Chapter 525 Bureau

   After sending the police away, Jian Heng returned to the bed and continued to sleep.

   Now Jian Heng is not worried at all. If the people who have made it down to Qianjin Village after such a toss are all right, Jian Heng will count them as capable.

Of course, it is impossible for this group of people to have nothing to do. With such a large-scale weapon, Jian Heng threw away no less than thirty rifles alone, not to mention pistols, and three rocket launchers with loaded bullets. There are still four branches, even if Qianjin Village does not die this time, it will lose its skin.

For Jian Heng, these things are of little use in the space anyway. Whether in China or the United States, Jian Heng is not going to rebel, so there is no use in having too many weapons. Now it is really useless to frame people. It couldn't be more appropriate.

   Having ransacked the old lairs of two South African lawbreakers, Jian Heng's current weapons in the space are probably enough to arm a small army of four to five hundred people, and it's not a big deal if there are a dozen or a few dozen.

  Backed on the bed, it was dawn as soon as he lay down, Jian Heng took the two drivers to see the old man again, and then went to his home.

When we got home, Jian Heng didn't stay for long. Firstly, his father was now full of energy to prepare for a big fight. He spent the whole day on the horse farm that was about to start work. He didn't even have the time to talk to Jian Heng. No. As for my mother, she is also very busy with her wife as a guarantee.

  Although the two old people are busy, their spirits are getting better and better. They look more vigorous and happier than before, as if they have regained their second spring of life.

   As for the little girl Ning Ning, she is really wild and has no limits. Now she is going crazy with the black tiger and another big wolf dog all day long, and she can't play with her brother anymore.

  So Jian Heng stayed in his hometown for one to two hours, and then turned back to Shanghai after having lunch.

   When the lights came on, Jian Heng rushed to Shanghai, and arrived at a small courtyard set up by He Ye for private cooking, and parked his car in the parking lot in front of the courtyard.

   After getting out of the car, Jian Heng looked around. The courtyard is very elegant, and the fragrance of birds and flowers is very compelling. You don’t need to look at it. It’s impossible to live without a meal of 20,000 to 30,000.

  Since entering the yard, Jian Heng began to ponder in his heart: What does He Ye mean by putting on such a big scene?

Obviously, based on the current situation, the so-called new friend He Ye wants to introduce tonight may not be that simple. It is very likely that he is not a so-called friend in business, because whoever is here now is the player Well, He Ye wouldn't put on such a big show.

   If it’s not a friend in the mall, then the biggest possibility is from the government. Jian Heng frowned when he thought of dealing with officials.

  Jian Heng has no interest in having anything to do with the government. This kind of government refers to high-level governments, and it doesn't matter if they are at the county or city level. But with He Ye's solemn introduction, can his head be so small?

First of all, Jian Heng is not interested in being a bridge of friendship between China and the United States. As long as a white person stands upright or does so, there is no big problem. But if he wants to live comfortably in the United States with his own yellow skin, it is best not to touch him. these things.

And as long as this thing gets on it, it can't be shaken off. When something happens, the country may not be able to please it, but the United States will definitely be dealt with. Now Jian Heng's small head can't resist the Americans. One knife.

   Moreover, Jian Heng doesn't like dealing with politicians too much by nature, because in Jian Heng's heart, these people have nothing to say about their credibility. If you don't believe it, which country's politicians in history are trustworthy? The Americans are really unreliable, and the country is just a bunch of little white rabbits?

  Thinking wildly in his mind, before he knew it, Jian Heng's foot had stepped into the door.

"Mr. Jian, please." A man dressed like a bridegroom waited to see Jian Heng enter the door, and greeted him. After saying hello, he took a wet towel from the plate held by the waitress next to him. , indicating to Jian Heng to wipe his hands.

   "Anyone here?" Jian Heng asked while wiping his hands.

   "Mr. He and the others are here, only you are missing, sir, they are all waiting for you inside," Waiting replied.

  Jian Heng nodded after hearing this, took out two tickets from his pocket, and gave them to the two waiting students. In the words of Mr. Xie, Jian Heng lifted his feet and walked up the small wooden stairs to the jump floor.

   Before the people went upstairs, He Ye's face appeared at the top of the stairs. Seeing Jian Heng, he smiled and said, "I'll wait for you now!"

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the road was a bit congested when I came here, and I kept everyone waiting for a long time." Jian Heng raised his head and smiled at He Ye.

Going upstairs, Jian Heng entered the door of the private room, and saw two people standing up, one was in his twenties, although there was a smile on his face, but there was still a look of arrogance in the smile, Jian Heng didn't like it very much Well, no one likes a person to make faces in front of him, and Jian Heng is the same, he is not a masochist.

Next to the young man is a middle-aged man in his forties with a warm face. His black hair is brushed towards his head and he can tell that he is an official. Intimacy, after seeing Jian Heng enter the door, the smile on his face was very cordial and sincere.

As soon as he saw these two people, Jian Heng knew in his heart that this middle-aged man was a powerful character. As for this young man's virtue, in Jian Heng's view, most likely this arrogant temperament came from him His family, not from his own ability, a young man like this is the so-called waste of generations.

  He Ye saw Jian Heng entering the door, and introduced with a smile: "Jian Heng, let me introduce you. This is Director Wei, and this is Director Hu!"

"Wei Wenzheng!" The middle-aged man immediately took two steps, and reached out his hand first to shake hands with Jian Heng. Although it seemed a bit inappropriate to do so at his age, he did not make people feel uncomfortable at all. It's so abrupt, it makes people feel good.

  The young man "Hu Chengzhi" still looked like a bird, and immediately shrank back as soon as he touched Jian Heng's hand, as if shaking hands with Jian Heng was a very cheap thing.

Jian Heng didn't pay attention to the young people at all, because such people are not worth Jian Heng's effort at all, the water pool that can be seen at a glance, the place where there is not even a fish, what is worth looking at carefully, even here Wei Wenzheng, a young man, knew at a glance that it was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

  Compared twice, Jian Heng glanced at Wei Wenzheng and said in his heart: This guy acts like this, the picture is not small!

  He Ye looked over everyone, and took in everyone's expressions. The smile on his face remained unchanged, and he raised his hand to signal: "Everyone, go in and sit down!"

  Wait for everyone to enter the small private room inside, and sat down around the Eight Immortals table.

   After everyone was seated, He Ye opened his mouth and said: "Everyone is here, let's order, let's eat first, and chat while eating."

  Jian Heng didn't know much about ordering dishes. Anyway, everyone else ordered one, so he ordered a big boiled dried shredded dish that he liked, and left the rest to He Ye.

  The food arrived very quickly. Within fifteen minutes, the table was full of food. Everyone opened a bottle of wine and chatted about irrelevant things while eating and drinking.

  Although we met for the first time, because of Wei Wenzheng's eloquence, the table didn't feel awkward.

  Of course, we are not ordinary people. It is impossible for them to embrace each other immediately after a few glasses of wine.

  The overall atmosphere is harmonious but not awkward.

  After forty minutes, everyone sat down on the sofa and continued to chat while drinking tea. At this time, Jian Heng and He Ye were side by side, and Wei Wenzheng and Hu Chengzhi were sitting opposite each other across the tea table.

   "I heard that Mr. Jian is doing well in the United States. I have something I want to ask Mr. for help." Hu Chengzhi gently picked up the cup, blew on the tea leaves on the cup and said lightly.

  Jian Heng was about to reply, but felt that He Yezai seemed to have touched his foot with his foot on purpose

Jian Heng instantly understood He Ye's meaning. He was upset when he heard Hu Chengzhi's words, but he smiled softly: "It's not a business, it's just a matter of raising a family. Whether I can help or not, I Small business, energy is limited, if you have something to say, if you can help, then I will not refuse!"

   That’s what I said, but none of you sitting here are fools. The meaning of this sentence is quite different from the superficial meaning. The real meaning is: If this matter is not difficult, it’s easy to say, but if it is difficult, I can’t do it. As for what counts as easy, it depends on what Jian Heng thinks.

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, Hu Chengzhi's face suddenly changed, but he quickly put it back, glanced at Jian Heng and said, "Mr. Jian, isn't this meaningless?"

   "We met for the first time, isn't it a bit premature to talk about the meaning?" Jian Heng didn't plan to leave any loopholes for himself at all, so he opened his mouth and went straight to the old story.

   Now the meaning is clear: We met for the first time, and you offered to help? Are you guys familiar with the two of you?

  Hearing Jian Heng's words, Hu Chengzhi's face turned cold at first, and then turned red in an instant, as if he had never been so angry before, and immediately acted like a crazy bull, his eyes were red.

   As soon as these words were thrown out, He Ye's hand holding the tea couldn't help shaking. He also didn't expect Jian Heng to block the road without saying a word, so simply!

  Hu Chengzhi pulled his face down in an instant, looking at Jian Heng without saying a word, just staring at him, extremely fierce.

  Jian Heng is not afraid at all, he just looks back at Hu Chengzhi with a cold face.

  Jian Heng has never been afraid of staring at others. He is a persevering person, especially after making up his mind, Jian Heng has a very stubborn temper.

  (end of this chapter)

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