Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 528: small town metamorphosis

  Chapter 528 Transformation of the town

The special thing is not too important to Jian Heng, because Jian Heng has already made up his mind, and in the future he can't come back to stroll all the time if he has nothing to do, now that he may be targeted by some organization, he should be more honest good.

   As the old saying goes, one thing more is worse than one thing less!

  Backing back to his ranch with such a mood, Jian Heng found everything pleasing to the eye, and wandered around the little place of his ranch happily for several days.

  Woke up early again today, Jian Heng was woken up by the black beans, and ran around the pasture, one man and one horse. After returning, everyone went home and the horses returned to the stables, each busy with its own business.

This morning, the breakfast that Jian Heng prepared for the whole family was tofu nao. Jian Heng soaked the beans last night. Today, he just used a small stone to grind the beans, boiled the bean liquid, and then ordered the brine. After everything was ready, he ordered the brine Put the bean liquid in the pot and wait for time to complete the coagulation step.

   "Quickly use the nunchuck, hehehe...".

While humming a little song, Jian Heng cut the ingredients that will be served with tofu nao later, like pickled mustard and coriander are essential for Jian Heng to eat tofu nao. In Jian Heng's home, soy milk There are sweet and salty, but tofu nao can only be salty.

   The three of them ate, and they didn’t prepare a lot of ingredients. The pickled mustard and coriander were all small plates, which were about the size of the palm of your hand. As for other things like hot sauce, sesame oil, etc., they were all ready-made. After preparing these, Jian Heng started kneading the dough again, making a batter. Waiting for the flour to turn into a paste, Jian Heng added a little salt to the flour, and added some chopped onions to cater to the taste of barley and wheat.

After finishing these, Jian Heng hummed a tune and turned on the fire, and began to spread the cakes in a pan. Put a little less oil in the pan to make the batter not stick to the pan. Heng beat eggs on the cake, put chopped ham sausage on it, and finally added some lettuce, and the morning meal was ready.

  Jian Heng had the food on the table, and Da Mai and Mai just opened the door and entered the room.

"Wow, it smells so good!" As soon as Mai Mai smelled the scent, the glutton in his stomach came up all of a sudden. He walked to the table with Xiao ran, lay down on the pancake and sniffed it, and then gave Jian Heng a piece of cake. Bonus kiss!

"You're great!"

  Jian Heng said complacently: "Isn't I always like this?"

   "Well, it has always been like this, I hope you will maintain this mental state in the future" Damai joked to Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng stood at attention and gave a military salute to Barley: "Yes, Your Excellency General!"

   "Why are you in such a good mood?" Mai Mai saw that this was wrong, the good mood today was a bit bubbling.

"Is there any good news for you to hear?" Mai Mai hooked her fingers at Jian Heng. Seeing that Jian Heng couldn't come, she walked over and hugged Jian Heng's neck, hanging on Jian Heng like a koala. Heng's body.

   Seeing Barley looking at him with a smile, Jian Heng said cheerfully: "It's not a big deal, it's just the O'Brien family's ranch, and the real estate agent made an offer to me."

"What kind of good news is this!" Mai Mai immediately let go of his hand after hearing this: "The news came out the second day after you left. I heard that the bank was acquired and the non-performing assets were going to be sold, let alone Aub Lai En's ranch is up, and even the beautiful frontier ranch to the east is listed, and the seller's asking price is only four million."

   "The ranch is worth four million!" Jian Heng was a little bit embarrassed.

   "Don't care if it's worth it or not, I heard that some people have already seen it, and many Chinese wealthy customers are interested in this ranch," said Mai Mai.

Jian Heng curled his lips after hearing this and said, "I think it's all a gimmick, and Chinese wealthy customers would not like his ranch. The living habits of the two countries are different, and I would rather believe those Chinese wealthy customers who have some We prefer the O'Brien ranch to the good frontier."

In the eyes of Americans, the beautiful frontier ranch is better, because it is "quaint" and has a sense of history, but in the eyes of Chinese people, it is dilapidated. It may be different from other Americans, but it is better than history and food. For these two items, the Chinese will definitely not admit cowardice in front of the Americans, and expect those upstarts from China to like American history? The Americans really think too much.

   "Okay, let's eat, let's talk while eating" Damai saw that Jian Heng had a lot of chatting today, so he invited everyone to sit down and chat while eating.

   Just as the family of three sat down, Zhang Jialiang's voice rang outside the door: "Boss, boss!"

"Come in!"

  As soon as Zhang Jialiang entered the door, Damai asked in a very Chinese way: "Have you eaten? Did you sit down and eat a little?"

   What kind of polite person is Zhang Jialiang? Hearing Damai's question, he immediately climbed up the pole: "Exactly, I haven't eaten yet!"

   After finishing speaking, he didn't need to be greeted by others. He took a bowl of tofu nao and side dishes. He held a burrito in his left hand and started to eat it.

  Jian Heng saw that his food was delicious, but he didn't open his mouth to speak, so he asked, "Come here early in the morning to have a meal, tell me, what's the reason?"

  "Boss, my ranch has been fixed and is about to be repaired. When I move, I plan to hold a small ceremony. I want to invite you and my sister-in-law Damai and Wheat to have fun together..." Zhang Jialiang said while biting a pancake.

  Jian Heng hummed after hearing this: "Okay, we just need to go at home by then, by the way, how many people have we invited?"

   "Not much, just lively, except for our ranch, there are only Sean and Simon, and two or three other people," Zhang Jialiang said.

  Wheat heard it jokingly and said: "It's very good. I have made a lot of friends here. Unlike him, I can count all my friends on one hand."

   "What do you need so many friends to do when you have nothing to do!" Jian Heng said disdainfully.

  After talking about Zhang Jialiang, the four of them ate and talked about the happy things that happened in the ranch these days. Of course, more guests who came to experience it, and the wolves that made a lot of trouble.

  The topic that interested Jian Heng the most was the lawsuit that dozens of ranchers jointly sued the state government for scaring the poultry to death on their ranch.

   "The odds of winning are great!" Jian Heng said enviously.

  In the United States, class action lawsuits, especially those against the government, have a good chance of winning, unless you can’t produce evidence, or you can’t even get basic sympathy. Usually under such circumstances, the American media will favor the 'weaker' party.

   "No matter how big the chance of winning is, it doesn't matter to us," Zhang Jialiang said.

  Jian Heng smiled and said: Can I even envy others now? "

  "Okay, why don't we go to the poultry house to scare the chickens today, and then go to the government to ask for compensation?" Zhang Jialiang joked.

"Oh, by the way, boss, I still think of one thing, sister, have you told the boss yet?" Zhang Jialiang suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked Damai first, and saw Damai's expression of confusion So, I added: "Some bounty hunters want to do some small chores."

  Balley remembered after hearing the reminder: "Oh, I remembered!"

   Picking up the barley, he said to Jian Heng: "Isn't there a lot of work on the construction site of our ranch? Some bounty hunters want to do some odd jobs on the ranch...".

  Jian Heng heard Damai tell the whole thing, opened his mouth and asked: "Why? There are so many bounty hunters who can't survive?"

Wheat said: "Not only! Of the bounty hunter groups that can be maintained now, except for the newcomers, there are probably two-thirds of the old ones who have not bankrupted themselves. Among these people who are not bankrupt, their lives are not good. , and half will be removed, and the remaining half will leave, and I will not dream of beating the wolf king to receive the bounty."

"Miss Wheat is right. Now the price of hired labor on the ranch has dropped by almost 20% compared to before. In other words, it used to be eight dollars an hour, but now it is less than seven dollars. High-end cowboys are not easy to hire, but these handymen are very good. Hire someone," Zhang Jialiang said.

"It's not the time to hire people. It takes at least a month to ship the components from China. What do I hire them for now? Besides, these people are too mobile, just like what was said in China before. What's the name, by the way, hooligans! It's okay to expect them to be idle and hunt, and to expect them to work hard, that's really overthinking!" Jian Heng curled his lips, and said his appreciation for rewards Gold Hunter's review.

   Zhang Jialiang heard: "You and old Mr. Walsh have the same evaluation, almost word for word. Have you two discussed this matter?"

"Is there any need to discuss? They are all used to being loose, and many of them were not good people in the first place. After they came, you can see that there have been a lot of petty thefts nearby? Now, apart from the original people, there are many people in the town. There were about three groups of people who came in, one was bounty hunters, the other was animal protectionists, and the third was policemen who misremembered or something. You can analyze among these three types of people, which one is more important? Maybe get in with these people with dirty hands and feet?" Jian Heng said.

   Zhang Jialiang listened to Jian Lan's words, and kept nodding his head: "I don't know when they will be able to leave. It used to be a quiet town, but now it is almost as crowded as Kalispell."

"It is probably impossible for them all to leave, and the number will only decrease. As long as the wolves are not dead, there will always be people with dreams of getting rich. And from my point of view, our small town will become the University of Montgomery in a few years." It’s a small town, maybe even a little more upscale than Kalispell,” Jian Heng said quietly.

   "If this is the case, should I build some land? Then sell the land or something?" Zhang Jialiang laughed.

  Jian Heng shrugged: "Forget it!"

Agricultural land is very cheap, but it is not that simple when it comes to commercial development, and the Americans collect real estate taxes, which is not ambiguous. Don’t look at everyone’s annual deed tax is only a thousand yuan, it’s because this is a farm. Look at the pastoral land, if you are replacing it with residential or commercial land, the money will cost you a lot of money.

  In the United States, if you are given a big house like Bill Gates, you can’t even afford to live in it. After a year, it costs millions of taxes. How do ordinary people pay?

  "There are more and more people in the small town, and I heard that some people are planning to develop motels and residences nearby." Damai also said with the same feeling.

  "Yeah, I also heard that the Cooper family plans to convert their house and barn into rental housing, and another campsite is being built at the foot of the mountain," Wheat also said.

   After discussing this, everyone realized that the changes in the town were faster than they thought.

  (end of this chapter)

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