Chapter 511 Destruction

  The beautiful scenery is very good, but generally speaking, things that are too beautiful cannot be too long-lasting, just like the sea of ​​flowers in Jian Heng's ranch. When Jian Heng went back to eat at noon, the bad news came after the bowl was picked up.

   "Boss, boss, it's bad!"

   Panting, Zhang Jialiang rushed into the room with Xiao Pao, panting heavily and yelling loudly at Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng just picked up the bowl here, and just picked up a piece of his favorite steamed tilapia, when he heard the boy say that the boss is not good, and his mood suddenly became really bad.

   "You're really bad, can you talk at noon!" Jian Heng put down his chopsticks and yelled at Zhang Jialiang.

   Zhang Jialiang heard that what he said was ambiguous, so he immediately waved his hand and explained: "Boss, I didn't mean that, I meant that the flower sea in our ranch is not good."

  Da Mai saw Zhang Jialiang's appearance, and opened his mouth and said, "Slow down, take a breath before talking!"

   "Okay, Sister Damai!" After speaking, Zhang Jialiang took two deep breaths, then let it out slowly, to calm down, and then talked about what happened.

"Boss, Xiaodong and I were going to check on the herd at noon, but when we got there, we found that the herd wasn't there. We searched around and couldn't find it. So Xiaodong and I scattered to look for traces!..." Zhang Jialiang began to talk incessantly.

  Jian Heng waved his hand and interrupted his long speech: "Get to the point! I didn't ask you to come over and tell a book. You were in a hurry just now. Why do you have time now?"

"Just about to say it!" After Zhang Jialiang replied, he continued: "The two of us found the flowering place along the traces left by the herd. As expected, the whole herd was feasting there. I When we saw it, it was not good. This sea of ​​flowers is so beautiful, and Big Mai and Miss Mai like it so much, how can we let the cows and deer spoil it, so Xiaodong and I wanted to drive the herd away, no one knew. Is it because the flowers are delicious, or what? The whole herd just lay down. After driving here and there, they went back, and after driving there, they ran to eat again. Now Toby and Xiaodong are still there I'm in a hurry, I'll come back and call you. Boss, you have influence over Daniel and Qianlong, we don't have that ability."

   "The herds of cattle eat flowers? Isn't that cattle chewing on peonies—you don't understand the style!" Jian Heng said casually.

  Xiaomi really likes the sea of ​​flowers. Hearing what Zhang Jialiang said, he immediately became a little anxious: "Heng, let's go and have a look. I also said that I want to take some nice photos there."

  Hearing what Mai Mai said, Jian Heng stopped joking and put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand: "Then I'll go and see with you!"

As he said, he stuck the rice and vegetables in his bowl into Pooh's bowl. Jian Heng went there for at least half an hour. When he came back, the food was already cold, so he simply threw it to Pooh and waited for him to come back. At that time, two servings and one new bowl will be enough.

Pooh does not dislike Jian Heng's big talker here, and eats with his mouth wide open. Today, Pooh's staple food is rice in fish soup, plus a small half of beef intestines, and a few Wu Yong a few days ago A few big apples were delivered.

As for Denver, there is no food for it on the table today, so it naturally went to the restaurant for a tooth festival, so now there are only Pooh, Instant Noodles and Shelly at home. Only one meal, usually sleeping, only Pooh with a big belly eats a lot, and all the people on the top table add up to more.

  Barley and Wheat also followed Jian Heng's example and put all the rice in the bowl into the big basin in front of Pooh: "Let's go with you too."

  So Jian Hengsan stood up from the edge of the dining table, ready to go to the door.

Pooh was having a happy meal here. Seeing that the three owners had left, he thought the three of them were going somewhere to play, and immediately slid off the big wooden stool with joy, and followed with four thick legs. come up.

   "What are you doing here, go back!" Seeing Pooh following up, Mai Mai immediately told Pooh to go back.

  Pooh understood, but he didn't want to go back. He let out a pitiful hum from his nasal cavity, and sat on the floor with his head down, pretending to be pitiful.

  Barley looked at it and said: "Let it go, if you want to follow it, just follow it."

  Hearing what Barley said, Pooh immediately became happy, and went out ahead of the two women.

When they arrived at the gate, the four of them got on their horses separately, and each urged their mounts to gallop towards the sea of ​​flowers. There was no problem with Pooh running. Others thought that bears were clumsy, but few people knew that bears could run faster than horses. They are fast and have good stamina. If you encounter a bear, you can't run. Climb a tree? Don't talk about it, bears can crawl faster than you. As for the nonsense in some books pretending to be dead, it's unfortunate to mention that bears eat carrion, which means they eat rotten meat, let alone fresh meat like you pretending to be dead .

  Pooh ran fast, and the instant noodles were unambiguous, so the speed of the large army was quite fast, and they rushed to the sea of ​​flowers in a short while.

When he got to the edge, Jian Heng saw that it was as expected. All the animals were eating in the sea of ​​flowers, not only their own animals, but also some wild animals that came to eat temporarily, like a few small moose or something. Needless to say, rabbits can be seen everywhere.

   Along with the rabbit, there is also a bird of prey overhead.

   "Boss, what do you think about this situation?" Zhang Jialiang asked.

   Jian Heng glanced at the sea of ​​flowers: "What should I do, cold salad!"

Jian Heng communicated with Daniel and Qianlong, but as soon as the meaning was passed on, he understood that these flowering plants are supremely delicious for herbivores, just like putting them in front of a person who has been hungry for three days. Once you make roasted pig's trotters, but you refuse to let him eat them, then he has no choice but to pick up a knife and hack you to death!

   "Just let them eat like this?" Wheat asked.

Jian Heng sighed: "Look at the appearance of these guys, do they seem to be able to drive away? Besides, even if we drive away our own livestock, what about the rabbit? It can't be cheap. The rabbit is starving our own cattle and sheep. Bar!"

  Jian Heng has no more recruits now.

   After scanning around like this, Jian Heng gave an order to Toby and the others: Let the animals eat!

Taking another look at the rabbits scurrying around in the sea of ​​flowers, Jian Heng felt a little upset in his heart. It was not in vain for his own livestock to eat, and the meat grew on his own livestock, but what is the matter with these guys coming to eat? Not to mention that all of them are so timid and fat, they actually drag their families over to eat.

   Eyes full of big rabbits and small rabbits, it seems that they have arrived at the rabbit nest.

   "That Jialiang, think of a way to drive these rabbits away!" Jian Heng spoke.

When Zhang Jialiang heard this, his expression turned bitter immediately: "Boss, it's not that we didn't want to catch up, but you don't know that this rabbit is a disaster, so many! There are Daniel and Qianlong here who were originally in the sky. Birds of prey don’t dare to come down, and now with another Daniel, they don’t even dare to come down with an eagle feather, the three of us alone can catch rabbits, we’re exhausted and it won’t work…”

Where did Jian Heng think that Zhang Jialiang would complain about his own words, but he couldn't say anything about Zhang Jialiang, because it was a fact, and the rabbits in the United States were also annoying, and they lived in the United States with things that China could never eat. It seems to be quite moist.

  Although things are difficult, Jian Heng sees so many big and small rabbits eating and drinking on his mixed pasture so arrogantly, how can he bear it in his heart.

   "If the three of you can't make it, find some help temporarily. If you recruit ten or eight of them, I don't believe that these rabbits can't be cured!" Jian Heng said.

"Boss, recruiting staff at this time? It's the breeding season on the ranch." Zhang Jialiang wanted to say something, but seeing Jian Heng looking at him, he couldn't help swallowing the following words: "Let me talk to Toby. Speak."

   After finishing speaking, he urged the horse and ran towards the herd of cattle.

   "What a beautiful sea of ​​flowers, just ruined like this!" Mai Mai was a little disappointed.

Jian Heng said comfortingly: "It's okay, the flowers bloomed less this year, wait until next year, when all the pastures in our ranch are replaced, when the flowers bloom, I will take you to see them by plane ! Now, let's go back to dinner."

   "Look a little longer!" Wheat said.

  (end of this chapter)

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