Chapter 513 Qian Jing

  The sea of ​​flowers is a sea of ​​flowers, after all, it is not a sea of ​​plastic flowers.

Since it is a real flower, there will inevitably be a flowering period, a full blooming period and a withering period. After nearly half a month of blooming, the green color in the flower sea began to gradually increase, and it was eaten by livestock every day. The recovery is becoming more and more powerless, and it is only a matter of time before the sea of ​​flowers turns into a green meadow again.

Most people who are acquainted with Jian Heng have come to appreciate it. For example, Old Walsh and Anderson’s family came the next day, and the rest of the people who are farther away also came to appreciate it in more than a week. The only ones who didn't come were those diehards who had always disliked Jian Heng.

There is only one family who never show up when the flowers are in full bloom, but when the flowering period is over, they bring their families to enjoy the flowers. In the words of Jian Heng's hometown who is not on the stage: there is no **** Catch the hot ones!

   This family is Wu Yong's family.

  Of course, he hadn't seen Wu Yong's old face for almost half a month, and Jian Heng found himself thinking about it abnormally. As soon as this thought came to mind, Jian Heng was startled to tremble.

  Because Wu Yong brought his family here today, Jian Heng drove his Lexus to the abandoned road to pick them up.

  There is no way, the airport runway is only half completed, and it is impossible to land the plane.

   Watching the small gray dots in the sky getting bigger and bigger, and the sound getting louder, Jian Heng put his hands on his eyebrows and saw Wu Yong's small plane gradually becoming more and more clear in his sight.

Watching the plane land and stop, Jian Heng couldn't help but silently praised Wu Yong's flying skills in his heart. Wu Yong's skills are not what Jian Heng can achieve now, even if he is a talented person, It also takes a lot of time to hone the aircraft technology, not to mention that Jian Heng's talent for flying shapes belongs to the middleman.

   "Wow, old Jane, long time no see, miss me?"

  As soon as his head came out of the plane, Wu Yong shouted at Jian Heng, which shows that this guy is in a very good mood.

  Jian Heng said to him: "My sister-in-law is here, don't say that, it seems like there is something between us, I'm a normal man."

   "Just as long as you two like it, don't worry about me." Sister-in-law Wu also said for fun.

   "Uncle Jane, what about Denver and Pooh?"

  Before Jian Heng answered, two little heads stuck out from the plane and immediately asked about Pooh and Denver. For the two children, nothing compares to Pooh and Denver.

  Wu Yong had already jumped off the plane at this time, reached out and hugged the child first, and said while hugging: "I know that Denver and Pooh have never treated your dad so well!"

   After finishing speaking, he said to Jian Heng: "Since these two children have made friends with Denver and Pooh, they have been mixed up in school all of a sudden, and many classmates have slowly begun to accept them...".

  The children in the school here are mostly white, and the two little guys must be isolated in the school. Although some children are friendly to them, most of the children are more or less prejudiced against the two children.

Moreover, children in rural areas are generally wild, so there will be some verbal or physical conflicts from time to time, which cannot be completely resolved by teachers. A small number of students will always be in a disadvantaged position in school, and it is not only because of their skin color that they are bullied , It may also be because of its military reasons.

However, since the two children made friends with Pooh and Denver, the situation has changed. Children generally think that people who can make friends with such powerful animals as bears and lions are very good, so the two children because of their friendship with Pooh and Denver The status of video group photos in the school has been greatly improved.

This is off-topic, but because of this, these two children have always been very excited about coming to Jian Heng's home, but their excitement is different from that of adults. His focus is on Pooh and Denver, and now he may be more excited. Including Shelly. Adults are concerned elsewhere.

   Picking up the family in the car, Jian Heng asked Wu Yong while driving: "Why didn't you come when the flowers were in full bloom, and came only when you were about to lose?"

  Wu Yong said: "I really want to come, and the two children are also eager. It's a pity that there are too many things in the company, and you are the shopkeeper. We migrant workers have to stick our buttocks to work."

   "It's as if your shares are less than mine." Jian Heng said unmoved at all.

  After he finished speaking, he paused for a while, and then asked casually: "What is there to do in the company, isn't the cattle breeding done well, and you, the boss, need to go to the front line in person for inspection and tracking?"

   "It's not about the cows, it's about the chickens. The original chickens were sold out, so I had to rush to hatch another batch, so there are not many left now," Wu Yong said happily.

After hearing this, Jian Heng couldn't understand: "Didn't you hatch a lot in the first batch, why did they suddenly sell out? You cooperated with a breeding company? Didn't I mention it to you? This kind of chicken is not suitable for cages." If you want to breed in a shed, you must have enough time for activities every day, otherwise you will not be able to... ".

"Listen to me, these chickens are not sold to the farm, but bought by the group of people nearby. There are one or two hundred chickens missing, four or five hundred, six or seven hundred, don't underestimate them. These numbers add up to more, just like this, I bought all the tens of thousands I originally planned to raise."

  Jian Heng was even more surprised: "Are these people crazy?"

Sister-in-law Wu smiled and said, "It's really not crazy. This matter has to start with the helicopters flying around in the sky these days. Nowadays, there are very few chickens raised at home that are not affected. It's good if they don't lay eggs. That's right, at least 30% were scared to death by the helicopter. I heard that there are now more than 2,000 people who are planning to collectively sue the state government, and more and more people are joining in. The chicks you hatched are stupid and bold, what? Don’t be afraid, someone bought it back. When the chickens were young, they could eat and sleep when they flew every day. One family bought it. The neighbors saw that this thing was quite strong, so they were naturally interested in knowing it. That’s it. Pass ten, ten pass a hundred, it's just that the busy person in our family has lost a lot of weight these days."

   "This matter really hits the big luck." Jian Heng was quite speechless after hearing this.

  Wu Yong reached out and patted Jian Heng's shoulder in the row: "I said earlier, you are a person with great luck, do you think I am right?"

   "Business is good, so will the company pay dividends this year?" Jian Heng asked.

  Wu Yong was choked directly, and when he came back to his senses, he happily said: "No!"

   "Why?" Jian Heng asked.

"A very small number of chicks are for sale, and most of them have an agreement. We will buy them back at a fixed price after the chicks reach adulthood, and our company will be responsible for selling the chicken..." Wu Yong spoke eloquently. talk.

   "Why do I feel a bit like the black multi-ants scam in China before?" Jian Heng joked.

Wu Yong said: "Scam? I was thinking that they have been selling free-range chickens and eggs to our company, but no one is stupid in this era. This business is a one-year business. By next year, it is estimated that these old people will The ghost head will set up some kind of association to unify the management."

Americans like to be one or the other, which is almost always rooted in their bones. This avoids unnecessary competition, thereby safeguarding everyone’s economic interests. Of course, it can also form a certain degree of monopoly, but when it comes to monopoly in the chicken market, it depends on These people in Montana are a bit of a joke, and they mostly coordinate the interests of various families.

  The chicken was made by Jian Heng. What about the quality of the meat and eggs? Even old Walsh and his gang of stubborn people have been conquered. As long as the price is not too monstrous, there will be no sales.

What are the advantages of American farmers, that is, they never play tricks, sometimes rigidly follow the requirements of technicians, and develop new varieties one by one. They benefit from technology and trust technology, and few people will do it wrong. Ramp because they've all seen what happens to 'smart' people.

Benefiting from this, it can be said that the quality of most chickens is predictable, so naturally there will be no major problems in sales, sales and products, and there will be no major problems in making money. If a businessman If he didn't even dare to bet with such a high degree of certainty, Wu Yong would not be driven to the United States to hide.

  Jian Heng did not expect that the chickens he was worried about hatching too much at one time were now made insufficient by the National Guard.

   After clarifying the reason, Jian Heng didn't know whether to praise the state government or scold the state government.

Taking the family into the ranch, the two children went to play with Pooh as soon as the car stopped, while Mrs. Wu changed into clothes and went to classes at Barley and Wheat. There are only two elders left in Huahai, which is really helpless.

  Guan Jian is the two old men. Even if they are looking at flowers, they are not talking about flowers, but the vast chicken market!

  Beautiful scenery seems to be far less attractive to Wu Yong than Qianjing!

  (end of this chapter)

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