Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 542: the curtain

  Chapter 542 Curtain

  Wheat also came out at this time, and she was about to go to the stable to lead the horse. Up to now, the two horses of the two sisters still haven’t learned how to get up and run to the door of the house every day like Black Dou.

   "Didn't you say you left a piece of blueberry? Why is this the blueberry you left behind? Are there only blackberries left?" As soon as Xiaomai went out and looked up, he saw that the world by the lake had changed greatly.

It used to be that the lake was surrounded by a circle of wild berry trees, almost like a green fence that surrounded the lake, with a thickness of about four or five meters and kept going around the lake. Now these things are suddenly missing, and I feel All of a sudden, my vision has widened a lot, and it can also be said that I feel bald at a glance.

"Mistake, the work is a bit rough, but that's not my intention! Originally, I wanted to leave a piece at the door, but in the end, I got a little confused about the possible work, so I just left all the things I wanted to do. Shovel it off, and plant a few more later." Jian Heng couldn't say that Erhu, a stupid rabbit, didn't understand his intentions and ate all the wild blueberries right away.

Mai Mai doesn't care about it. She is interested in blueberries, but it's not to the point where she can't eat without eating. It belongs to the kind that is very good, and she doesn't think there are any shortcomings. So her idea The force is not on the question of how many berry trees are left.

   "You did a good job, no matter the branches, leaves or poles are gone, and even the roots have been dug out." Mai Mai said casually without thinking too much.

   Jian Heng stretched out his hand and patted his chest, walked to Mai Mai's side and put his arms around her shoulders, and said with a look on his face, "Don't you see that this job is difficult!"

   "What are you two doing standing at the door?" At this moment, Damai saw the two standing at the door early in the morning through the door glass, sticking together, so he opened the door and asked.

   Before Jian Heng could reply, she saw the bare lakeshore and opened her mouth and said, "Has it all been cut down?"

   "That's not it! The work was a bit too hard yesterday. I'll go to the wild to find a few later, and transplant a few back." Jian Heng's other hand quickly climbed onto Damai's shoulder.

   "Don't move it, anyway, there must be roots left, and seedlings will reappear next year," Damai said.

Jian Heng didn't refute Barley's words. None of the things that the two tigers killed have sprouted in the pasture. Even weeds can't be revived. How could a wild berry tree make waves? .

  Mait pushed Jian Heng's hand away: "Then I'm going to lead the horse."

After talking about wheat, he went straight to the stable, walked a few steps and came back, turned his head and picked up Heidou who was standing next to Jian Heng with his master. It's indifferent, it looks where whoever points, and I don't know if it understands what everyone is saying.

   "Black beans! Black beans!" Wheat stroked Black beans' nose and called softly.

  Hei Dou snorted and rubbed his big head against Mai Mai's body. If he could wag his tail, he could play the role of a dog right now.

  Wheat saw that Black Dou's reaction was very good, so he turned around and walked towards the utility room. When he reached the door of the utility room, he called out to Heidou again, and Heidou happily led Xiao Pao to Xiaomai's side.

Next, Wheat fed a handful of hay, and then put a pad on the black beans and threw them on the saddle. From saddling to mounting, the black beans showed no resistance at all. They chewed the grass happily, and followed the sound of wheat. Shouting, he spread his hooves and ran towards the stable.

   "Black beans are not too resistant to wheat now?" Barley asked curiously.

Jian Heng is scratching his head now, because in the past, everyone had their own mounts, and everyone's horses still had a little life, so they rarely changed rides. Unexpectedly, wheat's actions suddenly proved that Heidou was not There is some resistance to wheat as before.

   "Where would I know, it's the first day that Mai Mai did this!" Jian Heng felt a little bad in his heart. Would it be like Liu Da Er borrowing Jingzhou for borrowing the black beans without repaying them?

  Balley suddenly thought of this question: "I think whether your black beans can survive is a big question mark!"

  Jian Heng said with a bitter face: "I also have bad feelings!"

  Originally it was just speculation between the two, but after ten minutes, Mai Mai came back riding Black Bean and handed over the reins of his horse Mountain Range to Jian Heng.

   "Today we change horses!" After finishing speaking, regardless of Jian Hengtong's disagreement, he just slammed off the horse, threw Heidou's rein on Heidou's neck, and walked towards the house without the horse.


  Jian Heng who stayed outside looked at the mountains, and the mountains also looked at Jian Heng. One person and one horse watched like this for two or three minutes. The horse snorted, and Jian Heng sighed at the same time.

The mountains are good horses, that's for sure, but in terms of IQ, they are in the middle and lower reaches of all the horses on the ranch now, only better than the trained quarter horses Jian Heng bought in the first batch, and better than Compared with the horses used in pastures, that is, the horses raised in the original space, their intelligence is much worse. Now if you pull out a ranch horse at will, you can do it without tying the horse or accepting the rein, as long as it has an owner. Horses can recognize the owner's call and run to the owner's side. As for opening the stables, many horses have learned to open the stables since the black beans were handed over, so now other stables at night are not bolts, but complex button locks.

Mountains recognize people, and this kind of good horse in consciousness is the same. It doesn't like to change to another owner, because it has been used to the way of driving and unloading wheat for a long time, and its stubborn nature makes it easy for any horse. There is resistance to change.

  Jian Heng rode for five or six minutes, and he was uncomfortable with horses, so Jian Heng rode directly back to the stables on the mountains, and changed to a pasture horse that is currently being trained in the space.

This horse is a big flowered horse with cow-colored black and white stripes, which does not conform to Chinese aesthetics. Simply put, it looks ugly. Think about riding a cow-flowered horse galloping on the grassland. It's not as good-looking as a mule with a uniform head.

   It doesn't look good, but it's easy to ride, at least it fits Jian Heng better than the mountains, so Jian Heng always rides this horse during the morning training time.

When there were black beans before, Jian Heng didn't think about it, because the black beans are tall and strong, they don't look like galloping horses, and their shape is like a pack horse, so Jian Heng didn't think about getting some good horses Come in, but now, Maimai has snatched the black beans, and he has been riding a big fancy horse all morning to embarrass others, Jian Heng's small thoughts start again.

   "It seems that it is necessary to bring back some 'wild horses' again!" Jian Heng said to himself.

No matter how you say it will take a year for your own 'breeding', Jian Heng can't wait for that long, and there are no horses in the pasture in Zai that satisfy Jian Heng's appreciation, nothing else but the color of the coat It's too ordinary, Heidou Jian Heng can bear it, that's because Heidou has always been with Jian Heng.

If someone else took the horse, Jian Heng would definitely not let it go, including his parents, but Jian Heng had to give in to barley and wheat. Originally, one person got two sisters, so Jian Heng is happy enough here, there is still more in the space Selina and Blakely, although Barley and Wheat didn't know, and it was impossible to know, but Jian Heng felt ashamed.

   Thinking about how to send horses to the ranch again, Jian Heng started to make a routine in his mind. Been thinking about this all day.

The blueberry tree was gone, and many students felt a little uncomfortable, because they were not easy to be seen by people from afar when they were playing in the water, but now a group of people and monkeys are in the water, and people can see it from a mile away. It made them feel that their privacy had been violated all of a sudden, and they all complained to Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng has no other choice, he cut it all down, and he can’t pour some space water, and grow this barrier again overnight, that would be too weird.

  The solution given by Jian Heng here is to plant bamboo immediately, or the kind of big moso bamboo that is four or five meters high, and it will definitely be no problem to hide the embarrassment at that time.

Just like that, Jian Heng started planting moso bamboo again in the following days. He brought a large number of small bamboo seedlings suitable for the cold zone from the space, dug holes and put in the base fertilizer, and worked hard for four or five days to plant about thirty bamboo bushes around the cliff. , so wait for the bamboo to expand and grow automatically.

  The bamboo is ready, and the team of Professor Guan over there, as well as the components of a dozen containers sent in order, will be delivered one by one, and a new round of large-scale construction of the ranch has begun.

  (end of this chapter)

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