Chapter 530 Pocket is safe

These days, Jian Heng's life is like this, every day according to the order, when there are classes, he will teach the students, when there are no classes, he will go to the exercise room to exercise in the evening after dinner, anyway, every day You must ensure at least two and a half hours of exercise, and you must stretch strictly after exercise to relax your muscles.

Because of Jian Heng's habit, there are more and more people doing gymnastics at night, and the more people who are interested in fitness, the more motivated they are, and in the gym, everyone is sweating profusely together, regardless of politicians or celebrities. Tossing myself to exhaustion, in the process, a sense of mutual familiarity slowly sprouted and established naturally.

It’s not that no one suggested that Jian Heng simply start classes, but Jian Heng did not adopt it, because now he feels that the big guys chatting and laughing together seem to make him return to the small gym on the street where he rented a house. There is no limit to rcrx shares here. I am enthusiastic and cheerful. I feel that my mood has improved a lot after practicing once a day.

The small days are beautiful, and there is no need to worry about life. The mix and match grass in the pasture is advancing in an orderly manner, and as the area of ​​the pasture becomes larger and larger, the expansion is faster and faster. Those who have survived the competition in the harsh environment of space and nature Grass, the viability is much stronger than alfalfa, not to mention alfalfa, even ordinary weeds are not their opponents, they grab sunlight and water, except for big trees, they can't deal with them, and small shrubs are difficult to meet them live.

From time to time, Jian Heng also hires a trailer to transport some wood to the woods of his pasture at the speed of a mouse stealing soybeans. These are all bought by Jian Heng, and they are all leftovers. As soon as the materials are unloaded, Jian Heng will put some private goods in here, a few pillars today, a few beams tomorrow, etc. After a month, Jian Heng actually moved all the materials in the space.

  Most things in the ranch are going well, and now Jian Heng is waiting for Professor Guan to bring his construction team over.

  It is impossible to say that everything goes smoothly. No one can live in this world without troubles.

  What is the most troublesome thing for Jian Heng during this period of time? O'Brien's ranch has been discussed several times but failed, and Jian Heng's side is getting a little emotional. The last time we talked last Wednesday, the conversation collapsed immediately. It wasn’t that Jian Heng was trying to suppress the price, but because the market price was like this. It’s impossible for the prices of the surrounding pastures to drop. Jian Heng still paid the price of a week ago. Well, that would be a little silly.

With the heart that the east is not bright and the west is bright, Jian Heng visits the small pastures for sale from time to time these days. If the price is right, he will eat them. Some of them do not border Jian Heng's existing pastures, and Jian Heng does not Don't mind, anyway, the price is right, if you make a mistake, you won't let it go.

  In just ten days, Jian Heng ate three small ranches here, all of which cost more than one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand.

This morning, from the dawn of the day, the sky above the pasture was covered with overcast clouds. At around eight o'clock, there was a light rain in the sky. The light rain continued to fall endlessly. It's been down for several hours without a moment's stop.

  Usually when it rains, Jian Heng is not in a good mood, but today is different, Jian Heng is in a good mood.

  Because just now, the agency agent of O'Brien Ranch called and said that he wanted to talk to Jian Heng again. This phone call, the fool also knew that he had gained the initiative, let alone Jian Heng.

  While changing clothes with a smile on his face, Jian Heng hummed a little song that was not on the tune at all, while looking at himself in the full-length mirror, he felt that the more he looked, the more pleasing he was now, and he looked very good-looking.

"Boss, what are you doing? Didn't you say you were going to participate in the auction? Why are you still dressed up? I haven't seen you so active before?" Zhang Jialiang stood behind Jian Heng at some point. Bian actually wore a slightly formal dress, so he asked curiously.

  Jian Heng was taken aback by Zhang Jialiang's sudden appearance: "Oh! You can't walk and make a little noise, you scared me!"

   "You don't want to go out and do something with your two sisters-in-law behind your back, do you?" Zhang Jialiang said unscrupulously.

"What to do? As long as your mind is complicated, you are free to find a daughter-in-law to live in peace, don't spend all day without four or six, look at the sperm is on the brain, what are you thinking about all day! Let's not It's time to go to the beautiful border ranch's auction, let's go to Batavia first!" Jian Heng said.

   Zhang Jialiang heard this and asked: "What are we going to do there?"

  "Let's talk about the O'Brien ranch!"

  Zhang Jialiang was happy when he heard that: "Does that mean things have turned around?"

  Jian Heng nodded: "There are some kind of people who just slap their skins, and they insist on slapping their faces if they don't do it!"

   "What about the beautiful border ranch? With it, several small ranches can be connected into one big piece, but if we eat two pieces, do we have enough funds?" Zhang Jialiang asked.

   Jian Heng thought for a while and said: "Let's go to the O'Brien Ranch first. In my opinion, there is still a little trouble on the beautiful border. If the price is right, we will take out a loan. If the price is not right, we will have to give up."

When Jian Heng thinks about it, he has a headache. Some time ago, Jian Heng swore to Damai and Wheat that the beautiful border was playing tricks, and no Chinese businessman would look at it, but the reality is Chiguoguo's face Yes, there are really two local tyrants in China who have taken a fancy to the beautiful border ranch, and they are both local tyrants from western China. They used to be engaged in coal or rare earth. Anyway, it came from He Ye, and these two picked it out at random. Crushing Jian Heng in terms of money is like playing.

   Now what Jian Heng can't understand is why these two rich local tyrants have taken a fancy to the beautiful border pasture where birds don't lay eggs, and they have become obstacles in the way of their "small goals".

  Anyway, it’s not Jian Heng’s decision on this matter. More than a month ago, Jian Heng himself didn’t bother with the beautiful border ranch. Isn’t he rushing to buy a loan now? Sometimes this matter is not based on human will.

   "Okay, let's go. At this point, we can only take one step at a time. If you are lucky, you will lose your life!" Jian Heng took care of himself now, and waved his hand at Zhang Jialiang.

  Zhang Jialiang followed behind Jian Heng: "Boss, you are now very tall, use two idioms in one sentence!"

  " Nonsense, your province is only at this level of education, there is not a single idiom in the last sentence!"

   "It was all caused by Xiaoying's de-Sinicization!" Zhang Jialiang said cheerfully.

  The two talked and chatted. After getting into the car, Zhang Jialiang drove straight to the small town of Batavia.

  When we arrived in the small town, the rain not only didn’t stop, but it was getting heavier and heavier, and the light raindrops hit the glass windows and made a pattering sound.

  "Auspicious rains herald a good year! Boss, good omen!" As soon as the car stopped, Zhang Jialiang tilted his head to look at the rain outside.

  Jian Heng didn't even bother to correct his mistakes, so he pushed open the door, opened the umbrella and walked towards the door of the small coffee shop.

  Pushing open the door, I saw two agents in suits and leather shoes sitting on the side near the glass window at a glance. Seeing Jian Heng entering the room, the two of them smiled politely at Jian Heng.

   walked over and sat down opposite the two of them.

  Seeing Jian Heng sitting down, a waitress in her forties immediately came over and asked Jian Heng what he wanted.

   "A cup of coffee, thank you!" Jian Heng said.


"If we have something to say, let's talk about it directly. My time here is still a little tight, and there is still more than an hour before the filming starts." Jian Heng did not wait for the person who spoke to put on a posture, and interrupted with his hand This person's words directly spread the matter out.

The two had dealt with Jian Heng several times, and knew that Jian Heng's temper was not the standard style of Chinese or Chinese they read from the book, so they were not surprised. One of them nodded directly to agree with Jian Heng. constant statement.

O’Brien’s ranch is a trouble for the intermediary now. The biggest trouble is the house. Now that the wolf king is making such a fuss, buyers who are not short of money will not come. Those who want this land with money, no one will look at it. It's useless for those with little money to look at this house, and those who can't afford it can only stay in looking and asking.

  Besides, real estate is very strange in any country. It is easy to sell when the price rises, but it is difficult to sell once the price falls. The more the price falls, the harder it is to sell real estate such as houses.

   "Here's our final offer!"

   As he spoke, the one sitting by the window took out a notebook in his hand, and pushed it in front of Jian Heng.

Seeing that Jian Heng took the notebook and began to turn it over, this person couldn't help explaining: "This is the final price given by our client. If it is lower, they would rather keep it in their hands. I think Mr. I also know that if it is not for the acquisition between banks, it is impossible to get this price... ".

   Jian Heng naturally understands this reason. In a developed capitalist country like the United States, if you are rich enough, you can buy everything at home in one stop, and you don't need to travel around. Once the number in your bank card reaches a certain level, the bank can meet all your consumption needs, from buying a popsicle to customizing a 100-meter-long luxury yacht, all in one stop. solve.

"It's because your previous prices were unreasonable! I can't buy things at a higher price than the market price." I glanced at the above price, and found that it wasn't expensive, but it was quite reasonable at present, so Jian Heng continued to look at the following Examples of the plot area and the like, as well as ranch tools and so on.

The most important thing Jian Heng looked at was the land area. When he saw that all the land was there, he was relieved, and then he looked at the things in the ranch. As for the cars and tractors, he would not give them to Jane. Heng is left, the bank is full of thieves, can Jian Heng take advantage of this little bargain? They would probably sell the rats in the house if they could.

   It took ten minutes for Jian Heng to go through the things, and then he took a photo of the lawyer Daniel on his mobile phone and sent it over.

Anyway, everyone has a sincere matter, and the matter was discussed very smoothly, and a few supplementary terms were requested without any pain, and then the deal was made. After tossing Jian Heng for several months, within half an hour It's finally settled.

  (end of this chapter)

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