter how old or young they looked, there was no doubt that the person in front of them was their father, and they only looked at their own The mother can't wait to put her body against him, and then she understands that this young man is her serious father, and she can't be wrong!


   Everyone bent down together.

  Jian Heng hummed, and then led Blakely and Selina to the main seat of the long table. He first held the hands of the two women to signal them to sit down, and then sat down himself.

   "Let's all sit down." Jian Heng pressed his hand after sitting firmly.

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, the guys who had been arguing together sat down honestly. They sat with their eyes and noses and noses watching their hearts, and they didn't see the eloquence just now.

Jian Heng found that Wei and Jack were still standing at the door, one side was like two door gods, so he waved to them with a smile, and joked: "What are you standing there for? You are so old and pretend to be a door god? "

   "No, there is no place for us to sit here," Wei and Jack said respectfully.

   "This is a family banquet, and Mrs. Curtis will come over later, and I heard that your business is doing well, so don't worry about it, find a place to sit down," Jian Heng said.

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, Wei and Jack both knew what to do. They walked from the door to the table, and then pulled out a chair facing each other at the end of the table and sat down.

   "You guys, keep arguing, why don't you stop arguing?" Jian Heng then turned his attention to these 'old bear children' in his family.

  Before he finished speaking, Jian Heng felt that Blakely reached out and pulled himself on the table.

  Now Blakely is as gentle as a little sheep, and she doesn't have the same fangs and claws as before. Seeing the expression on the woman's face, Jian Heng gently patted her hand on the table, signaling her to rest assured.

   "Father, this is not fair! Why can you let my little sister borrow your power, why not let us borrow it?" Someone jumped out immediately.

   "Brian!" Selina reminded Jian Heng in a low voice that this was his youngest son.

   Jian Heng knew that this was his youngest son, who was called the God of Mountains in the mortal world.

  Looking at the appearance, Jian Heng knew that this was a rectum, and he couldn't even turn his head.

   "What do you want strength for? Are you going to hit who is sitting here now? Or are you going to tear down my temple?" Jian Heng asked bluntly.

   "I don't dare to tear down your temple, I won't hit anyone, but no one wants to hit me!..."

  Selina glared at him immediately: "How do you talk, who wants to hit you?"

  As soon as he heard his biological mother speak, the straight man froze, and didn't answer a word.

   Regarding this one, Jian Heng has nothing to say, he's a big fool.

   "Tell me, why did you think of demolishing my temple!" Jian Heng said to his second child sitting on his right hand, who was the God of Darkness in the mortal world.

   Who knew this guy's answer, almost kicked Jian Heng's legs angrily.

   "I don't think there's anything wrong with me?"

   "Larry!" Cleckley immediately scolded her son.

  Jian Heng said with a cold face: "Let him finish, I really want to hear what he has to say!"

   "I'm your son, right?"

Jian Heng wanted to deny it, but he couldn't deny it, because this guy was actually the one who looked the most like himself among his children, and even the beard on his face couldn't cover the fact that he and Jian Heng, an old man, almost shared the same face .


"This temple is like your home. As your son, is this my home? If this is my home, I can come and live here. Is it wrong for my son to live in Laozi's place? It's not wrong at all. No".

   "Get to the point!" Jian Heng said.

"You haven't shown up for so many years. I thought you didn't want this house anymore, so it's not wrong for me to want to move in as a son. I live in my father's house, not occupying someone else's house. I think This house is uncomfortable to live in. I want to make it more comfortable. What’s wrong with it? I could have discussed it with my father, but unfortunately my father is not here, so I decided to redecorate it on my own! ...".

  Jian Heng looked at his son who was standing there talking eloquently, and didn't know what to say to refute him for a while, because this is really not a big mistake in the traditional Chinese concept! My son lived in Lao Tzu's house, which is a very decent place.

   It’s just that the boy called an English name, but his mind is full of old Chinese traditions. With this unreasonable reason, this guy replaced his own temple with his son’s house, and wanted to redecorate it because he felt uncomfortable!

   "You are so proficient in this tradition!" Jian Heng said with a glare at him.

   "Okay, okay, don't talk about this, the family will meet now!"

   "That's right, don't say a few words, the previous things are just like this, okay, it's rare for our family to be together"

  Selina and Blakely immediately began to slow down the atmosphere, stirring up the mud.

   Jian Heng could only sigh in his heart, and got off the donkey on the slope. Although it looks awkward on the outside, it's still my own kind, so I can't really kill one or two as soon as I come up, it's hard to kill a tiger's poison, Jian Heng really can't do it.

   With two women in the middle to reconcile, it was an awkward meal at the beginning, but in the end they all got used to it. As the old saying goes, it’s too awkward to feel awkward for too long.

In the end, Jian Heng finally gave his children a new Chinese name. The son is the prefix of Yu, and they are Jian Lei, Jian Ting, Jian Zhen, Jian Lin, Jian Pei, Jian Ji, and Jian Mo. The three daughters are respectively Named Jian Peng, Jian Fu and Jian Wei.

  Jian Heng can see from the meal that, except for the youngest daughter Jian Wei and the straight-hearted Jian Pei, the others don't have fuel-efficient lamps. Their only thought is how much strength they can get from their own father.

  At this moment, Jian Heng suddenly remembered the words of the emperor in a TV drama in which he played the emperor: When he had no children, he missed children, but if he had too many children, he would be endlessly troubled.

  (end of this chapter)

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