Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 556: double happiness

  Chapter 556 Double Happiness

  Jian Heng was a little confused all of a sudden, because he never had more than five sentences on the phone with cheap old father-in-law Jimmy. Now the old man's phone call came and I have been chatting with me for almost fifteen minutes, and it doesn't mean it's over yet.

It is impossible for Jian Heng to hurry up and hang up the phone, because after asking Jian Heng's plan in detail, Jimmy gave advice to his cheap son-in-law, and gave Jian Heng the political power of Montana. After a brief stroke, a few key families and characters were circled. When asking Jian Heng to exchange shares, some people need more bargaining chips, and some people want to stay as far away as possible.

Putting down the phone, Jian Heng started to prepare. All the changes were in the process. Of course, the process of bargaining was time-consuming and labor-intensive. It would not be resolved in a short while. Anyway, Jian Heng was not in a hurry. .

Jian Heng's series of actions did not cause waves for many days, and even the one who made the move looked at the attendant next to him and said: That kid surnamed Jian was so frightened that he didn't even dare to go back to the country. up.

All of a sudden, Jian Heng became busy again, as if he had returned to the time when he was in the New York mixed filming business. He faced a large pile of documents every day, sat in the study for several hours every day, and had to be full from time to time. Luckily, Jian Heng has a freehand machine for running in Montana, so running is not too troublesome.

  Jian Heng, dressed in a standard ranch boss outfit, was about to go out, but when he reached the door, he shrank back.

  Barley asked: "What are you doing? Didn't you want to go out, why are you back?"

  Jian Heng stretched out his finger to the sky outside the house: "It's snowing, so it means that the first snow this winter won't be too small."

  Barley stretched his head and took a look out of the glass after hearing this. As expected, large pieces of snowflakes were flying down, and the small appearance was very beautiful. The beauty under the snow is beautiful, but it is not good news for those who want to go out, and the sky is so gloomy that there is no telling how heavy the snow will be.

   "Then what do you say?" Mai asked Jian Heng.

Jian Heng walked back to the side of the sofa, took off the tie around his neck, hung it on the back of the sofa, took off his beige cowboy hat and threw it on the coffee table, and sat down on the sofa. Stretching out, she stretched out her hand and took Mai into her arms.

   "I'm not going anywhere today, I'll watch TV at home with you!" Jian Heng said with a smile.

  Wheat said: "That's right, we can watch together, the pilot episode of the TV series starring Simon and Sean."

Hearing Mai Mai's mention, Jian Heng remembered that today is the premiere day of the comedy series of Sean and Simon. American dramas are very different from those in China, such as Sean and Simon. As a comedy, some books in the first season wrote ten episodes, but not all ten episodes were filmed. So far, only three episodes have been filmed, and the fourth and fifth episodes are still in production. The first three episodes have a trial episode, and it will take about three weeks after the show is over. During these three weeks, if this episode reaches the predetermined number of viewers, then the subsequent episodes will continue to be filmed. If it does not meet the expectations If the number of ratings episodes is high, the show will be cut off.

  The model in the United States is very interesting. Compared with the production model of Chinese TV series, it is more interesting. The United States closely follows the tastes of the audience. Countless series are released every year, and then the audience will eliminate the unpopular ones. In China, all the TV series are filmed at once, dozens of episodes are filmed at once, and then they are promoted on the satellite TV of major TV stations, regardless of whether the audience likes it or not, just show it directly, even if few people really like it. I really like it, and the group of filmmakers can still find the navy, buy fans, and get tens of billions of hits on a show.

   "How is it? What do these two people think of the filming?" Jian Heng asked curiously.

Jian Heng has no time to think about Simon and Sean these days, and has been busy with the exchange of shares. Simon has become a beautiful little fat man after completing the physical training, wearing a fat Meat then joined the crew, so Jian Heng didn't have time to get to know the two of them, but Damai and Wheat were very interested in filming the show, and they had a detailed understanding of the situation of the two of Simon.

"Who doesn't say it's good when making a movie? It's like the Chinese say, sons are good for their own family, and wives are good for other families! Naturally, Simon and Sean felt that the filming of their own drama was very good, and they can do it right away. It’s a big fire! But in fact, it has to be judged by the market,” Damai said.

  Jian Heng listened to the jokes in Damai's words, and said dumbfoundedly: "Where did you learn all these messy things?"

  Wheat said: "I learned it from Ningning's classmates!"

  "..." Jian Heng was silent for a while, and then he sighed: "This group of children is really amazing, they understand everything at such a young age!"

"Nowadays, children are exposed to too much information, so each of them is very precocious...uh..." Xiaomai expressed his opinion, and before he could say half of it, he immediately felt uncomfortable in his heart, and his stomach felt like Something seemed to be pouring out, so Xiaomai immediately ran towards the bathroom.

  "What are you doing? You've finished your sentence halfway..." Jian Heng smiled and said, "You each ate half of the wonton pot in the morning. Are you eating too much now?"

  Wheat didn't answer either, so Jian Heng moved his buttocks and reached for Barley, and Barley leaned against Jian Heng's arms and watched TV without hesitation.

  The two watched for almost ten minutes, but Mai Mai hadn't come out of the house yet. Now the two got anxious, got up and walked towards the house at the same time.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Jian Heng knocked on the door, and asked with concern: "Did you eat your stomach? Do you want to call a doctor?"

   "Don't make noise!" Xiaomai replied angrily in the bathroom.

   Jian Heng heard this and said to Damai: "You have a bad temper!"

   As soon as the words fell, Jian Heng heard the sound of the toilet flushing inside, so he stood at the door and waited for the wheat to come out.

   Mai Mai walked out of the bathroom, and took a white thing that looked like a toothbrush stick into Jian Heng's hand.

  Jian Heng picked it up and took a look, only to find that it was a pregnancy test stick, and there were two red bars clearly hanging on it.

  Suddenly a great sense of happiness welled up in his heart, and Jian Heng stared at the pregnancy test stick in his hand for a long time, then asked, "Are we having a baby?"

  Balley was very happy, and smiled and stretched out his hand to pat Jian Heng: "Okay, go get the car ready and let's go to the hospital!"

Jian Heng heard what Damai said, so he happily walked out with the pregnancy test stick with two red lines. When he reached the door, he stopped suddenly and turned his head to look at Damai's stomach: "Do you think there is any pregnancy test? ?”

  Barley heard this and said, "Go to the hospital and see again!"

As soon as Jian Heng heard this, he felt that this made sense, so he nodded and braved the light snow outside to pick up the car, drove the Lexus at home, and spread the news that he was going to be a father, and Jian Heng naturally accepted it. When we arrived at the workers in the ranch, there was a series of blessings from the students.

After parking the car at the door of the house, Jian Heng directly hugged Mai into the back seat, then hugged Barley up, and drove the car to the nearest hospital through the snow with a smile on his face. Maybe he felt that humming a ditty while driving was not enough , picked up the phone and passed the good news of wheat to the parents in China.

   "Really?" The old couple were so happy that they really jumped up when they heard the news.

   "Hurry up, let's talk to Damai and Xiaomai, you step aside." Yuan Xiuying immediately kicked her son aside, and began to strongly demand to chat with her daughter-in-law.

  Jian Heng sent the mobile phone to the hands of the two, so the mobile phone never returned to Jian Heng's hands along the way, and Sun Xiuying kept talking to Damai and Mai about things to pay attention to along the way. When Jian Heng arrived, he was taught a lesson for free. Although the domestic parenting methods are different from those abroad, Barley and Wheat are obediently listening to Sun Xiuying share her parenting experience with great interest, as well as things to pay attention to during pregnancy.

   When we arrived at the hospital, Damai found out that he also had a child. Jian Heng immediately felt that he was surrounded by happiness, and smiled at the female nurse in the hospital for a long time.

  At this moment, Jian Heng couldn't help shouting in his heart: Double happiness!

  (end of this chapter)

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