Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 558: small rules

  Chapter 558 Small rules

The ratings of the TV series were good, higher than they expected, so Simon and Sean's first appearance on the small screen was considered a success, and the two managed to keep their hard-won jobs , The filming of the first season can be finished now, so the two have to stay in Los Angeles for a while now. As for the opening of the new classroom, naturally there is nothing wrong with them.

Damai and Maimai were pregnant, and Jian Heng naturally took over the two women's lessons. After two days of working, Damai and Maimai were not happy. As American women, the two of them seemed to have no concept of raising a baby, and the doctor also said Proper exercise is also good for the fetus.

  So within three days, the barley and wheat class started again.

In order to prevent the two women from working too hard, Jian Heng came up with a trick, that is, to fight the two sisters in the ring, and he added a strength class to himself. The number of people in the class has decreased by two-thirds, because Jian Heng's class here, everyone thinks the 'effect' is good.

As a result, there are only two or three kittens left at the two sisters Da Mai and Mai, and almost all of them are young kittens, that is, little models who have just come to train, and all of them are around 16 or 17 years old. On my side, I followed Jian Heng to train a healthy body.

Today, Jian Heng is giving lessons to the students in the strength room. Naturally, it is impossible for Jian Heng to do one-on-one classes. How can he come here with so many people? Generally speaking, they are in groups of two, and they do the movements alternately. Equipment can also be better utilized.

   "Clamping, the arms must be clamped, the bar is slowly moved along the knees, this stroke must be slow, it is not required to be fast and feel the force of the back at the same time...".

   Jian Heng stood next to a middle-aged white man with gray hair in his fifties. While correcting his movements, he stretched out his hand and pressed on his back, making his waist sink even more.

   Watching him do twelve reps and complete a set, Jian Heng kept motioning him to put down the barbell slowly.

   "How is it?" Jian Heng said to the middle-aged man who stood up and unbuttoned his waist support.

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "The effect is good. After two weeks of training with you, it seems that it has almost become a habit. If I don't practice for a while and lie on the bed every day, I feel like something is missing! "

   "This is a good thing. After practicing, sleep and other things have improved?" Jian Heng asked.

"It has improved a lot. I used to take a handful of medicine every day. During this time, I accidentally fell asleep on the table a few times while working, and I fell asleep until ten o'clock in the morning. After waking up from sleep, I felt really comfortable, and I was full of energy after working all day," the middle-aged man laughed.

   This is the middle-aged man who formed a group with him and said with a smile: "I told you to come, but you still don't believe me!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Jian Heng and asked, "When will it be our turn to enjoy the massage every day? We can only have one turn every four or five days now. After listening to Mr. Yao's class, we will massage our whole body in the massage room." That's the most comfortable, but it's a pity that we only have one turn in a few days!"

   "Jean, don't be reluctant to pay, why don't you find more massagers..." Another person also opened his mouth.

Mentioned the massage, and soon the students around also complained to Jian Heng, these people in the ranch are not short of money, what they lack is a place where they can spend money comfortably, like standing next to Jian Heng There are two of them, one is a justice and the other is a famous financial investor.

   "Yes, yes!" Everyone said one after another.

After hearing this, Jian Heng raised his hand: "This matter is actually not as easy as everyone thinks. You have to be talented in everything, but you have to stick to the bottom line when it comes to massage. Not everyone can become an outstanding person." For masseurs, I don’t think you haven’t found masseuses outside, you can know the difference without comparing them, don’t you?”

  Hearing Jian Heng's explanation, everyone also hummed. These people are not short of money, and it doesn't matter whether they are healthy or unhealthy if they spend money to find a massage.

   Just when Jian Heng explained to everyone that he had already urged Mr. Yao to train novices, he turned around and saw Toby waving at him. It seemed that he had something to say to himself

  Jian Chong signaled everyone to continue practicing, while he put on his coat and walked out of the room.

   "What's the matter?" Seeing the solemn expression on Toby's side, Jian Heng suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

  Toby didn’t say anything, just took out a tablet from the pocket next to his horse’s back, put it in front of Jian Heng and pressed play.

When Jian Heng saw it, he frowned quickly. The location on the screen was a forage field. In the screen, a handsome middle-aged man in his forties dragged a teenage woman in, and the two quickly stripped off. He took off his clothes and started a gut-wrenching battle.

   After turning off the video with a snap, Jian Heng turned to Toby and asked, "Who else knows?"

   "So far I'm the only Huang Xiaodong! Now you still know," Toby said.

  Jian Heng signaled Toby: "Go and call that woman over, give me this thing, and I'll call that man over!"

After Toby hummed, he paused and said: "Boss, I think this matter can be discussed again. You must know that their family is quite powerful. We directly swept away the star of hope of our family. Will it?"

"Is there anything wrong? The contract is not just for viewing. It's not okay to do things on my ranch. Besides, no matter how powerful they are, they can't be the masters of the United States. We can't withdraw this matter. Once they withdraw, the whole ranch will collapse. ".

  Toby thought for a moment, got on the horse again without saying a word, and went to call the female client.

  Jian Heng carried the tablet and entered the room. After walking around everyone, he found the man in the video. Everyone has heard the name of this man, and it is similar to the little mouse in a fairy tale when I was a child.

  This person is not a simple person, as Toby said, he came from a political family and is also one of the largest rancher families in Montana. The ranch under his name is nearly 150,000 acres, which can be said to spread across several states. Although it is not as famous as Bush and Ninide, but it is also a famous family at the level of Montenegro. Both his grandfather and uncle now enjoy a good reputation in the Republican Party, and he himself plans to run for mayor next year.

Under normal circumstances, Jian Heng doesn't want to do this, but he has no room for retreat in this matter, even if it is to stand up, or to kill chickens, this knife must be cut down, and in American politics, there is no such thing as officials and officials who have to crush people to death Well, their family is going to meet Jian Heng in Kalispell now, and it really looks like a 50-50 split.

   This person has been here for a week. Jian Heng had a good impression of him before, but he never thought that his first big knife would be cut on his head since he started accepting students from the ranch.

   "Baker, come here!" Jian Heng waved at Baker.

The 40-year-old Baker is the golden age of a man, and God has given him a good skin. His smile is a bit like Clark-Gable, who can make girls stunned for a while. Perhaps it was because of this and her background that the female model took off her clothes so quickly.

  At this time, Baker was still handsome, wiped the sweat off his face, followed Jian Heng out of the room with a smile on his face.

  However, when he saw something on the tablet, his smile disappeared immediately, his face was pale, and then he took a few long breaths, and asked Jian Heng: "What do you want?"

Jian Heng listened and smiled: "You think I'm blackmailing you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it and I don't bother to do it. We had a contract when you came in, that is, no one can do shameful things here. Even if you and this female model are out of the ranch, it’s none of my business to do it on the main road, but it’s not okay in my ranch, take your luggage and leave my ranch.”

"Then, can you give me this thing? I will agree as long as it is within the scope of my ability, but don't go too far. I can't help it if it is too much." Baker has not lost his mind yet. He knows that once this thing is leaked If he goes out, his entire political career will be declared over, so he must take this thing away, and if the price is right, he is ready to withdraw and sweep this matter into the trash.

   "It's okay to give it to you, and I don't need this. When I leave the ranch, this thing can be deleted in front of you," Jian Heng said.

   At this moment, the heroine of the video also came over. Jian Heng didn't say much, but asked her to pack up and leave the ranch like Baker.

Hearing what Jian Heng said, the female model suddenly burst into tears. For her, leaving the ranch means terminating the contract with the current agency. Except for some compensation fees, it is estimated that other modeling agencies will not Now give her a chance. Unknown scandals and twisted rumors are two different things. For a model, it can be a private bus or a bucket of paste, but as long as the name is a supermodel, it is not a problem.

"The best outcome now is for the two of you to leave the ranch with this thing. If this scandal spreads, it will not be good for your reputation." How could Jian Heng let this matter go because of a woman's tears, as the saying goes It’s good not to establish rules, but since you have rules, you have to abide by them, otherwise what is the difference from having no rules?

When things have come to this, it is impossible for Baker to let girls make trouble in this place. You must know that there are not only his friends but also his enemies here. There are also not only Republicans, but also many people from the Democratic Party. In order to keep his political So life kept making promises to the girl, and then pulled away the uncertain girl.

Jian Heng asked Toby to send them away, saying that they were sending them away, but in fact they were monitoring them. When Jian Heng returned to the strength room, many students seemed to understand something thoughtfully, but this is how these people are. Whether you are engaged in politics or business, or a big star, generally speaking, you still have enough brains, but Jane will not say anything if she guesses something, and everyone continues to focus on their actions and equipment while talking and laughing.

  After this time, many people who originally liked to flirt with women have relatively restrained themselves. There is nothing to do in the ranch, but Jian Heng is not in charge of the room outside the ranch in the small town.

  Jian Heng's headache is not which student has slept with which student, but his prospective father-in-law suddenly called and said that he is coming. When he thinks of someone more difficult to deal with than his prospective mother-in-law, Jian Heng feels a headache! What a headache!

  (end of this chapter)

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