Chapter 519 Roadhog

  Jian Heng slurped the big bowl of noodles in front of him, and was hungry for several hours. Even the vegetarian noodles, soba noodles, Jian Heng ate deliciously.

   A bowl of noodles soon bottomed out. Jian Heng took out the money from his pocket and put it on the table, then asked the boss who came to collect it: "Boss, how far is it to Qianjin Village?"

  The boss, about forty years old, looked at Jian Heng and said, "Do you have relatives in Qianjin Village?"

   "No!" Seeing the boss hesitant to speak, he asked, "Can't I go if I don't?"

The boss opened his mouth and said: "It's better not to go, there are no good people in that place! I think you are here to deliver goods. I think you are just starting this business. Be careful if you haven’t received your payment.”

   Before the boss finished speaking, he heard the lady boss cough behind the counter.

  Hearing his wife's prompt, the boss immediately closed his mouth, smiled dryly at Jian Heng twice, and turned to leave.

Jian Heng saw that there was obviously a problem, so he stretched out his hand and pulled the boss: "Brother, you have to talk to me carefully, you see, this is the first time I am doing business, and my wealth and life are all on this truckload of goods." Now, if there is something wrong with this product, my family will not be able to survive! You may talk to me about it."

The boss had a look of embarrassment on his face, but after thinking for a moment, he said to Jian Heng: "If you are going to deliver goods, and you are not related to that village, I advise you not to go. Let me tell you this In that village, from the age of 80 to the age of 8, there is no good seed, and when they come out, they are either cheated, kidnapped or stolen, or robbers and bullies."

   "It doesn't matter in this county?" Jian Heng asked pretending to be surprised.

  The boss said disdainfully: "Take care? How do you take care of it? If you are in a hurry, they will run away. As soon as you leave, hey! They are back again."

   Speaking of this, the boss asked again: "Which one, how much is the deposit for you?"

   "Second son, I gave you a deposit of 10,000 yuan," Jian Heng said.

Where did Jian Heng mention the famous people? Anyway, there are villages in every village here, and some villages have more than one or two villages. Xiaoerzi is like Zhang Wei and Wang Gang, and the chance of meeting the right one is higher than others. Not a lot.

Sure enough, the boss shook his head immediately after hearing this: "Then I advise you to go back. Lv Erxiao from Qianjin Village has sores on the soles of his feet and pus on the top of his head. It’s just that the police have nothing to do with him.”

   "Then thank you, I will be careful," Jian Heng replied.

  The boss opened his mouth and said, "Are you still going?"

   Jian Heng pretended to be bitter and said: "I have received a deposit, and the goods are on the car. It seems a bit bad not to deliver it?"

  Jian Heng's words immediately annoyed the boss, he snorted and turned his head away without saying a word: "The dog took away my good intentions."

When the boss returned to the side of the counter, the proprietress pointed at Sang Huai angrily and said: "Let you talk too much, your mouth will bring you a catastrophe one day, let's do it now, you are kind, but others treat you kindly." Treated as a donkey's liver and lungs, but a real dog biting Lu Dongbin - I don't know good people!..."

  The proprietress kept hurting the boss, but Jian Heng actually knew that she was scolding him in a different direction, so he couldn't help laughing secretly, then stood up, walked to the front of the counter, reached out and took out a stack of red notes and put them on the counter.

"Stop scolding, lady boss, I know both of you are well-intentioned! This is a toll for you, if someone asks me, just say you haven't seen me." Jian Heng interrupted the lady boss with a smile, and then pointed The money on the counter knocked a few times, made a muffled sound, turned and left.

  The boss and his wife waited for the pickup truck to leave, and then came back to their senses one after another.


  The boss opened his mouth angrily in pain and said, "Why did you beat me, you **** old woman?"

"I wonder if I'm dreaming!" The proprietress not only hit her husband but also reached out and pinched her own arm, and gave a huff in pain. Even so, she never left her eyes from the stack of red notes on the counter .

Now 10,000 yuan is not a lot to put in a big city, but it is not a small amount to put it here. It will take four or five months for the couple to make money in this small shop. Now this pile of money is so obvious. Putting it in front of them, the hearts of both of them jumped up.

   "Boss, do you think this person is not doing something illegal?" The proprietress said worriedly.

  The money was in front of her, and the proprietress became a little cautious, afraid that the money would bite her hands.

The boss is not afraid. As a man, he is a little more courageous in this matter. After thinking about it for a while, he said: "Even if it is a violation of the law, it is still directed towards the village. Even if all the people in that village are killed, God will clap their hands Hurry up, let's all shut up, if you don't tell me, I won't tell, remember that even if the police come, we don't know anything, if you say a word, the money will belong to the police."

  The proprietress nodded immediately when she heard this and said, "I won't tell if you kill me."

   "By the way, old woman, do you remember what that person looked like just now?" The boss mentioned identifying people, and then realized that he didn't remember the appearance of the guest just now.

   "You don't even remember how I can remember, this person is wearing such a wide-brimmed hat, who knows what he looks like, I look like there is a birthmark or something on his face?...".

   While the couple was recalling Jian Heng's appearance, Jian Heng's pickup truck had already been running down the road for five or six miles.

  A small truck was driving up the small mountain road, and the two lights alone could be seen clearly from two or three miles away, not to mention anything else.

Jian Heng reckoned that he was approaching the village, and just after he turned a corner, he saw a wooden Juma appearing more than 30 meters away in front of him. Several men stood behind the Juma, shouting loudly at himself. parking.

  Jian Heng stopped the car, and before he pressed the window, he saw a person jumping up and down beside his car, picked up a wooden stick and knocked on the car door, making a slap.

   "Come down, come down!"

  Jian Heng pushed open the car door and saw that the people behind him still had earth cannons in their hands. A man in his thirties had a cigarette in his mouth, and pointed the black muzzle at himself.

   "What's on the cart?"

   "No goods, empty truck!" Jian Heng replied pretending to be very honest.

At this time, the first young man who ran down knocked open the window glass of Jian Heng's truck with a stick. He stretched his head to look inside and found something covered with a piece of canvas in the car. He stretched out his hand and lifted the canvas to see the following. It was a few bundles of straw curtains, the kind of straw curtains used for padding, which were worthless at all.

   "Uncle, there are only **** straw curtains on this car, it's not worth a dime!" the young man said angrily.

   "It's not worth much? This car is worth two dollars, right?" The man holding the cannon said to Jian Heng: "Grandson, pay five thousand yuan and leave. I am in a good mood today!"

   "No, I don't have any cash with me now," Jian Heng said with a pitiful look.

   "That's easy, take the money and come pick up the car!"

   "How about Alipay, WeChat?"

  Pa, before this man could finish speaking, he slapped the man on the back of the head: "Give your mother an X, give your mother an X, what will I say when you come out, cash, only cash."

  Jian Heng listened and said: "If I give you five thousand, you can return the car to me?"

   "Ask around from four miles and eight villages. I, Lu Er, don't care when I say something. Look at you, you're so tall and thick, and you're as courageous as a chicken." The guy with the earthen cannon sneered.

  Jian Heng turned around and ran after hearing this.

Ha ha ha ha!

  When everyone saw Jian Heng's appearance, they couldn't help laughing wantonly, and cursed behind Jian Heng.

   After running for more than a hundred meters, Jian Heng stopped, and shouted loudly at the group of people: "Grandson, I don't want my car anymore, let's sell it for you and buy a coffin!"

  Hearing that Jian Heng dared to reply, the group of people immediately became furious and chased after Jian Heng, but they couldn't run past Jian Heng, and after less than a hundred meters of chasing, they lost Jian Heng's trace.

  (end of this chapter)

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