Chapter 515 Rush

  Jian Heng got off the plane, looked at the brightly lit airport outside the runway, and couldn't help but sighed in his heart. Who would have thought that Mr. Yao would encounter such a bad thing just after returning home.

  Since receiving the news that Mr. Yao was injured, Jian Heng rushed to the country. Fortunately, when it was a turning point, he knew that Mr. Yao had turned the corner, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

   Dragging his small mobile phone through the customs and out of the passage, Jian Heng saw Sun Siwei at the exit, jumping and waving to himself.

   Jian Heng walked over and saw that he was about to take the small trolley case from his hand, so he waved his hand and said, "No need, just a few clothes are not too heavy."

Hearing this, Sun Siwei withdrew his hand back, took Jian Heng all the way to the exit of the airport, and said to Jian Heng as he walked, "Actually, you don't need to come back. The arrangements for Mr. Yao are almost the same. There are people taking care of them for four hours.”

   Before Sun Siwei finished speaking, Jian Heng waved his hand: "It's different! By the way, is the car ready for me?"

"It's all right, the car is here for you, and the fuel tank is full. Also, I found two security guards from the company. They will take turns driving tonight. You can take a good rest in the car. After sitting on the plane for such a long time, I can see that you have no energy and look sluggish," Sun Siwei said.

Jian Heng originally decided to ask Sun Siwei to prepare the car, but he didn't expect that he would even think about the driver. Siweiyi definitely won't consider things so comprehensively. Now it actually looks a little bit out of experience.

   "Thank you! I didn't expect you to be very thoughtful." Jian Heng reached out and patted Sun Siwei's arm and smiled at him.

  Sun Siwei said: "It's okay, I just talk about it, and I still have two security masters to drive."

   The two brothers chatted and laughed and arrived at the parking lot. When Jian Heng raised his eyes, he saw his Continental Tiger and two strong men beside the Continental Tiger.

   "Are these two security guards hired by your company?" Jian Heng asked curiously as he walked, "Why do I look more like people in the army the more I arrest them?"

  Sun Siwei nodded and said: "Yes, these two are indeed the company's security guards! They have indeed stayed in the army. They have changed jobs now, and they have come to our company!"

As soon as Jian Heng heard it, he almost understood the twists and turns. This must have been caused by He Ye. At first glance, these two people are not as simple as ordinary veterans. Their spirit and spirit are by no means ordinary. Soldiers can have it. But Jian Heng is not doing interviews, nor is he interested in getting to the bottom of such trivial matters.

   "This is Master Zhang, and this is Master Yang. When I go back with you, you can play with them in the first row for two days. They have been bored in the company since work. This time it is a small vacation..." Sun Siwei said.

  Jian Heng smiled and shook hands with the two masters. Both of them were not young, in their thirties, one was smiling, and the other was silent. The contrast was very sharp.

   "Do you want to find a place to have a nice meal?" Sun Siwei asked after introducing the three of them.

   "Have the two masters eaten?" Jian Heng asked.

  Seeing that both of them nodded, Jian Heng said: "Then let's go back directly, and when we get to the rest area, I'll just make bowls of noodles at random."

  Sun Siwei knew Jian Heng's character, and now, as a person living with Jian Heng, he was very encouraged by Jian Heng's direct return from the United States without any hesitation on a phone call.

  Put yourself in the shoes of others, if the person being beaten is himself, Sun Siwei, would it be more important for Jian Heng to make a call or fly back directly? If your boss doesn't take it seriously, how can you count on others?

  Sun Siwei had a deep understanding this time. At the moment when Jian Heng said it, Sun Siwei, who happened to be in He Ye's office, saw He Ye scratching his head, and then began to call someone in Songtan to ventilate.

  Jian Heng didn't know that Sun Siwei was thinking of other things at the moment. He walked to the car door, and before he could reach out, he saw a security guard who took two steps ahead to help him open the car door.

   Thank you softly, Jian Heng got into the car, and waved goodbye to Sun Siwei.

  The Continental Tiger left the airport, turned directly onto the expressway, and then pulled up and ran towards the urban area of ​​Jian Heng’s hometown. There was almost no rest time along the way, and it took more than four hours to rush back to the urban area of ​​his hometown. The old man has just had the operation for less than a day, and he is currently living in the city's first hospital for observation.

  The car stopped at the door of the hospital ward. Jian Heng got out of the car and walked in directly. When he came to the main desk of the inpatient department, Jian Heng reached out and knocked on the countertop, waking up the little nurse who was dozing off.

   "Excuse me, Mr. Yao, which floor does Mr. Yao live on?" Jian Heng asked politely.

  The little nurse glanced at Jian Heng, and said coldly: "What time is it now? It's already past the visiting time. Come back after ten o'clock!"

"I'm talking about the old gentleman who was sent from Shihua County, the one who was beaten up, the operation he had last night, please help me to check." Jian Heng is not interested in caring about the attitude of the nurses, public hospitals are almost all Such a virtue, besides, Jian Heng has no time to argue with her now.

When the little nurse heard that she was looking for this person, she suddenly remembered that it was not because of her own professional skills, but because this old man surnamed Yao was sent here. The visit came, and I heard that the county magistrate and the secretary also came to visit, the little nurse remembered it all at once, and then looked up at the temperament of the visitor, and immediately became more active.

Thinking of this, the little nurse seemed to change her face, and suddenly became enthusiastic, with a smile on her face: "So you came to visit Mr. Yao, he lives in the special care ward on the sixteenth floor. But, sir, this Time is not a good time to visit, if you want to know the situation of the old gentleman, let me call the doctor on duty for you?"

   "Then I thank you!" Jian Heng fumbled in his pocket after speaking, and then took out a small gadget, which was not worth much, but it was quite interesting and put it on the table.

  Jian Heng almost snatched a lot of small things like this, and they couldn’t be sold at a high price, but it’s pretty cool to give them away.


   "Let's keep it for fun," Jian Heng said with a smile.

   "Then wait a minute, Dr. Qiao will come down soon." The little nurse immediately fell in love with this little thing when she saw it, and became more enthusiastic about Jian Heng.

   Jian Heng thought for a while and asked, "By the way, who is Mr. Yao accompanying?"

  The little nurse flipped through it: "It's a policeman from Shihua."

   "Is there nothing else?" Jian Heng didn't give up, and asked again. After seeing the little nurse carefully flipping through it, he shook his head again, and then asked the little nurse about the names of Mr. Yao's son and his wife.

   "Really not!" The little nurse checked the visit records back and forth, and said with certainty.

   "Could it be that there is no record of people coming?" Jian Heng asked.

  Jian Heng thought that if he continued to make such a fuss, this old man would always be my father, and this old man was dying, so this son should come and see him no matter what, who knew that this man really made up his mind and didn't show up.

The little nurse shook her head and said: "Other floors are possible, but it is definitely impossible on the sixteenth floor. You see, there are detailed records of when the cleaners enter and when they come out. If someone visits, they must There is a record".

   "Thank you, I see. I didn't doubt your work, but I didn't expect that someone would come." Jian Heng smiled apologetically at the little nurse.

  The little nurse said: "It's okay, then I'll get you a glass of water."

"No, no need." Jian Heng just waved his hand here, and heard the sound of the elevator clanging from his left hand. When he turned his eyes, Jian Heng found a man in his fifties wearing a white coat. The doctor came out.

  When the little nurse saw the doctor, she immediately called out: "Doctor Qiao".

  Hearing her shout, Jian Heng understood that this was the doctor on duty today, so he took two steps forward to shake hands with him, and then listened to him talk about the old man's condition.

Mr. Yao's illness is very stable, but it is not easy to recover when he is old, and he needs longer recuperation time than young people. As for whether there will be any sequelae, the doctor is not very clear, but today the old man woke up At that time, his sanity and everything were quite good, which is good news.

  (end of this chapter)

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